Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Honey Badger Pizza

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles fom it. ~Miss Dottie

March 25, 2014

Dear God,

Albeit a little chilly, it looks like we're in for a sunny day. My furry kids are laying on the floor in front of the french doors of the cottage sunning themselves. They are cleaning each other's eyes and washing their feet ~ reminds me of cats I've had in years past. I have some beautiful El Divo music playing and am feeling the peacefulness of the moment. Thank you for the gift of living another day.

When my daughter and granddaughter arrived from Florida, I picked them up at the airport and we spent that Thursday night at my oldest daughter Jill's home. We did some shopping at Firewheel Mall and Jill and Glen took us all out for pizza. Being the adventurous person I am, I decided to be brave and try the Honey Badger Pizza. It sounded lethal but omg, what a wonderful melding of ingredients ~ fresh mozzarella, hot soppressata, basil, and house-made habanero honey. It was sweet AND spicy ~ believe me, I couldn't stop at one slice!!

Sweet AND spicy! (Giggle) That's how I like my life! Or, maybe that describes me? People, in general, have always called me a sweet person. Gosh, why not, I was afraid of making waves and standing up for myself. What I've learned is that I was a doormat for those with dirty feet. I would have done better to be a little more spicy. Oh, I know, wisdom takes time to develop and the past is gone forever. Sooo, now I don't miss a moment to love, laugh, and try the new and different. Oh, don't worry, Lord, I remain in you and take careful care not to allow Satan to get a toe hold on me.

Father, I am so grateful for the small things in life. It's the small things that add up to big things ... one day at a time. To live in the moment is to savor and enjoy. I pray that all my Readers will open their eyes to a new day ~ new experiences ~ new found joy. I know it's tough 'cause some of my Readers are experiencing heavy challenges and loses. I do want to thank you for coming through for one of my Readers who needed Social Security Disability to survive. Pour out your storehouses of plenty for those in need, comfort those who mourn, and give hope to the downtrodden. I pray that my Readers will come to know you as I know you. It's not about religion. It's about having that personal relationship with you that fills the holes in our hearts!


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Life isn't fair. People hurt us, disappoint us; stock markets rise and fall; those in control make choices that affect us negatively; we get chronic illnesses; we deal with the bad choices of others hoping and praying they'd change; we experience burn-out; and, the list goes on and on. To wallow in self-pity, blame others, and live in hopelessness is a waste and to just take up space on earth is such a shame. You're gonna laugh but I got the biggest kick out of eating that Honey Badger Pizza and just letting go and getting caught up in the moment. Warts, bumps, and all we are Family ~ For Better or Worse. What is it that you're wanting to get up the nerve to try? I say: "Today's the day ~ go for it!!"

Sunday, March 23, 2014

It is well with my soul today...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles fom it. ~Miss Dottie

March 21, 2014

Dear God,

Spring is finally here! We sure had a cold Winter this year and my poor gardens have taken a beating. By this time last year everything was blooming like crazy. I am sure praying that my rose bushes will come back from their bedraggled state.

First of all, today is my granddaughter's 11th birthday. Golly gee it seems like yesterday that I flew to Minnesota to welcome her into the family and hold her. What a beautiful, talented, savvy, caring young lady she is. Thank you for placing her in our lives!! Happy Birthday, Katrina!!

I wrote my last blog on March 11 and so much has happened since then that I barely know where to start. I do want to say thank you for answering my prayers each day and giving me inner peace in knowing that You hold the future and everything happens for a reason.

I love this quote by Seneca: "True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not."

This doesn't mean that I shouldn't want to have goals or to better myself. To me, it simply means that "today" I am content not expecting people to be what they aren't able to be or give what they cannot. It means, it is well with my soul today.

Madison & Jane
My daughter and granddaughter arrived a week ago yesterday. It was such a gift just to be able to tag along with them to visit colleges, shop, dine at wonderful restaurants, and share of ourselves. I must say, I doubt if we could have crammed any more into 7 days (including my stay at the heart hospital for 3 days AND Graycie being hit by a lady who was on her phone and not paying attention to her driving)! Good thing that I take life one day at a time 'cause it got kind of crazy.

Family evening out with my girls
 (Madison, Jane, Jill) &
son-in-law, Glen.
The Honey Badger Pizza was to
die for!! (Not really but it sure
was good!!)

