Friday, November 8, 2013

Highway to Heaven

Highway to Heaven
“It's funny how, in this journey of life, even though we may begin at different times and places, our paths cross with others so that we may share our love, compassion, observations, and hope. This is a design of God that I appreciate and cherish.” ~Steve Maraboli

November 8, 2013

Dear Readers,

Shortly after I purchased my camera, we were driving back from Waxahachie and I snapped this photo. It's rather an eerie picture ~ the road sign seems to be floating in mid air.  I have named the photo Highway to Heaven.

Beautiful Lake Minnewaska
We're all on this road of life (but not all of us are on the highway to heaven). Sometimes we're creeping along at a snail's pace and, at other times, we're speeding either away from (challenges?) or towards something (perhaps a destination?). There were times when I was growing up that my father would get us all in the car and tell us, "We're going for a joy ride." We weren't sure where that meant but we did know that we would end up at the Dairy Queen or at my grandmothers for some fresh baked treats. Our joy rides were always fun times. After my father passed away, I would visit my mother and we always had to take a joy ride around the lake.  I cherish those times.

As I look at the photo of Highway to Heaven, it reminds me of when I totally gave myself to Christ.  My decision to enter the highway to heaven was the most important decision I've ever made ... and, I might add, the best one! Rather than just ambling along aimlessly, I edged my way on to the main road never looking back. You'll notice the arrow points up to my destination. I like that.

What do you choose to take with you on your travels through life? Reliable transportation is a must.  Graycie, beautiful Graycie, helps me to travel in comfort and style.  Oh I know, people have asked, "Why do you keep buying VW bugs?"  My answer, "Why not." They are cute, safe, and reliable ~ perfect fit for my personality and size.  My personal vehicle, faith also helps me to travel without worry.  Like Graycie, my faith in Christ, is my constant, my rock.

The Bible is my road map ... it is the place where I go to ask the Lord for directions. It keeps me on the highway to heaven with a clear sense of direction and moral compass.  I am warned of detours and to be wary of hitchhikers!  Think about that statement for a moment.  I always hold out my hand for travelers wanting to join me on my journey.  I am very wary of strangers wanting to climb on my back dragging me down, sucking the life out of me. I was made to soar, to run, to not be weary ... to have purpose and direction.

Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. ~ Isaiah 40:31

My highway to heaven has offered me such an amazing journey.  Oh my goodness, the people I've met and the places I've been. Sometimes I forget the beautiful scenery BUT I never forget the hearts of those I loved or who have loved me.

Yesterday, I had physical therapy and my therapist was asking me what I did before I retired to this little town.  I hit some of the high spots and he was most intrigued by my career as a relationship coach and matchmaker. I told him about a flirting safari I took a group of shy singles on and before long, he was laughing. I am hoping that God used me to encourage and bless those "looking for love" on the highway of life.

The highway to heaven can be a lonely dark road OR, it can offer an amazing journey from birth to an afterlife in heaven.  We choose.  We decide.  We grow and live with the consequences.  The cool part is that while you still have breath, it's not too late to get out of the alleys and on to the adventure of a lifetime.  Don't be scared if you don't know exactly where you are going ... God knows and He won't steer you wrong!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!!

Miss Dottie

I will watch over you ...
PS  So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. ~Deuteronomy 31:6

When the road ahead of you seems bumpy and full of obstacles, you can go forward knowing that God has prepared the way. He will walk with you and give you the strength to keep moving ahead. The command here is to be strong and courageous because of who God is. The promise is that He will never leave you or forsake you. This verse will encourage you when you need it the most.

I love this photo of what looks like an angel hovering over my home. Such a peaceful thought!  God is good!!  

1 comment:

  1. Hindsight is 20/20, especially when looking at God's wondrous faith and love. I cannot tell you how many times I have felt protected and guided after stressful moments have passed. God is out to comfort, assist, and empower-- we owe him the respect to make the most of the talents he has given each and every one of us.
    Mom, you are right, paths cross for a reason. One of the gifts God has given me is the ability to feel someone's emotions. Recently, with my new company, I have met people that I would have never come across if hadn't left corporate America. I never doubt, even for a second, that God has put me at the right place at the right time. He has been there for me, so I promise to pay that love forward to the needy.
    Thank you for reminding me that there is meaning in everything!

