May 29, 2013
Dear Readers,
A top of the morning to y'all! Hope that you're having a super day filled with love, laughter, and serenity!!
What do you think of this suitcase? Every time I look at this photo, I get the giggles. It's a perfect Miss Dottie getaway piece!! Ah yes, it would be so nice to pack it with some essentials and hit the road. BUT (don't you just hate that word BUT?) my days of much traveling may be slowing down.
Yesterday was another first ... the day I bought my first cane. My friend, Beverly, went with me to Burke's to assist me with my selection. Turned out they only had a couple so I picked out the less ugly of the two. Believe me, I will be on the lookout for a cane more becoming! Somehow, a utility type cane doesn't fit my personality!!
If you've been following my blogs, you've known my struggles with Fibromyalgia, arthritis, and Degenerative Disk Disease. Time goes by so quickly and my ability to get up from a sitting position has gotten more and more difficult. I've always been a person who finds a way to adjust to my circumstances and rise above them so I figured if Jesus could carry a walking stick, I could too! Once I get up and get going, I do pretty well which is a good thing!!
Twenty years ago, I was lifting weights and going with the speed of a locomotive. I thought that I could climb mountains and dance the night away (which I could and did!). Never in a million years did I ever think that arthritis would eat away at my spine. Ten years ago, I was still very much a go-getter. I'd just gotten a new job which I loved and was engaged to marry Michael. My family was expanding with new grandkids and life was not only good but great!! I had decided to build a new house in McKinney, Texas and begin a new chapter in my book of life. Life was full of smiles, friends, fun and busyness! I was on my way...
So, what happened? Life happened. I didn't plan to get on that roller coaster of health challenges but somehow, I got handed a ticket. I will never forget the day that changed my life forever ... November 4, 2004. That was the day that I had 360 back surgery. For those of you who are saying, "What is that?" ... my surgeon opened me up from the front, fixed one side of my spine then turned me over and opened me up from the back and fixed that side. I spent six weeks flat on my back while I healed. I must say, the surgery was a great success; however, once that was fixed, other areas started to crumble. Since 2004, I cannot tell you how many major surgeries I have had on my lumbar/cervical spine and feet. With each surgery, I prayed for a miracle of healing ~~ I did everything the doctors told me to do and stayed positive. BUT (ugh, there's that word again!)...
There have been some things in my life that have been out of my control. As a "fixer" and a "pray-er," I have always felt that for every challenge there was a solution. I still feel that way. I may not be able to sit for any length of time without stiffness and getting up may be a challenge; however, my cane will enable me to get my "get up" going. The Internet has been a great tool in helping me understand my challenges and offer solutions. One thing is LOUD AND CLEAR: To give in to the pain and sit means disaster for me in the long haul.
To write my blog means my fingers, albeit crooked and swollen, will stay limber. To use my cane will enable me to continue to garden, rise from seated positions easier, and walk further distances. To continue to read scripture and positive books keeps my mind sharp and forward thinking. Life is just different than it was even six months ago. For those of you that are experiencing challenges you didn't sign up for, I want to encourage you to keep on keepin' on. Use what you have to make stepping stones to a brighter tomorrow no matter what tomorrow brings.
Today is a new day and I am grateful for my yesterdays. I am grateful that my struggles have made me strong, mentally and spiritually. To be strong mentally and spiritually has enabled me to work through the physical maladies. If you are young, take good care of yourself knowing that life throws curve balls. Don't take your health for granted thinking it will always be with you. Build a firm foundation in faith, love, and the Lord God!!
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... NO BUTS!!
Miss Dottie
PS "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." ~~2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Friday, May 24, 2013
The Walking Stick
"The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.~~Frank Lloyd Wright
May 24, 2013
Happy Memorial Day Weekend! Let's put out our flags, fire up the grill, and enjoy a fun-filled weekend. I wonder if they are still having a parade in Glenwood, Minnesota and a program at the cemetery? I hope so...
I remember and admire the soldiers who fought for our country in my family. I am filling out paperwork for The Daughters of the American Revolution and am excited to learn about Nathaniel Hall. Who knew that I would be researching his life in 2013!! Like my faith, I think it's important to pass on the knowledge that my mother's family can be traced back to the Mayflower and includes a list of prominent adventuresome folks. It helps me understand myself and my quest for adventure and blazing new trails. I come from a long line of strong patriots! I like that!!
Along with my lineage of strength has come a struggle with degenerative disk disease, arthritis, and Fibromyalgia (brought on by my many surgeries since 2004). The past couple months have been particularly challenging. I keep fighting and it keeps overtaking me. It is particularly difficult (physically) for me to get out of bed in the morning so I am thinking that a cane might be helpful to lean on. I also have difficulty getting up from a sitting position and it would be good to help pull me up. I know Burke's has some canes so I will get one of those plain wood ones in hopes I can find a more colorful one as I am breezing through antique shops.