"The Lord is my strength and my shield; My heart trusts in Him and I am helped; Therefore my heart exults, And with my song I shall thank Him." ~Psalm 28:7

It truly is a mystery to me how you work, Lord. Your timing is so perfect and you take those flops, fumbles, and pains of life and use them to refine us. I have learned to dig into the past to know what molded me ~ I have learned to live in the moment cherishing the sights, sounds, smells, and joys that come my way ~ I have learned to listen more and talk less ~ I have learned that in holding out my hand, some people will take it and others won't ~ I have learned that I can't be someone else's conscience nor can I live their life for them no matter how fast they are headed for that brick wall ahead of them. All I can do is focus on being a better me each day and staying teachable.

Father, watch over my Readers today. Help them to see the silver lining in dark dreary days. Fill them with hope, compassion, and your kind of love that transcends all understanding. Comfort those who are mourning the loss of loved ones. To lose a life's partner, a child, mother, father, grandparent, or friend is tough at best. I'm not sure that sense of loss ever goes away. I am so grateful that we have that hope in heaven where there will be unbelievable reunions!! Oh what a wonderful thought. And, btw, you know where that missing plane is ... I pray for your divine guidance for the ones searching. Uncover what needs to be uncovered and protect our nations from harm.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The older I get the more I realize that history repeats itself. My favorite analogy is that of: "How do you cook a frog?" You put it in a pot of nice cool water (maybe add a stone for it to sit on) ... then, you start heating up the water offering it a refreshing sense of well-being ... before the frog realizes it, it can't get out of the water ... his goose is cooked! Let's not be like the frog in our daily lives. To that next right thing each day and let God take care of the outcome!

Friday, March 21, 2014

When God Moves...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. ~Miss Dottie

March 11, 2014

Dear God,

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I will soon be headed out to do a little digging in the dirt. I turned on the air conditioner in the cottage this afternoon. Yay! Temperatures are a rising!!

The Fabulous 5 got me out of bed wayyyy too early. They watered the bushes and fertilized the lawn and I herded them back into the cottage for some additional zzzzz's. I worked outside all day yesterday and I think I was just "done in." My daughter called and woke me up ... a nice way to start the day! I thank you Lord for her and the wonderful open, honest relationship we have. She loves you too so we also have that in common. Ahhhh yes...

I've been thinking a lot about you and how you've worked in my life. All I know is that when you move, you move with warp speed. I should know by now, that if I put you first in my life and trust you with all my heart, things work out for my good. Another thing I've remembered is that sometimes you've delivered your messages and worked your magic in ways that I totally didn't understand at the time. What I know for sure is that the times I have been the lowest have propelled me to times of sheer ecstasy. That being said, then what's the deal?

MY PROBLEM was that I didn't feel I deserved the good stuff so I seemed to gradually gravitate towards the old familiar. I had to fix me before I could really grasp the best that you've had for me all along. I needed to want for myself what I wanted for others.

So all that is fine and good but where am I now? I am naturally a hard working, optimistic, empathetic lady who chooses to look at the good side of people and life. My daughter and I talked about "nice" this morning and she had me in stitches. I guess I've been the "nice" girl with a twist of spice! She got me thinking though and my morning that had started off kinda yuk was filled with belly laughs and joy. I am still smiling.

In just a couple days, Jane and Madison will be here in Texas and we will be touring the campuses of Southern Methodist University, Baylor, A&T, and the University of Texas, Austin. I can hardly wait!! It's been way too long since we've hugged and just enjoyed each other's company. I am excited to show Jane my cottage and introduce Jane and Maddy to the four adopted rescues. I KNOW we will have a blessed time every day they are here.

Father God, I thank you for all that I am and who you created me to be. I praise you for the unending goodness and mercy you bestow on me and on your children across the globe. I pray that my Readers will find that gleam of hope; that opportunity to share with another and laugh; that peace that comes from knowing you are in control; and, the blessing of being one of yours. So often, I see myself climbing up into your lap, stroking your beard, and looking into your eyes. I want to be like you and see the world through your compassion. Move dear Lord, move in the hearts of my Readers, warming them with your smile. I know it will be so...


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: There are those of you who instant message me on Facebook, those that call me on the phone, and, those who email me. For each one of you, I want you to know how much I care about what you have to say. There are times that you change the complexion of my day offering me new insights into your own worlds and mine too. When I started writing my blog, I had not idea of where it was going or why. I just knew that I would be a vessel for the Lord to use. Always remember ... You are loved and cared about ... YA YOU!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

I made you, and I will care for you

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. ~Miss Dottie

March 9, 2014

Dear God,

Well hello there, Father. I've been looking forward to this time when we can chat about what's on our minds. What started out to be a rather overcast and rather foreboding looking morning has turned into a beautiful sunny day. So far I'm not minding the change in time ~ guess I just go with the flow.

