Sunday, November 24, 2013

On my honor I will try...

November 24, 2013

Dear Readers,

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. If I close my eyes, I can remember being 10 years old and waking up to the aroma of turkey roasting. It's still my favorite dinner of the entire year!! I don't overeat but do sample every dish AND savor every bite of homemade pumpkin pie!! It's a time of being thankful for family and friends and all the blessings God has bestowed upon me.

My daughter and her family were coming for Thanksgiving this year. I had plans of having my family together for the first time since they all were ... omg, I can't even remember the last time. I wanted to get a family photo taken and for us to just enjoy each other. I had envisioned a time of magical laughter and love being shared at a time when being thankful is heightened.

All too often life happens and well meant plans go by the wayside as was the case this year. My neighbor, Beverly, came over and asked if we would join them for Thanksgiving and since we had no plans, I accepted.  She was so excited and has begun shopping and planning. Yesterday, she asked if I minded if she invited a lady in the community who would be alone and I said, "Absolutely!"  She also asked if we could eat at our house since my table was bigger and I agreed to that too. I am smiling wondering what else God has in mind for that day. Whatever it is, I know it will be wonderful and I'm just along for the ride.

Many years ago, I made a decision that has haunted me to this day.  I had made a commitment. Then, when a better offer came along, I jumped ship.  I am in hopes that one day I can apologize in person. Why am I telling you this? Well, a few days after I made the commitment for Thanksgiving this year, my son sent me an email inviting us to Thanksgiving at their house. I got this big lump in my throat and wanted to make that trip to join my son and his family for a special day of turkey and togetherness. You know how much I value family!!!  I already knew what the right thing to do was but I prayed asking God to give me a peace. The words, "On my honor I will try..." came to me loud and clear.  "On my honor, I will do my best to keep my commitments and not change my mind when a different offer comes in ~ especially when it involves one that might be more appealing."

Growing up, I joined the Brownies then became a Girl Scout. I liked earning badges, the camping trips, and being a part of something bigger than myself. I still remember my mother using wave set to fix my hair and dressing up in a new dress before walking to the local hospital to visit the sick. It was summer and the air felt so good on my wet head. So many times, I said the Girl Scout Promise: On my honor, I will try to do my duty to God and my country, to help other people at all times, to obey the Girl Scout Laws." Between Girl Scouts and my involvement in church, I was bathed in good stuff and I will be forever grateful.

Because of all the surgeries I've had since 2004, Fibromyalgia moved into my world and has made life so darn unpredictable. My friend and I have talked openly about her extension of grace when I am unable to get out of bed. I thanked her for being so honest when she told me, "Sometimes, I get so upset with you when we plan things and you are in too much pain to go." I totally understand and I try my darnedest to keep my promises. I used to tell my children, "Let your yes be yes and your no, no." How can I tell someone to do that if I am not willing to do the same. 

So often it's hard doing that next right thing and leaving the outcome in God's hands. If you're like me, you struggle when doing that right thing means not doing what you'd rather be doing. Right now, I am remembering the times when my sweet friend has helped me when I've been ill; remembering the times she's so carefully watched over my furry kids when I've needed to go into the city for the day; remembering the times she picked up the pieces of my heart when it's been broken; and, most of all, I'm remembering the grace extended to me when I've fallen short. I am blessed!

Yes, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays will soon be upon us. It's the most wonderful time of the year filled with love, joy, and the togetherness of family. It's also a time of heartache and loneliness for some. All I know is that if I count my blessings, I don't have room to count my woes!!

God bless you and always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  The moment we become grateful, we actually begin to ascend spiritually into the presence of God. The psalmist wrote,

"Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing. . . . Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him, bless His name. For the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting and His faithfulness to all generations" (Psalm 100:2, 4-5).

It does not matter what your circumstances are; the instant you begin to thank God, even though your situation has not changed, you begin to change. The key that unlocks the gates of heaven is a thankful heart. Entrance into the courts of God comes as you simply begin to praise the Lord.” ~Francis Frangipane

1 comment:

  1. I commend you for doing the right thing!! You and your neighbor have a wonderful friendship--she has been there for you and vice versa. This is something to be treasured along with trust and commitment. Although Beverly will probably never know that Tommy invited you over for Thanksgiving and you chose to stay true to your word, your friendship with benefit as God will bless it!!

    Love ya!
