Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Typical Tuesday

September 12, 2012

It's a lovely Fall morning in North Texas.  It's been such a wonderful reprieve from the staggering Texas heat of August.  I've been really out of commission for several weeks with neck and Fibro issues.  I can only roll over and play dead for so long and I just have to double my efforts to pick myself up and move forward.  It doesn't just happen ... I have to make myself do 'something' whether I feel like it or not.

I had decided yesterday that I would set a schedule for myself.  I remembered my oldest daughter as a child - she HATED mornings and getting up to go to school.  I would wake her a couple times, then, she would fling herself on to the floor her arms and legs flailing around until she could manage to drag herself into the bathroom.  I laugh every time I think of that but now, I totally understand.  It's REALLY tough to make myself do something that I don't feel like doing.  Believe me, I can dig up plenty of excuses and throw myself a real pity party.

Last night, we had a landscaper come and give us a bid on putting some grass in a small area of the back yard and put in a sprinkler system.  Michael hates yard work and, even though I don't mind, there are times when hauling hoses isn't feasible.  Since my motto of late is KISS, I have to remind myself that less is more.  I have learned from trial and error that roses do well here and most annuals do not.  Some perennials are tough as nails and some ... well, I need to not bother planting them.  The good news is that the Pecan Tree in the front yard is filled to the brim with pecans and we'll have a bumper crop this Fall.  I planted a Lime Tree in the Spring and got 4 limes off of it ... not because it didn't produce but because the squirrels would pick the fruit as soon as it was ready.  Bummers!  Thought about setting out a bottle of gin and some tonic water for them and telling them to "have at it!"

I have been paying bills this morning.  I don't know why I fought paying bills on line for so long ... it's so easy and I don't need to buy stamps and go to the post office.  I know our young people are computer savvy by the time they get to kindergarten but it takes us older folks awhile to catch on to all the new fangled conveniences.  I hold out then whap myself on the head for not getting in the groove sooner!!  I am glad that I have my grandchildren to prod me along although I think they get a kick out of helping me and me fussing over them telling them how smart they are!!

Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance?  They are winding down this season's show and goodness gracious this has been a spectacular year of amazing dancers.  There is one fellow in the finals (Cyrus) that has had no dance training and does this crazy animation-robotics dancing ... a couple others are ballet dancers (Eliana & Chehon) and last night I rediscovered my love of ballet as they performed.  A third young lady (Tiffany) is tiny, spunky and alive with movement.  I wonder who America will select??  I didn't vote this year because I loved them all!

My morning wouldn't be complete without reading in The Promise Study Edition Bible.  It's written in contemporary English and so easy to understand.  Today I was reading in Nehemiah 8....  It's remarkable that something written so long ago could be applied to today's living.  When we allow God's word to speak to our hearts often our first response is to be aware of our own sins.  When we realize that God has forgiven our sins, we can experience true joy and freedom.  I don't know about you but if I stood in front of someone hanging on a cross for "my" sins, I would be sobbing and so thankful.  I would want to know all about this man and what he stood for.  I would want to know why he thought I was worth dying for ... me a sinner with blemishes covering my body, mind, and spirit.

Today my goal is to neaten up the little cottage and maybe make a trip to Walmart.  I haven't driven anywhere in about three weeks so it's about time I got behind the wheel and got reacquainted with Lily.  She passed her inspection with flying colors and gets itchy to get out on the road and fly!!  If anyone tells you a Bug doesn't have pep, don't believe them!!  She's 3 years old this month ... my how time flies!  Seems like yesterday I drove her off the showroom floor.

Yesterday, I opened an email and got the news that a friend's husband is now on hospice.  I sat on the bed, numb, for quite some time.  I got up and stared out the french doors of the cottage.  I looked up at the sky and down at the dirt swirling as Sadie rolled around in it.  I said a prayer and realized how often I have gotten news that friends or family hasn't been doing well.  In fact, last night I was doing some googling on family members and quite by accident found that the man who gave me my first haircut had passed away.  When you get to be my age, those notices come way too often and not too far in between.  The circle of life marches round and round ... a man dies, a child is born and so it goes.

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. The human spirit has an amazing will. Albeit each individual has a different threshold regarding inactivity, it seems (at least most) people can only sit for so long then they need "to do something". Thank goodness God has given us so many instinctual needs and desires. Because at the end of our days, who wants to look back at their life with fond memories of t.v. shows, computer gaming, and sleeping! Glad you have the grit and determination to get up and move even when your body doesn't feel like it~ way to go!!