It makes me sad to think that I might need to use a (gulp) walking stick. Then, I started remembering paintings and photos of men AND WOMEN who used canes not only out of necessity but as an accessory. Michelle Prima wrote a wonderful article about the history of walking sticks which you might want to check out on the Internet. I am going to choose to say that my walking stick will be used as a weapon on walks as well as a decorative appendage. I have to think about my cane in a positive way rather than dwell on my health issues. Once I get rollin', I walk fine ... my git up just needs a bit of help to get movin'!! I'll just consider this another round in my life's path of adventures!!
"Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,
but beautiful old people are works of art."~~Eleanor Roosevelt
Michael and I shared our plans for the weekend as well as my reasons for wanting a walking stick. After my many pleadings for, "Help me get up," he agreed that it would be worth a try. We laughed at the thought of Dottie the Energizer Bunny needing a cane ~~ can't you just see me zipping around waving my cane?! It'll come in handy too when I am digging in my garden and need something to help me get up. Ah yes... Dare I say I am looking forward to stop yelling for help and might be able to get movin' and groovin' on my own? I think so...
"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
~~CS Lewis
I have prayed til I am blue in the face for a healing of my Fibromyalgia and arthritis. As of this morning, that miracle hasn't happened. That being said, it's just a thorn in my side and I must keep moving forward doing the most I can do with what I have and who I am.
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... each and every day!!
Miss Dottie
PS "Grow old with me the best is yet to come."~~Robert Browning Mr. Browning, I believe that with all my heart!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Prayer to The Father
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Miss Dottie & Maddy Belle December 2000 Praying with my granddaughter! |
May 18, 2013
Dear God,
I've been praying and asking for your direction in my life for many years now; and, for the past several years, I've been so excited to share your Good News across the world through my blog. We make quite a team wouldn't you say, Lord? I sit down at my computer and you guide my fingers across the keys!
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me and gave himself for me."
~~Galatians 2:20
What I really love doing the most in this world is talking with You. We have these great conversations and you lead me to different passages in your book, The Bible. I ask questions and before I know it, my answer comes in loud and clear. I think that's cool. Too bad I sometimes question your answer because I think "I" know best. I must remember:
"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness,..."
~~2 Timothy 3:16
Were you testing me today, God? I left home with $80.00 in my wallet ~~ enough to pick up dog toys, dog food, Vitamin B12, and 4 bags of mulch. I'd have enough left over to carry me through the next couple weeks. That was "my" plan. As a retired from the work force lady, I've had to count my pennies; and, yet, I praise you for what I have. I know that if I am meant to do something or buy something, you'll see to it that it's possible. Thank you for those miracles!
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for us to do."
~~Ephesians 2:10
As I stood by the pet toys trying the squeakers and deciding which toys Zeke, Kennedy, and Toby would like, I noticed that there was a woman (I will call her Mary) in one of those battery run carts behind me. I turned to ask her if I needed to move. When Mary opened her mouth, my first thought was, "Oh dear, here we go again." She told me her story of her daughter being with her father, falling ill, and being taken to the hospital. She said she just heard (she had an inexpensive cell phone in her hand) and didn't have money to drive to where her daughter was. She hated to ask for money but could I give her a little. I looked Mary straight in the eye. "I have no way of telling if you are telling me the truth and I've been hustled here before for money BUT God is telling me to give you $20.00 and I will do that. However, I want you to know that ultimately it is God who you will answer to as to how you use what I give you."
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding,.."
~~Proverbs 3:5
Mary unfolded the twenty dollar bill and started sobbing and right there in the middle of the aisle at Walmart. Lord, I felt you nudging me, so I held her as tears wracked her body. I didn't worry about the people that were staring, I just knew those tears were real and she needed to know God had heard her. She asked if I would pray for Angel, her daughter who was ill and I said I would. Still crying, she drove away.
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."
~~Colossians 3:12
One part of me, Lord, was disgusted with myself for giving her the money I would need over the next week. Another part of me, grieved that this woman needed to beg for what she needed (whatever it really was). My eyes filled with tears and I prayed for Angel ... I am still praying for Angel and for Angels everywhere.
Lord God in Heaven, help me to remember how much you love ALL your children. It is not up to me to judge my fellowman because I am not walking in their shoes. There are times when I know that I am being hustled and I boldly turn those people away. Other times, there's this voice inside my heart that prompts me to be your ambassador. I'm not rich, Lord, and you know my needs and struggles ... I know that as I obey you and take care of others, you will take care of me.
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."
~~Matthew 7:1-5
Father, I thank you for all you do for your children, including me. Help me not to question you when You ask me to do something. I pray that I will be alert to the sound of your voice and that the Spirit will fill me to overflowing that I might become a beautiful woman like the Proverbs 31 Woman.
As I turn out the lights and tuck my sweet dogren in to bed, I know you'll be with me throughout the night and together we'll welcome a new day! I pray for my Readers, family, and friends, Lord. I pray for miracles in their lives and that those miracles would be so obvious that they would shout praises to all around them!
