Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Pied Piper of Dogdom

May 15, 2013

Dear Readers,

What a wonderful lazy day in Central Texas!  The sun was out for just a few moments then the clouds took over and we got some misting rain.  I took the "Fabulous Four" on a walk through the gardens this morning and felt like the Pied Piper of Dogdom!

I can totally understand how hoarding of animals starts out.  God put it on my heart to adopt a rescue and we decided on Kennedy.  If there was a poster for the perfect dog, Kennedy would be front and center.  He needed a good home, we had room in our home and hearts and that was that.  Good for him, good for us!

Then came Zeke.  Zeke's foster mom, Laura, was on her way to Waco to deliver a rescue (Moonpie) to his new family and stopped by to show us Zeke.  Well, Zeke stole our hearts and created such a stir that we fell in love (again) and I knew he wasn't going back to Fort Worth.

We'll never forget our first 30 minutes with Zeke.  We took the dogs to the back yard so they could (ahem) take care of business and play.  Zeke spotted the gate and before we knew it, he had wiggled his 4+ pound body under it and was off.  Michael took off after him and I went to get my shoes.  When I got to the front of the house, Michael was laying on the ground trying to coax this white bundle of fur to come to him.  Nope!  Zeke decided to head down Franklin Street.  By this time, I had joined the chase.

Zeke headed for the horse pasture a block away.  Just as I reached the pasture, he headed under the fence (barbed wire lined with electric current).  I stood there watching hopelessly as the horses started chasing him towards the pond.  I prayed thinking "Laura is going to kill me if anything happens to this dog."  I saw Zeke go around a huge pile of dirt in front of the pond and the horses stopped.  I walked further along the fence crying out "Zeke ... Zeke!"

Covered with mud and God knows what else, a water logged Zeke came zooming around the pile of dirt and headed back towards the fence (again, horses on his tail).  He saw me, zipped around me and headed back towards the house running smack dab in the center of the busy street.  I am waving at cars, Michael is in my car trying to get ahead of him, and Zeke is oblivious.  He is running at the speed of lightening.

Michael was able to pull the car in a driveway a few houses down and Zeke spotted him and turned around.  Our neighbor has an SUV similar to Laura's and Zeke stopped and wanted to get in it.  Michael   laid down on the street and called him.  FINALLY, Zeke got close enough to be nabbed.  Michael and I were huffing and puffing and Zeke?  He nestled down in my arms and was content as a bug in a rug. Could I see a hint of a grin on his face?  I looked at Michael and he looked at me.  Were we up to handling this 4 pound ball of fire?  Yep!  Zeke may be our challenge BUT it will be a fun challenge!!

There are so many dogs needing homes.  Rescue groups are full to capacity and dogs are being turned away to God only knows what fate.  It would be so easy to keep adding dogs telling ourselves that we were offering them a better life.  YET, we also know that with each rescue we have a responsibility to feed, get them good medical care, love, and train them.  Sadie, Toby, and Kennedy need daily attention ... little Zeke is still a puppy and needs a watchful eye and training.  We have our hearts and hands full and we know that.

I love animals of all kinds but, most of all, I have an affection for small dogs ~~the Pomeranian, most of all.  Strange considering we have a Scottish Terrier, a Yorkie-Poo, a Pom-Chi, and, now, a Maltese.  My daughter said, "Mom, are you working your way to your 6 pound Pomeranian?"  I laughed ... God willing, one day ... one day but, not today.

As a Senior, I've wondered how I can make a difference in this world.  I'm not able to travel the world and my family is no longer close by.  I don't like being a long distance grandmother but, in today's world, that's a pretty common occurance.  Most days, you'll find me at home, digging in the dirt AND playing Pied Piper to my "Fabulous Four."  Both passions bring a smile to my face and a spring to my step.  I guard my time with the Lord and am able to pray as I go about my day.  Is that enough?  For today, "yes."

ALWAYS remember YOU, my Readers, are loved and prayed for.  

Miss Dottie

PS  "No matter how little money and how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." ~~Louis Sabin

1 comment:

  1. Zeke running away had to cause panic, yet in hindsight your story is pretty funny. I'm glad the event ended without mishap. I remember when Cricket got away from me when she was only 12 weeks old. We were on a walk about 1.5 miles from home and she wrestled out of her collar and away she went. I had the whole neighborhood looking for her. After 2 hours of searching I went home because I needed to get my car and pick up Madison from school. Well- guess what?! There Cricket was ...waiting for me at the garage door. I have no idea how she found her way home--dogs are amazing. Anyway, I know the feeling of a dog getting loose.

    Enjoy the fabulous furry four~
