Sunday, November 10, 2013

To Cave or Overcome, That is the Question!

Ruffy loves the warmth of the fire!
"Use what you've been through as fuel, believe in yourself and be unstoppable!” ~Yvonne Pierre, The Day My Sould Cried: A Memoir
November 10, 2013

Oh the weather outside is frightful, the fire is so delightful...  Hello Readers!  I hope you've had a wonderful relaxing day.  The dogren got me up at their usual time; however, after stuffing their little tummies with grub, we all climbed back into bed for a two hour snooze.  I slept like a log last night with visions of baseballs dancing in my head ~ no kidding! My body was reeling from the long day on the baseball fields in North Texas yesterday so I've needed to get in a siesta.  Actually, it was really nice ~ the wind was blowing and it made for a sweet lullaby.

Zachary & Nicholas 11/9/2013
My grandsons played in the Fall Season Baseball Tournament yesterday.  Lucky for us, they played at the same complex which made getting to games pretty easy.  It was kind of a bitter sweet day as my oldest grandson's team kicked ass, took names, and rose to the top taking 1st place in the championship game.  My younger grandson's team didn't fare as well.  They entered the competition as "the team to beat" and, unfortunately they lost and ended up in 4th place.

It was a honor to be there and watch them both excel at the sport they love.  I prayed with them on the field before their games and felt that deep bond with them as we hugged and they went to do battle those last games of the season.  Both suffered adversity, both learned valuable lessons in life, and both rebounded with the promise of getting stronger (and playing on the same team, I might add, next Spring).

Zachary took his turn at bat and CRACK!! he dropped to the ground and the ump cried out ball hit bat. Zachary winced in pain, grabbed his left hand and dropped his bat. OMG, the crowd went nuts at the crazy call.  The back of Zachary's hand was red and swelling ... the ump knew he had made a big mistake BUT couldn't reverse the call. What??? All of a sudden, Zachary picked up his bat and CRACK!! ~ this time he hit a home run.  This young man pitched, played shortstop, and finished up the season playing catcher.  He didn't cave.  He kept moving his hand, put ice and heat on it, and kept on going.

Nicholas suffered frustration of a different kind. His brother was rising to the top with his team while Prodigy was ... well, just not playing their best.  Nerves were getting the best of these little guys and plays that had been so easy all season were difficult at best.  Nicholas got hit by a baseball as well but the sting of defeat was worse and almost more than he could take.  His little heart was broken and tears began to flow. Somehow the promise of "next Spring" seemed so far away. Nicholas isn't a quitter and I was so happy to see his earthly father come alongside of him to wipe the tears and offer a hand to lift him up. I know the Lord was with Nicholas but sometimes we need that encouragement, that hug, that love to keep on keepin' on.

We had left home at 6:30 yesterday morning and didn't get home until late last night. I was so content knowing that I was able to be there in person rather than just getting the play by play via text from my son.  I was one proud grandma sitting in those stands cheering and drinking in the beauty of the day. Contentment at it's best!!

I said the same prayer with each of my grandsons. Why did God allow one grandson to win a championship and the other to suffer defeat? I don't know the answer to that question except that there are lessons to be learned in victory and in defeat. To develop a healthy self-esteem, we must experience both.  The tough experiences either make us bitter or make us better.  The cream always rises to the top. In my eyes, my grandsons were both champions going into the games ... win, lose, or draw, they remain champions!

Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

The Guys who play ball..
Son/Dad Tommy & Grandsons Zachary & Nicholas
PS "..but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance ; perseverance, character; and, character hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." ~ Romans 5:3-5

I may not understand why some win and why some lose but I'll choose to praise the Lord in all circumstances trusting that he had a plan and that plan is perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Awww... my heart goes out to Nicholas. I imagine it was difficult for Zachary to celebrate 100% knowing that his little brother was feeling defeated.

    Love those boys!