I love you, Lord!
Miss Dottie
PS I hear you, Lord... "The truth is, anything you refused to do for any of my people here, you refused to do for me."~~Matthew 25:45
Joy in the Morning
May 16, 2013
Dear Readers,
My morning yesterday was filled with puppy love and looking forward to relaxing on a drizzly cloudy day. My evening was filled with anxiousness with all the storm warnings filling the TV screen. We were fortunate to have sustained only wind and heavy rain. Others just miles northwest of us weren't so lucky.
I stayed up late listening to the storm updates in the counties hit by tornadoes. It was so dark and impossible to assess the damage, loss of life, and injuries. Granbury was requesting all available ambulances and first responders to head for their small city reporting "multiple casualties." A mile wide tornado was reported heading for Cleburne and I was frantically praying that it would lift over the city. Praise God, it did and there weren't any fatalities there. This morning, Granbury reported 6 deaths, 7 missing, and over 200 treated for injuries.
What is it really like being in the center of a storm that can wipe you off the face of the earth? There have been many different people interviewed; some, have been very emotional. I've never been in a tornado like that but I felt their helplessness. Like the fertilizer plant explosion in West, the first plan of action was SURVIVAL! Some from the Granbury area described the scene as horrific ... the walking wounded were bloodied and in shock.
Are we ever really prepared for the storms in our lives that are beyond our control? I doubt it. We can think we are prepared; but, in reality, when the world around us is suddenly leveled and we're standing there with only the clothes on our backs, what do we do? When the fertilizer plant exploded in West, those survivors began to band together to help one another. When the tornadoes hit in Granbury and Cleburne, survivors began to band together to help one another. Same with the bombing at the Boston Marathon.
That bonding of "together we can make it" makes me feel good. The t-shirts that say, "I survived the ________ in ______," take on a special meaning to those who wear them. As we survive various trials, there is a sense of thankfulness that comes no matter how much was lost. I have written in the inside cover of one of my most read Bibles, "Thank you for the hard times." I meant that because in those times, I have grown the most.
When I had to literally run from my big house in a prestigious part of North Texas in 2002, I was in shock. I could only put one foot in front of the other and do what I was told. I lived in a shelter with other women and children and, strangely enough, it was okay. We shared a common thread and we wanted to help each other survive. Actually, we didn't only want each other to survive, we wanted to help each other thrive!! As for me, it meant starting over. I praised God and danced in my tiny apartment. My time there was one of the happiest of my life. I had my Pomeranian, Khelsea, a job I loved, and time to regroup.
There is joy in the morning after the dreaded storms of life. Don't you know that those folks in Cleburne rejoiced at daybreak knowing their loved ones were safe? Don't you know those folks in Granbury grabbed their families and friends and hugged them tightly? Those that lost loved ones are struggling, I am sure. For them, their joy will take time to return ... with the Lord to lean on, it will.
There are many who have had their faith tested in the storms of life. Those unfair moments, those trials, those dreaded storms can either make us bitter or better. We are free to choose! I will tell you this: If you choose to be bitter, you might become so wrapped up in the wrong that you can't enjoy the gift of the present. Wouldn't you rather stand up, grieve the injustice, and move on? That, my Readers, is my hope for you. I remember the day so vividly when I stood up, looked at the heavens and said, "God, this wasn't fair and it wasn't what I signed up for; BUT I will not allow this situation to steal one more moment of my peace. Besides, you have promised to restore what the locust has eaten (Joel 2:25). Amen"
Always remember you are loved and prayed for AND that joy does come in the morning!
Miss Dottie
PS "When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about." ~~Haruki Murakami That's for sure!!
Dear Readers,
My morning yesterday was filled with puppy love and looking forward to relaxing on a drizzly cloudy day. My evening was filled with anxiousness with all the storm warnings filling the TV screen. We were fortunate to have sustained only wind and heavy rain. Others just miles northwest of us weren't so lucky.
I stayed up late listening to the storm updates in the counties hit by tornadoes. It was so dark and impossible to assess the damage, loss of life, and injuries. Granbury was requesting all available ambulances and first responders to head for their small city reporting "multiple casualties." A mile wide tornado was reported heading for Cleburne and I was frantically praying that it would lift over the city. Praise God, it did and there weren't any fatalities there. This morning, Granbury reported 6 deaths, 7 missing, and over 200 treated for injuries.

Are we ever really prepared for the storms in our lives that are beyond our control? I doubt it. We can think we are prepared; but, in reality, when the world around us is suddenly leveled and we're standing there with only the clothes on our backs, what do we do? When the fertilizer plant exploded in West, those survivors began to band together to help one another. When the tornadoes hit in Granbury and Cleburne, survivors began to band together to help one another. Same with the bombing at the Boston Marathon.
That bonding of "together we can make it" makes me feel good. The t-shirts that say, "I survived the ________ in ______," take on a special meaning to those who wear them. As we survive various trials, there is a sense of thankfulness that comes no matter how much was lost. I have written in the inside cover of one of my most read Bibles, "Thank you for the hard times." I meant that because in those times, I have grown the most.
