Monday, May 13, 2013

Kennedy Takes A Turn

Me posing for my "Look at Me!" in Petfinders
I'm no slouch at cuteness!
Monday, May 13, 2013

Woof Woof!  That's dog language for hello there...  I figured I'd get settled in my new home before I laid a paw on the computer keys.  Had to get my thoughts together.

My name is Kennedy and I once was a rescue dog.  My papers say that I was a stray in Houston but you don't know the half of my struggles to survive.  I was six pounds when I got picked up -- it's tough foraging for food when you're a little dog.  The big strays know where the best trash cans are and get the best vittles.  I had to settle for what was left over and got pretty skinny.  I was one of the lucky ones.  I got saved from a miserable life and moved into the world of Recycled Poms.  I'm a Pom/Chi mix (no pedigree there, folks!) but they saw something in me worth saving and loving back to good health

Recycled Poms
Recycled Poms is a non-profit group that rescues and rehabilitates dogs from puppy mills, strays, and surrenders.  They spend hours driving long distances to pick up dogs then spend hundreds of dollars (sometimes thousands!) making sure that those dogs get proper nutrition, vaccinations, dental care, spaying/neutering, microchipping, and surgeries.  There is no such dog as a dispensable dog to them.  Lucky for me!!

Laura & me - "Boy, I don't know, this new
place is unfamiliar territory.  Dare I
take that leap of faith?"
My foster mom was Laura.  Laura and her daughter, Sarah, gave me good food to eat, a warm bed to sleep in, socialized me with good dog manners, and, most importantly, loved and cuddled me.  They gave me confidence when I didn't think I was ever going to rise up out of the world of strays and misfit dogs.  You know those advertisements about abused dogs?  You don't know half the story.  Our bodies speak volumes ~~ no wonder so many of us are afraid of humans.

Lotza Poms to pick from!
I had it so good with Laura and Sarah that when they took me to adoption events, I sabotaged my success.  I just wanted to go home with them and feel safe.  God was looking out for me because while I was getting healthier, a lady by the name of Miss Dottie was looking for a rescue Pomeranian.  She inquired about Bella then read my bio and thought I was worth checking into.  I met her requirements and soon Laura and Miss Dottie were talking ... about me!!

When Laura and I pulled up to Miss Dottie's home for a meet and greet, I knew this time was different.  I took one look at Miss Dottie and knew that I needed to work my charm.  Miss Dottie has a soft heart for people and dogs.  I knew I wasn't a gorgeous Pomeranian like her late dog, Khelsea BUT (hey!) I figured we could have a good life together.  I didn't understand why Miss Dottie agonized and cried over me but later she told me that she was sorry and that she was comparing me to Khelsea and that wasn't fair.  From then on, we became fast friends and she became my pawrent ... my new mom.

I like my new bed!
My new pawrents took me to see the vet and I got a six month's supply of heartworm and flea preventative.  They got me a new collar and leash and got my microchip changed to their ownership.  I was the proud Pom/Chi of new pawrents and a new home.  I have my own gardens to romp in, chase the squirrels and birds, and do whatever business (ahem!) that is necessary.  Miss Dottie praises me and gives me treats when I sit, stay, and down.  I am careful not to make messes and get along with my brothers and sister.  One things for certain, my pawrents and I were a match made in heaven ... literally!  Miss Dottie tells me all the time, "Kennedy, what did I ever do without you by my side?"  That makes me feel realllll good and my little stubby tail just wags and wags.

I like my new playground!
If you're reading this, I want you to consider adopting rather than shopping.  I know there are some pretty damaged dogs that have been pretty banged up but there are also dogs like me who have been through the rehabilitation process and appreciate new families.  Our scars make us unique and we all have stories to tell.  Miss Dottie was rehabilitated herself so she understands.  As God's creatures, we all have worth.

I am sure you'll hear more about me 'cause Miss Dottie likes to write about my brothers, sister, and me, too!  She's been trying to get a photo of all of us and is thinking that she might need to do a collage instead.  We can't seem to "sit" still at the same time.  Kinda reminds her of the days when she tried to get Jill, Jane, Tommy, dog Barney and the (gulp!) cat to pose.  Must have been that darn cat that was the problem!!  grrr grrr

I'm glad that Miss Dottie allowed me to stomp on her computer keys.  Kinda proud of myself ... I'm well educated and love to share my story of rags to riches and success.

Miss Dottie prays for her Readers and now she prays for all the rescues to find furever homes.  No kidding!!

aka the Republican dog with the Democrat name compliments of my foster mom

Sniff sniff!  I'm  safe & lovin' life with my new family!
PS  Whether man or beast, don't be afraid of change and rehabilitation.  Like humans, some animals never get over their fear and they miss out on a new world and new adventures.  Look at me!  I was on the skids ... a stray picked up in Houston and put in the slammer.  The Recyclable Poms group saved me and I didn't let them down.  I dared to give a little and God gave me a whole lot!!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful story! Kennedy is a keeper :0)

    Love You,
