Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Autumn Blessings

September 26, 2012
OOPS!!  I published a blog this morning then flipped back to blogspot.  The format is quite different than it has been and I figured I would delete old drafts.  Good grief!  I deleted the published blog...  Augh!  Mama told me there'd be days like this!!
Okay ... since the blog was written yesterday, let's try again today.  I'm still singing about Autumn blessings and hey, this will give us another chance to chat.  I appreciate your dropping by ... Coffee is for morning, so let's have a Coke and a sandwich as we visit.  It's a another gorgeous day here and I am invigorated by the cooler temperatures ... won't be long and I can fire up the chiminea!
The Autumn leaves have been falling making sweeping the walkway to the cottage a daily chore.  They are so pretty though and I love swishing through them.  The Summer garden has given way to the wonderful deep colors of red, burgundy, gold, yellow, purple, and shades of brown.  The mums I planted last year are covered in buds and will come ablaze with color within a couple weeks.  I figure any time I can keep my plants alive through the hot August heat, I've accomplished something!
"Be patient, then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains."

James 5:7 NIV

Yesterday I spent several hours in the garden watering and checking for weeds and bugs.  The leaves were gently falling down on my head and Toby was chasing them as they hit the ground.  He loves being outside with me helping me dig, pull, and fill trash bags!  Miss Houdini, Sadie, managed to scale the barrier I had placed in front of her "entrance to the world."  For a Scottie with short legs, she sure manages to climb and get where she wants to go.
I managed to climb down into the storm shelter and retrieve, Freddy, the Scarecrow and got him positioned beside the french doors of the cottage.  Will get more tubs of Autumn treasures out today and do a little sprucing up of the little casa and cottage for Fall.  I do a deep cleaning with the change of seasons so that's on the agenda as well.  Between you and me, I think small houses are harder to keep neat and clean than big houses!!
Yesterday, my friend, Beverly, phoned and asked if I needed anything from Walmart.  We had agreed to start carpooling on errands and this has been her week to drive.  Actually it's been saving on gas AND it's always nice to have the company.  We did our grocery shopping and had to make a sashay through the garden section to check out the bargain table.  I got a mum for between the two chairs outside facing the fountain for $2.22!!!  It's so pretty!!

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you."  John 15:12-15


After we dropped off our groceries, we decided to go to the local Chinese restaurant and share an entree of Shrimp Lo Mein.  We hadn't been there in quite some time.  It was so nice to actually sit down and get waited on.  My friend, Beverly, is a bargain clothes junky and asked if I minded if we stopped at the local Dress Barn (about the only place in town to shop for decent clothes) ... we'd both gotten coupons in the mail so I thought it would be fun to check out the newest Fall attire.  I get the biggest kick over watching Beverly drool and salivate over the newest styles, fabrics, textures, and colors.  She is a redhead with a personality to match!  Personally, I think she just loves to shop ... and shop ... and shop some more!!  I found some great socks in Fall colors at 75% off.  Can't beat that!!!!!

Every time Autumn rolls around I think about my childhood years in Minnesota.  Talk about God's paintbrush ... the trees would come live with color making hikes through wooded areas an adventure ... I found a leaf not long ago as I was going through a book I have kept.  It was pretty crumbled but it took me back to a elementary school combination science/art project. We had to find interestingly beautiful Fall leaves, name the tree, and make a picture using our imaginations and our leaves.  As the townsfolk would rake their leaves out to the street, the piles were fair game for kids looking for some fun.  I would jump into the mounds of leaves trying to see if I could become invisible!  I still think jumping through leaves is great fun.  Who can ever forget the taste of caramel apples, popcorn balls, and hot apple cider?  Yum!  The scent of burning leaves, bonfires?  Heavenly!  Hayrides?  Those bales of  prickery hay could be downright brutal on the skin but, the rides were such adventures!  Ah yes...what sweet memories!

High School Football Stadium - Allen, TX
Fall in Texas means FOOTBALL!  I've never seen marching bands performing more magnificently on fields of green, fans more exuberant, and entire cities so enthralled with the game.  A town just north of Dallas (Allen) just completed their new high school football field to the tune of $60M in time for their first game of the season.  For those of you who watched the TV series, Friday Night Lights, you got a glimpse of how crazy Texans get over high school football.  My son played receiver in high school so I got indoctrinated  right quick and joined the multitudes of fans cheering ... huddling close together sharing a blanket ... and, smearing my car with war paint!!  And, who can mention football without mentioning the illustrious Cowboys.  My daughter is a HUGE fan and does a war whoop running around their home each time a touchdown is scored.  If the Cowboys are playing, our TV is on full blast!!  How 'bout them boys?!

Autumn in Texas can be as colorful as Minnesota depending on the area you live in.  The arboretum and botanical gardens are places of beauty to explore on cooler Fall days.  The State Fair of Texas starts this Friday so Big Tex will be bellowing once again ... I think the newscaster said Tex is 60 years old.  He's a sight to behold.  When I lived close to the city, I used to take the Dart bus to the fair ... easy on and easy off.  Sights, sounds, and entertainment galore -- something fun for children/adults of all ages.  I might just have to make a trip north before the fair closes this year!!

President Obama vs Mitt Romney
This Fall we are in the middle of a political campaign between President Obama and Mitt Romney who are in competition for the position of President of the United States.  My Facebook page has been littered with friends trying to push the candidate they most favor.  Never before have I done so much research as to who is the best man for the job.  Our media doesn't really report truths accurately so for an Independent like me it's become an every day project to be able to sort out truth from fiction.  I am supporting Mitt Romney because I believe in his business expertise to turn this nation around.  What's been done, hasn't worked that well and the facts speak for themselves.  I don't mind those who share different opinions ... we have that FREEDOM in this country!!

That being said, no matter what may happen in this world, God is in ultimate control. As you see the seasons change, take time to reflect that the God who causes this to happen, is awesome and worthy of our wholehearted devotion and trust.  With each new day, we are covered knowing that He knows our needs, our sorrows, our joys!!

This is my Father’s world, and to my listening ears
All nature sings, and round me rings the music of the spheres.
This is my Father’s world: I rest me in the thought
Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
His hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father’s world. O let me ne’er forget
That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet.
Hymn, 1901
Don't you just love that old hymn?  I was humming that today as I thought about how precious our days are ... no matter what time of the year it is.  Autumn truly is a season in which we are blessed ... let us be thankful in ALL things.
Mexican Petunias from Miss Dottie's Fall Garden
Y'all take care now ... Miss Dottie signing off  for today
PS  Always remember you are loved and prayed for.  Gotcha covered!!

1 comment:

  1. It's hard to imagine that it is fall given how warm it is in Tampa, FL. I miss the change of seasons--we basically have summer all year long. Something is quite invigorating about change, so enjoy the cooler weather and some of your creativity my way! I took the month of October off and I look forward to catching up on your blogs. I love the words you write, your pictures, and how you weave God's words into every blog.