"Comfort and prosperity have never enriched the world
as much as adversity has."
~~Billy Graham
When I had to literally run from my big house in a prestigious part of North Texas in 2002, I was in shock. I could only put one foot in front of the other and do what I was told. I lived in a shelter with other women and children and, strangely enough, it was okay. We shared a common thread and we wanted to help each other survive. Actually, we didn't only want each other to survive, we wanted to help each other thrive!! As for me, it meant starting over. I praised God and danced in my tiny apartment. My time there was one of the happiest of my life. I had my Pomeranian, Khelsea, a job I loved, and time to regroup.
Psalm 30:5 says, "... weeping may stay for the night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning."
There is joy in the morning after the dreaded storms of life. Don't you know that those folks in Cleburne rejoiced at daybreak knowing their loved ones were safe? Don't you know those folks in Granbury grabbed their families and friends and hugged them tightly? Those that lost loved ones are struggling, I am sure. For them, their joy will take time to return ... with the Lord to lean on, it will.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and
my burden is light."
~~Matthew 11:28-30
There are many who have had their faith tested in the storms of life. Those unfair moments, those trials, those dreaded storms can either make us bitter or better. We are free to choose! I will tell you this: If you choose to be bitter, you might become so wrapped up in the wrong that you can't enjoy the gift of the present. Wouldn't you rather stand up, grieve the injustice, and move on? That, my Readers, is my hope for you. I remember the day so vividly when I stood up, looked at the heavens and said, "God, this wasn't fair and it wasn't what I signed up for; BUT I will not allow this situation to steal one more moment of my peace. Besides, you have promised to restore what the locust has eaten (Joel 2:25). Amen"
Always remember you are loved and prayed for AND that joy does come in the morning!
Miss Dottie
PS "When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm's all about." ~~Haruki Murakami That's for sure!!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Pied Piper of Dogdom
May 15, 2013
Dear Readers,
What a wonderful lazy day in Central Texas! The sun was out for just a few moments then the clouds took over and we got some misting rain. I took the "Fabulous Four" on a walk through the gardens this morning and felt like the Pied Piper of Dogdom!
I can totally understand how hoarding of animals starts out. God put it on my heart to adopt a rescue and we decided on Kennedy. If there was a poster for the perfect dog, Kennedy would be front and center. He needed a good home, we had room in our home and hearts and that was that. Good for him, good for us!
Then came Zeke. Zeke's foster mom, Laura, was on her way to Waco to deliver a rescue (Moonpie) to his new family and stopped by to show us Zeke. Well, Zeke stole our hearts and created such a stir that we fell in love (again) and I knew he wasn't going back to Fort Worth.
We'll never forget our first 30 minutes with Zeke. We took the dogs to the back yard so they could (ahem) take care of business and play. Zeke spotted the gate and before we knew it, he had wiggled his 4+ pound body under it and was off. Michael took off after him and I went to get my shoes. When I got to the front of the house, Michael was laying on the ground trying to coax this white bundle of fur to come to him. Nope! Zeke decided to head down Franklin Street. By this time, I had joined the chase.
Zeke headed for the horse pasture a block away. Just as I reached the pasture, he headed under the fence (barbed wire lined with electric current). I stood there watching hopelessly as the horses started chasing him towards the pond. I prayed thinking "Laura is going to kill me if anything happens to this dog." I saw Zeke go around a huge pile of dirt in front of the pond and the horses stopped. I walked further along the fence crying out "Zeke ... Zeke!"
Covered with mud and God knows what else, a water logged Zeke came zooming around the pile of dirt and headed back towards the fence (again, horses on his tail). He saw me, zipped around me and headed back towards the house running smack dab in the center of the busy street. I am waving at cars, Michael is in my car trying to get ahead of him, and Zeke is oblivious. He is running at the speed of lightening.
Michael was able to pull the car in a driveway a few houses down and Zeke spotted him and turned around. Our neighbor has an SUV similar to Laura's and Zeke stopped and wanted to get in it. Michael laid down on the street and called him. FINALLY, Zeke got close enough to be nabbed. Michael and I were huffing and puffing and Zeke? He nestled down in my arms and was content as a bug in a rug. Could I see a hint of a grin on his face? I looked at Michael and he looked at me. Were we up to handling this 4 pound ball of fire? Yep! Zeke may be our challenge BUT it will be a fun challenge!!
There are so many dogs needing homes. Rescue groups are full to capacity and dogs are being turned away to God only knows what fate. It would be so easy to keep adding dogs telling ourselves that we were offering them a better life. YET, we also know that with each rescue we have a responsibility to feed, get them good medical care, love, and train them. Sadie, Toby, and Kennedy need daily attention ... little Zeke is still a puppy and needs a watchful eye and training. We have our hearts and hands full and we know that.
