Thursday, September 20, 2012

When God Draws Near

September 20, 2012

A couple days ago, the world lost a great man and heaven gained a faithful servant. When I awoke this morning, I was singing Taps and I wondered if Frank had been a scout. Whether he had been or not is pretty immaterial when I think about the life he led and the legacy he leaves behind. His death will leave quite a void yet we know God's plans and God's purpose don't end with the passing of a soul.
Day is done, gone the sun,
From the lake, from the hills, from the sky;
All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.
Fading light, dims the sight,
And a star gems the sky, gleaming bright.
From afar, drawing nigh, falls the night.
Thanks and praise, for our days,
'Neath the sun, 'neath the stars, neath the sky;
As we go, this we know, God is nigh.
Sun has set, shadows come,
Time has fled, Scouts must go to their beds
Always true to the promise that they made.
While the light fades from sight,
And the stars gleaming rays softly send,
To thy hands we our souls, Lord, commend.

Lately, the news of family and friends passing or going through heavy trials has multiplied and I find that my grief deepens.  Facebook as one of the new social medias has made news travel as fast as warp speed.  I had signed on Facebook and there it was ... news ... I felt numb and so helpless.  I wanted to get into my car and make the trip to North Texas and wrap my arms around the woman that so often wrapped her arms around me.

I've been in prayer for this family for many months and emails brought news of treatments, travel, decisions, and love.  The Lord would prompt me several times a day to bow my head and to lift up the faces before me.  My prayer time a few nights ago brought a vision ... a beautiful vision of angels surrounding Frank's bedside.  Yes, it was beautiful but I had tears streaming down my face because the angels were holding out their hands as if to usher him to heaven.  Even as I write about it now, my heart beat quickens...

Yesterday, I planted a Fig Tree in my garden in honor of Frank.  Each time I water it, I will remember how he cared for those around him (at work, his wife, his family, his friends, the stranger on the street) -- each time I pick it's fruit, I will remember Frank and how he left his imprint on those he touched.  The fruit of his spirit and his legacy will live on forever.  It is where I will pray for those individuals and families whose lives have been touched by the dreaded disease of cancer.

Readers, please join me in praying for a cure for cancer -- for strength, courage, and wisdom for those facing the journey after hearing the dreaded news ... "I'm sorry, it's cancer."  I doubt that there is a family on earth who has not been affected by this disease, mine included.

My faith has been strengthened by the example that Frank lived ... He was the wind beneath the wings of his beloved wife and my friend, Janene.  It was Janene who fueled the fire within me to not only be known as a believer but a true follower.  It was Janene who fed me book after book ... mentoring me, encouraging me, and, yes, telling me when I was off base and needed to rethink my thoughts or actions.  She would smile when she shared stories of her relationship with her husband giving me hope that love stories had happy endings.

When God draws near it is often with the whisper of "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."~~Matthew 11:28  Our Lord is a gentle, loving God filled with compassion and forgiveness.  It is into his lap I climb when life throw me a curve ball or I don't understand the hurts of this world.   Jesus said, "Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children."~~Matthew 19:14  Can't you just picture Frank climbing up on the lap of the God he knew so intimately?

A new day dawns ... the sun is shining brightly welcoming me into a new day.  The aroma of the cup of coffee my husband left on my nightstand brings a smile to my face.  It has become a morning ritual that I love and know I would miss if he were gone tomorrow.

When God draws near, I am at peace knowing He is in control and that He is Lord of my life and the lives of believers everywhere.  For those who have passed, the day is done ... gone the sun.  Yet, we must remember that their lives were just the beginning ... the transformation from mortal to a soul in heaven.  I can hear it now ... Jesus welcoming Frank through the pearly gates saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"~~Matthew 25:23
Those who are left behind, grieve and remember...  Tears are shed for lives cut short ... joy is shared in knowing our loved ones are with the master in heaven.  No more pain ... no more fight of survival in their earthly bodies ... they are whole, they are redeemed, they are welcomed into eternal life by the Master himself.  Yet ... the sting remains ... the loss ... the grave ... the reality of the circle of life.  We are, after all, human beings hanging on to our memories and the hope of a reunion to come.

Always remember, I am loving and praying for each person that reads my blogs.  It is such an honor to be in a place where my soul is at peace knowing that God will not take me where he will not sustain me and that I can offer that hope to others.  May the seeds I plant grow abundantly as they are watered by those who come after me.

Miss Dottie signing off for today saying "See you in heaven, Frank!"


1 comment:

  1. So....why a fig tree? Is the fig tree symbolic in some way? I think it is pretty special that you remembered a dear friend with something you will tend to for years to come. May Frank's spirit live on....he sounds like a wonderful person.

    Love ya~
