Monday, June 20, 2016

The Gift

June 20, 2016

Dear Readers,

It's a glorious day in North Central Texas. My back and right leg/groin have been so much better the past couple days. I'm singing praises because I could stand through a whole song at church yesterday. That's progress!

I received a gift that spanned from Friday to Sunday. My love languages are quality time and words of affirmation AND my God-given child, Melissa, and my God-given granddaughter, Maddie, came all the way from Georgia to fill my love bank. I'm not used to being pampered and served in my own home and it was hard to accept that they were here to simply be of help in my need.

To use Pastor Rick's story telling lead in: Long Ago and Far Away

Melissa was eighteen when I met her. I had asked around our mini church for a person who was good to cut and style hair and her name came up.  I made an appointment and it wasn't long before I was sitting in her chair. I remember it like it was yesterday.

Melissa was vibrant and excited about life. (Maybe a little too excited!). She was struggling with her own demons and needed a mom. It wasn't long until I became her Dottie Mom ~ I shared my faith, and she became a Christian. Melissa stumbled and fell while I just simply loved her. The door to my home and heart was always open. No subject was off limits for us and honesty was there from the beginning.

There were times I wondered if love was enough with Melissa. I started sprinkling my love with Bible verses and direction. She asked to be held accountable. Our bond grew stronger and stronger. She was hungry and wanted what I had. She filled an empty spot in my own heart and we served one another.

Melissa got married and went on to have 4 beautiful children. She is an accomplished chef and household engineer. She lovingly respects her husband as head of their home and takes joy in serving him. Oh, you're thinking .... she's one of those submissive wives ... yuk, barf. No, it's not like that. Melissa is the master scheduler of the family ~ she is the grease that keeps the wheels turning. With four active children (who she home schooled until this past year) that excel in soccer and all sorts of extracurricular activities, she is constantly on the go.

You might be wondering about her faith? Melissa loves the Lord more than anything in this world. She's a mighty prayer warrior and she's been given the gift of prophetic word and healing. The heads of her church have made room for her as a respected leader. Give her a microphone and she will have you in stitches laughing then bring you to your knees in prayer. She recently went on a trip to the Holy Land traveling back by herself. Let me just say that she went through some scary times. She has a mighty strength and leads by example.

I am witnessing faith being passed from generation to generation and that makes my heart sing. It's not a notch in my belt, it's that quiet hum of planting seeds and sharing with others what I needed growing up.  Some accept my outstretched hand and others don't which is perfectly okay with me ... I do it just because...

What does love look like?

Melissa and Maddie arrived like a whirlwind of fresh air. They informed me that they were there to serve and to do anything I needed doing. We planned a sort of schedule and jammed so much into a couple days. I hadn't had a professional haircut in nearly 10 years so she gave me a new "do." They bathed 6 dogs and loved on them like they were the only dogs on earth. Finn couldn't stand to be away from them following them everywhere. It really was cute. Now that they're gone, he sits on the guest room bed sniffing and whining.

The frosting on the cake came when we all attended church. Our churches are quite different and Melissa and Maddie aren't big on country music. They went because they knew how important it would be if we worshiped together. We share the love of Jesus, right? Right. They were welcomed with such love and excitement. These are city girls who got a taste of the cowboy culture big time! I felt like a proud peacock sitting with my chicks AND they began to feel the Holy Spirit alive in that room. I talked with her this morning and she said they felt such genuine love and acceptance. Even Maddie at 15 said she loved it.

William our Music Minister
Photo Bombing

Where am I going with this story? Well, the bottom line is that the Lord gave me a glimpse of the past, present, and even of the future. I am reminded that as I give to the world, it will give to me. I received the gift of encouragement and affirmation. Their energy and time was focused on serving with a grateful heart. We had praises, deep conversations, and really listened to one another. Melissa and Maddie prayed over my situation and back. We were joined as one spirit - they spoke my love language and I spoke theirs.

Today my love bank is full, my cupboards are full, my dogs don't stink, my body is healing, and my spirit is soaring. The gift I gave over 20 years ago was returned 10 fold. For you, my precious Readers, I share this with you because there comes a time when the Holy Father reveals how your love and kindness helped others. THAT, my friends, is the best gift ever.

Dear God, as I reflect over the past few days, I want to say thank you for the gift of Jesus who died that we might be redeemed. I thank you for my church that is so very loving and open to all who walk through the doors. I thank you for instilling in me a love for your people. I ask boldly for healing from mental, physical, and emotional trials; travel mercies for those away from home; the restoration of hearts to working order, bodies with cancer renewed; relationships mended; and, truth to always be at the forefront of our decisions. I thank you for the message Melissa brought to me and I ask that You give me strength to move forward. In Your Holy Name I pray...Amen

Miss Dottie

PS  "What we are is God's gift to us. What we become is our gift to God." ~Eleanor Powell

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