I love animals of all kinds but, most of all, I have an affection for small dogs ~~the Pomeranian, most of all. Strange considering we have a Scottish Terrier, a Yorkie-Poo, a Pom-Chi, and, now, a Maltese. My daughter said, "Mom, are you working your way to your 6 pound Pomeranian?" I laughed ... God willing, one day ... one day but, not today.
As a Senior, I've wondered how I can make a difference in this world. I'm not able to travel the world and my family is no longer close by. I don't like being a long distance grandmother but, in today's world, that's a pretty common occurance. Most days, you'll find me at home, digging in the dirt AND playing Pied Piper to my "Fabulous Four." Both passions bring a smile to my face and a spring to my step. I guard my time with the Lord and am able to pray as I go about my day. Is that enough? For today, "yes."
PS "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." ~~Louis Sabin
Dear Readers,
What a wonderful lazy day in Central Texas! The sun was out for just a few moments then the clouds took over and we got some misting rain. I took the "Fabulous Four" on a walk through the gardens this morning and felt like the Pied Piper of Dogdom!
I can totally understand how hoarding of animals starts out. God put it on my heart to adopt a rescue and we decided on Kennedy. If there was a poster for the perfect dog, Kennedy would be front and center. He needed a good home, we had room in our home and hearts and that was that. Good for him, good for us!
Then came Zeke. Zeke's foster mom, Laura, was on her way to Waco to deliver a rescue (Moonpie) to his new family and stopped by to show us Zeke. Well, Zeke stole our hearts and created such a stir that we fell in love (again) and I knew he wasn't going back to Fort Worth.
We'll never forget our first 30 minutes with Zeke. We took the dogs to the back yard so they could (ahem) take care of business and play. Zeke spotted the gate and before we knew it, he had wiggled his 4+ pound body under it and was off. Michael took off after him and I went to get my shoes. When I got to the front of the house, Michael was laying on the ground trying to coax this white bundle of fur to come to him. Nope! Zeke decided to head down Franklin Street. By this time, I had joined the chase.
Covered with mud and God knows what else, a water logged Zeke came zooming around the pile of dirt and headed back towards the fence (again, horses on his tail). He saw me, zipped around me and headed back towards the house running smack dab in the center of the busy street. I am waving at cars, Michael is in my car trying to get ahead of him, and Zeke is oblivious. He is running at the speed of lightening.
Michael was able to pull the car in a driveway a few houses down and Zeke spotted him and turned around. Our neighbor has an SUV similar to Laura's and Zeke stopped and wanted to get in it. Michael laid down on the street and called him. FINALLY, Zeke got close enough to be nabbed. Michael and I were huffing and puffing and Zeke? He nestled down in my arms and was content as a bug in a rug. Could I see a hint of a grin on his face? I looked at Michael and he looked at me. Were we up to handling this 4 pound ball of fire? Yep! Zeke may be our challenge BUT it will be a fun challenge!!
There are so many dogs needing homes. Rescue groups are full to capacity and dogs are being turned away to God only knows what fate. It would be so easy to keep adding dogs telling ourselves that we were offering them a better life. YET, we also know that with each rescue we have a responsibility to feed, get them good medical care, love, and train them. Sadie, Toby, and Kennedy need daily attention ... little Zeke is still a puppy and needs a watchful eye and training. We have our hearts and hands full and we know that.
I love animals of all kinds but, most of all, I have an affection for small dogs ~~the Pomeranian, most of all. Strange considering we have a Scottish Terrier, a Yorkie-Poo, a Pom-Chi, and, now, a Maltese. My daughter said, "Mom, are you working your way to your 6 pound Pomeranian?" I laughed ... God willing, one day ... one day but, not today.
As a Senior, I've wondered how I can make a difference in this world. I'm not able to travel the world and my family is no longer close by. I don't like being a long distance grandmother but, in today's world, that's a pretty common occurance. Most days, you'll find me at home, digging in the dirt AND playing Pied Piper to my "Fabulous Four." Both passions bring a smile to my face and a spring to my step. I guard my time with the Lord and am able to pray as I go about my day. Is that enough? For today, "yes."
ALWAYS remember YOU, my Readers, are loved and prayed for.
Miss Dottie
PS "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." ~~Louis Sabin
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Removal - Heart of Stone
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."
~~Ezekiel 36:26
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Dear Readers,
I hope that this day brings sunshine and love to your heart. I woke up to four little tiny paws standing on my chest. I opened my eyes to a 4+ pound rascal needing to head outside. How could I not smile??
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: On Mother's Day, we adopted another rescue ~~ a Maltese by the name of Zeke. I think we're probably at the limit for dogs within the city limits so let's just say our family is complete. Zeke (there are times when I call him Ezekiel!) is a bundle of joy who can leap tall buildings and run with the speed of lightning. (More about that in another blog!)
