Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Gardener's Not So Secret Secrets

"I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you
 and will bless you with peace!
 ~~ 2 Thessalonians 1:2

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dear Readers,

I walked outside this morning and my plants looked so perky and pretty.  Why is it that I can water and my plants look okay, but, when it rains, they look fabulous?  Good old Mother Nature must have something in that water that is extra special!

My neighbor came over yesterday and asked  if I would drive her to Waco if she paid for my gas.  So...I am up early to do a little Bible reading in 2 Thessalonians and talk with you.  It will be a busy day and I need to start it out right!

As a gardener, I know that it's no secret that anything that lives grows.  And, in order for my plants, trees, flowers to grow, they take tending (watering, feeding, pruning).  The same thing is true for us as humans, we are dying if we're not growing, whether growth is mental, spiritual, or physical.  Love?  Without watering, feeding, and pruning it slowly withers and dies.  Our muscles are strengthened by exercise.  Our faith grows by being tested, and our love grows with practice.  As we grow in our faith, we come to understand God better; we show others the goodness of living a life that honors God.

I've learned so much about the sowing and reaping principles as I have developed my gardening skills.  I think back on the times I rode with my parents and my former in-laws to look at the crops.  Now, I walk my gardens each morning looking for areas that need attention.  I do a little each day (including weeding) and have found that it doesn't take a whole lot of effort.  If I am lazy and don't pay attention, before I know it my garden is FULL of insects, weeds, dying plants, and a scene of total disarray.  It takes me a long time to get back to the beauty of what once was.

2 Thessalonians is a short book in the Bible - only 3 chapters.  I must admit that those 3 chapters are chock full of wisdom and encouragement.  Christians are reminded to keep busy doing whatever God has given them to do.  We don't know when Christ will return or when we will leave this earth to reside in our heavenly home; and, we are to set good examples by not being a burden to others.  Paul tells the Thessalonians that believers "must never become tired of doing right."  (2 Thessalonians 3:3)

Will you join me today in enriching the soil we grow in?  Will you join me in exercising our bodies, minds, and spirits?  I learned a long time ago, that life is for the living!!  Think about that today as you go about your lives.  As for me, life's always an adventure and today will be no different.  I am excited about the gifts each hour will bring.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "The master of the garden is the one who waters it, trims the branches, plants the seeds, and pulls the weeds.  If you merely stroll through the garden, you are but an acolyte."  ~~ Vera Nazarian

1 comment:

  1. Your blog provides food for thought.... The garden is truly symbolic of life/relationships. You cannot ignore it for months, drench it with water for 10 minutes and expect the garden to respond. Like people (and God) we crave/need daily bits of TLC!

    Love, love, love your blogs!