There was a time in my life when the hurt that was in me consumed me. My anger spewed out and I found myself lashing out at others. I flip flopped from being that kind, loving woman to a force to be reckoned with. Oh, I justified my anger saying that ___________ hurt me. I called it righteous anger. What I needed to realize was that I was choosing people that weren't good for me emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Until I could say that it wasn't "them," it was "me," I couldn't move forward. I needed to find the root and, by the Grace of God, and some pretty amazing people, I dug deep into the bowels of my mind and heart.
Speaking of JOY!! Psalm 30 promises us that weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning. Each morning brings a new day, new adventures, new life, a new slate, a chance to start over. Jesus tells us that we are to be ready to give an account for our joy, our transformation. Just sayin'. When you get rid of that heart of stone and get some JOY, pass it on!!
I was praying this morning and God told me that someone out there needed to hear this message today. I am merely the messenger ... a woman that was so broken and battered that my soul was black and blue ... a woman who laid at the feet of the living God only to be raised to a newness of life. Was it easy? The decision was, yes. Then came the tough part. The road to wellness took time, prayer, and dedication to learning new ways of dealing with pain. Is my life perfect? Heck no. I still struggle and have to stay grounded in my faith or I fall back into old habits. The good news is that I recognize that pit and realize that I can't go there.
As for you, my Readers. I continue to pray for you and for your trials and triumphs. God knows and, just like He heard my cries, He hears yours.
Miss Dottie
PS "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." ~~ Galations 2:20
Moth Balls, Rose Water Perfume, & Old Spice
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Dear Readers,
Good Morning! It is so beautiful here this morning. I am being serenaded by the chimes and birds singing their hearts out. We had plenty of rain the past couple days which really perked my gardens up. It's hard not to feast my eyes on the flowers rather than my computer. I am sitting in the cottage with a bird's eye view of the backyard. Toby, Sadie, and Kennedy are out stretched out basking in the sun.
This Mother's Day will be another first in my life. All my mothers are now in heaven. I lost my mom 25 years ago on May 6 and we lost Mom S just 4 short months ago. The circle of life becomes more evident with each passing year -- that realization that life on earth ends for all of us. I can say that age is just a number BUT, in reality, I am, with some exceptions, that oldest generation that will fade away in time.
When I was a young girl, my father would go to the florist shop and order carnation corsages for Grandma Maggie, Grandma Belle, and my mother. I loved them and couldn't wait for the day that I would receive a corsage of my own to wear to church on Mother's Day. Gradually over the years, the gifting of corsages has become passe. In fact, I don't think I've ever gotten one. Boo hiss! Every now and then, I see a few corsages -- mainly on elderly women who remember the tradition and have children my age who remember.
I decided to do a little research on the old tradition of corsages on Mother's Day (the Internet is a wonderful encyclopedia!) so here ya go:
Back in the 1950's and 1960's, folks used carnations of different colors to indicate whether you are showing your love and respect for a mother who is alive or dead. Red and pink carnations are meant to honor a mother who is alive and white carnations are used to honor a mother who is dead. My mother and grandmothers used to ooh and aah over their corsages ~~ my father would smile. First, we would go to church, then visit Grandma Maggie, then drive 30 miles to visit Grandma Belle.
Holidays and special days were ALWAYS a time for family get-togethers. I vaguely remember the real old-timers (my grandmothers' families and friends) ~~ it never occurred to me that I would ever get that old. They walked with canes, had deep wrinkles, and wore funny clothes! They even smelled different ~~ a combination of moth balls, rose water perfume, and Old Spice!
I left home at 17 to go to college and married at 19. I wasn't at home for very many Mother's Days after that. I don't know if the buying of corsages continued. I've learned that until I have experienced the loss, it's often times hard to completely understand what finality is. I always called my mother and sent Mother's Day cards and flowers; but, looking back, I wonder if I hurt her heart. She never said; I never asked. Everyone who has family members scattered over the world can relate to what I am saying.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I will miss my mother and my grandmothers. I will miss the family get-togethers where the women gathered to celebrate motherhood. As a child I thought that those family gatherings would go on forever. As a child I thought that all the hoopla surrounding the flowers was so cool. As a child, I smiled celebrating this day with church, lots of cousins, food, laughter and those beautiful corsages! I had a sense of belonging, a sense of unity, a sense of what was beautiful and spoke to the heart. I am grateful for those times.
Since I am a survivor of childhood trauma, you're probably wondering why I am writing about all the good things from my childhood. I write about them because there were many good things as well as the bad. Once I flushed the evil from my heart and mind and forgave my tormentors, I was free to move on. I'll never forget because those awful memories spur me on to be a kind, gentle woman. Because I keep the Lord as my center, I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind and spirit. I am a miracle!!
I am smiling as I take my trip back to moth balls, rose water perfume, and Old Spice. I am smiling remembering the carnation corsages. I am smiling remembering climbing out of the car at each stop on Mother's Day and being greeted by relatives excited to see my family. That's the good stuff life is made of!! Those are the precious stories that need to be passed on from generation to generation.
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS "If I had a flower for each time I thought of My Mother, I could walk in my garden forever."~~Unknown
Dear Readers,
Good Morning! It is so beautiful here this morning. I am being serenaded by the chimes and birds singing their hearts out. We had plenty of rain the past couple days which really perked my gardens up. It's hard not to feast my eyes on the flowers rather than my computer. I am sitting in the cottage with a bird's eye view of the backyard. Toby, Sadie, and Kennedy are out stretched out basking in the sun.
Grandma Belle and my mother |
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Grandma Maggie |
When I was a young girl, my father would go to the florist shop and order carnation corsages for Grandma Maggie, Grandma Belle, and my mother. I loved them and couldn't wait for the day that I would receive a corsage of my own to wear to church on Mother's Day. Gradually over the years, the gifting of corsages has become passe. In fact, I don't think I've ever gotten one. Boo hiss! Every now and then, I see a few corsages -- mainly on elderly women who remember the tradition and have children my age who remember.
I decided to do a little research on the old tradition of corsages on Mother's Day (the Internet is a wonderful encyclopedia!) so here ya go:
I found that carnations have been traditionally associated with Mother's Day. This association (according to legend) goes back to the passion of the Christ. Seeing Christ's sufferings, his mother Mary shed tears which fell on the ground. These tears are supposed to have turned into the fragrant and beautiful carnations. Pink carnations stand for always on my mind.
Back in the 1950's and 1960's, folks used carnations of different colors to indicate whether you are showing your love and respect for a mother who is alive or dead. Red and pink carnations are meant to honor a mother who is alive and white carnations are used to honor a mother who is dead. My mother and grandmothers used to ooh and aah over their corsages ~~ my father would smile. First, we would go to church, then visit Grandma Maggie, then drive 30 miles to visit Grandma Belle.
Holidays and special days were ALWAYS a time for family get-togethers. I vaguely remember the real old-timers (my grandmothers' families and friends) ~~ it never occurred to me that I would ever get that old. They walked with canes, had deep wrinkles, and wore funny clothes! They even smelled different ~~ a combination of moth balls, rose water perfume, and Old Spice!
I left home at 17 to go to college and married at 19. I wasn't at home for very many Mother's Days after that. I don't know if the buying of corsages continued. I've learned that until I have experienced the loss, it's often times hard to completely understand what finality is. I always called my mother and sent Mother's Day cards and flowers; but, looking back, I wonder if I hurt her heart. She never said; I never asked. Everyone who has family members scattered over the world can relate to what I am saying.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I will miss my mother and my grandmothers. I will miss the family get-togethers where the women gathered to celebrate motherhood. As a child I thought that those family gatherings would go on forever. As a child I thought that all the hoopla surrounding the flowers was so cool. As a child, I smiled celebrating this day with church, lots of cousins, food, laughter and those beautiful corsages! I had a sense of belonging, a sense of unity, a sense of what was beautiful and spoke to the heart. I am grateful for those times.
Since I am a survivor of childhood trauma, you're probably wondering why I am writing about all the good things from my childhood. I write about them because there were many good things as well as the bad. Once I flushed the evil from my heart and mind and forgave my tormentors, I was free to move on. I'll never forget because those awful memories spur me on to be a kind, gentle woman. Because I keep the Lord as my center, I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind and spirit. I am a miracle!!
I am smiling as I take my trip back to moth balls, rose water perfume, and Old Spice. I am smiling remembering the carnation corsages. I am smiling remembering climbing out of the car at each stop on Mother's Day and being greeted by relatives excited to see my family. That's the good stuff life is made of!! Those are the precious stories that need to be passed on from generation to generation.
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS "If I had a flower for each time I thought of My Mother, I could walk in my garden forever."~~Unknown
Monday, May 13, 2013
Kennedy Takes A Turn
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Me posing for my "Look at Me!" in Petfinders I'm no slouch at cuteness! |
Woof Woof! That's dog language for hello there... I figured I'd get settled in my new home before I laid a paw on the computer keys. Had to get my thoughts together.
My name is Kennedy and I once was a rescue dog. My papers say that I was a stray in Houston but you don't know the half of my struggles to survive. I was six pounds when I got picked up -- it's tough foraging for food when you're a little dog. The big strays know where the best trash cans are and get the best vittles. I had to settle for what was left over and got pretty skinny. I was one of the lucky ones. I got saved from a miserable life and moved into the world of Recycled Poms. I'm a Pom/Chi mix (no pedigree there, folks!) but they saw something in me worth saving and loving back to good health
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Recycled Poms |
Laura & me - "Boy, I don't know, this new place is unfamiliar territory. Dare I take that leap of faith?" |
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Lotza Poms to pick from! |
When Laura and I pulled up to Miss Dottie's home for a meet and greet, I knew this time was different. I took one look at Miss Dottie and knew that I needed to work my charm. Miss Dottie has a soft heart for people and dogs. I knew I wasn't a gorgeous Pomeranian like her late dog, Khelsea BUT (hey!) I figured we could have a good life together. I didn't understand why Miss Dottie agonized and cried over me but later she told me that she was sorry and that she was comparing me to Khelsea and that wasn't fair. From then on, we became fast friends and she became my pawrent ... my new mom.
I like my new bed! |
I like my new playground! |
I am sure you'll hear more about me 'cause Miss Dottie likes to write about my brothers, sister, and me, too! She's been trying to get a photo of all of us and is thinking that she might need to do a collage instead. We can't seem to "sit" still at the same time. Kinda reminds her of the days when she tried to get Jill, Jane, Tommy, dog Barney and the (gulp!) cat to pose. Must have been that darn cat that was the problem!! grrr grrr
I'm glad that Miss Dottie allowed me to stomp on her computer keys. Kinda proud of myself ... I'm well educated and love to share my story of rags to riches and success.
Miss Dottie prays for her Readers and now she prays for all the rescues to find furever homes. No kidding!!
aka the Republican dog with the Democrat name compliments of my foster mom
Sniff sniff! I'm safe & lovin' life with my new family! |
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Example Is The Best Teacher
Wednesday, May 8. 2013
Dear Readers,
OMG, I overslept this morning! The 3 Amigos got me up at 6 bells for breakfast then were ready to go back to bed. I joined them and we all conked out. I woke up feeling mighty groggy. Where's the coffee??? Time to get into high gear ~~ I have miles to go and things to do before I sleep!
Ever have days when you just need to stay home and focus on getting everything back in order? Today is my day to do that. I have the washer going, the dryer going, the dishwasher going, and my bucket of PineSol is my best friend. I have the door to the cottage open to let in the cool air in and the dogren are running in and out. I just noticed that Toby and Kennedy grabbed my stack of rags ... I see them out in the back yard playing tug of war. I think Sadie loves having Kennedy here - she doesn't have to put up with Toby's antics. Kennedy loves to play with Toby so it's a win/win! Having 3 busy furry kids reminds me of when my children were small. Cleaning day was always a crazy day!
BEFORE I got my engine revved up, I decided to read 1 Thessalonians. Like 2 Thessalonians, it's a short read, only 4 chapters. It's chock full of ways to motivate people to love Christ and respond to his Gospel. I read 1 Thessalonians with my heart open to know how Paul cared for people and how he communicated with him firmly but with gentleness.
Even a quiet Christian can remind people of Jesus. What we are should should cause others to hear what we say. If they see Him in our lives they may be curious and want to know Him. What's that famous saying, "People don't care what you know if they don't know that you care." Example IS the best teacher!
Paul tells us that Christ's coming will be very sudden and it will take many by surprise. I don't know about you but there are many days when I look up into the sky and wonder, "Is today the day?" Whenever that is, I am ready. Until then, it is my pleasure to serve Him on earth, putting my arms around my fellow travelers.
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS "All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today." ~~Pope Paul VI
PSS Like Paul's last words in 1 Thessalonians 4:28, "I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you!" Enjoy your day...
Dear Readers,
OMG, I overslept this morning! The 3 Amigos got me up at 6 bells for breakfast then were ready to go back to bed. I joined them and we all conked out. I woke up feeling mighty groggy. Where's the coffee??? Time to get into high gear ~~ I have miles to go and things to do before I sleep!
Ever have days when you just need to stay home and focus on getting everything back in order? Today is my day to do that. I have the washer going, the dryer going, the dishwasher going, and my bucket of PineSol is my best friend. I have the door to the cottage open to let in the cool air in and the dogren are running in and out. I just noticed that Toby and Kennedy grabbed my stack of rags ... I see them out in the back yard playing tug of war. I think Sadie loves having Kennedy here - she doesn't have to put up with Toby's antics. Kennedy loves to play with Toby so it's a win/win! Having 3 busy furry kids reminds me of when my children were small. Cleaning day was always a crazy day!
BEFORE I got my engine revved up, I decided to read 1 Thessalonians. Like 2 Thessalonians, it's a short read, only 4 chapters. It's chock full of ways to motivate people to love Christ and respond to his Gospel. I read 1 Thessalonians with my heart open to know how Paul cared for people and how he communicated with him firmly but with gentleness.
"We begged, encouraged and urged each of you to live in a way that would honor God. He is t he one who chose you to share in his own kingdom and glory."
~~1 Thessalonians 2:12
~~1 Thessalonians 2:12
Paul tells us that Christ's coming will be very sudden and it will take many by surprise. I don't know about you but there are many days when I look up into the sky and wonder, "Is today the day?" Whenever that is, I am ready. Until then, it is my pleasure to serve Him on earth, putting my arms around my fellow travelers.
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS "All life demands struggle. Those who have everything given to them become lazy, selfish, and insensitive to the real values of life. The very striving and hard work that we so constantly try to avoid is the major building block in the person we are today." ~~Pope Paul VI
PSS Like Paul's last words in 1 Thessalonians 4:28, "I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you!" Enjoy your day...
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