Lord, I am so looking forward to my trip to Minnesota for my reunion at the end of the Summer. I've been contacting resorts and B&B's to see if there is someplace close to the lake where Zeke and I can settle in for a couple weeks. I just love listening to the sound of the waves dashing on the shore and the serenity of small town Minnesota. It's important for me to "go home" and reconnect with family and friends.

Last time I visited in 2011, I almost hated to go back to Texas. I had found a wonderful house close to the lake that would have been ideal for a summer home. But (I dislike that word), as it turned out, that was not to be. By the time my house sold in McKinney, the little turn of the century house had been sold to a very lucky family. You had other plans for me and I trust You know best.

Also, last time I visited, I did research on my paternal ancestry. It was so exciting to find newspaper articles and copies of pictures. Digging up information on my father's family was better than devouring a dish of vanilla ice cream with peanuts and chocolate! No kidding!! This time, I am going to travel to Stevens County and see what I can uncover about my mother's family. I have this thirst to know where I came from and embrace my ancestry.

At a time when worries about survival often overtake me, I need to remember that if I do my part, You will have the rest covered. This may be my last trip North so I am praying that it is in your will for me to go. As long as possible, I will keep moving forward and making plans.

"I will be your God throughout your lifetime - until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you." ~Isaiah 46:4

I was told that this
was a photo of my Grandma
Maggie in her 60's
Although my hair is now white, my mind is sharp, and I still think of myself as a vibrant spirit. I have You to thank for that. I remember my grandmothers and they always seemed to look ... well, to put it bluntly, m-a-t-r-o-n-l-y. My mother looked quite young until she quit work in her mid sixties then her world sort of closed in on her and she began to age quickly. Her passion was her work and as that ended, her spirit seemed to dim. I have been fortunate, the years have been kind and the availability of top notch doctors that have taken care of my feet and spine has allowed me to keep on going. I am grateful, so very grateful!!

God, you still there? You're awfully quiet. I'm excited about my plans and I'm hoping you're excited too. I know we never know for sure what the future holds yet, I think, it's important to always have something to look forward to when my feet hit the floor in the mornings.

The Fabulous 5 always cheer me up and give me purpose and I love caring for them. Yesterday, Kennedy had me in stitches. I went to get something from the closet and when I came back he was straddling the sofa looking outside. It was one of those special Kodak moments and I grabbed my camera. He has such a unique personality and very dry sense of humor. I keep cameras all over the place just trying to catch my furry kids doing something cute.

Today I want to pray for everyone who is making plans to attend family and class reunions in 2014. Family ~ For Better or Worse is important whether they are blood relations or friends. I pray that plans will be finalized and that connections will be filled with love, laughter, and kindness. I pray for safe travels and sunny days. So many of my family and friends have passed on; and, like so many others, I wonder when my own time here on earth will be no more. It's important to seize moments as they come appreciating others for who they are not what we've wanted them to be. You fill me with hope and I see myself covered with your blanket of protection and holding your purse of provision.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Never let fear keep you from moving forward in life. Where is it that you want to go this year? When I think about making a bucket list, it is a simple one. Last year at this time, I was being led to adopt a (one) rescue dog (preferably a Pomeranian). It will be the one year milestone on April 28 that Kennedy (a 12 pound Pom-Chi) joined Seidler Dogdom. That decision has changed my world more than I could ever imagine. I have been blessed beyond blessed not only with Kennedy but also with friends made in the animal rescue world. This year, my dream is to head North enjoying time with family, friends, photo taking, blog writing, and being propelled into the world of my mother's heritage! Yay!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Golden Rule

March 8, 2014

Dear God,

Hello Father, it's your favorite little white haired lady showing up for morning coffee and a nice chat. You available? Ah yes ... you're ALWAYS AVAILABLE!

Everyone knows the Golden Rule: do unto others, as you would have them do to you.

Kinda difficult to love anyone else if I don't love myself. I'm not talking about vanity or arrogance but talking about really respecting and cherishing the miracle that I am. Most of us have been criticizing ourselves and beating ourselves up for years. How'd that work out? Those negative tapes got me NOWHERE fast.

"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works; And my soul knows it well. My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, And skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth;..." ~Psalm 139:13-15

I have found that I can have complete control over my thoughts but not of my emotions (hey, I'm woman through and through!). In order to move beyond captivity, I had to take my thoughts captive. I knew (in my mind) that you accepted me where I was at but it was a big step to accept that in my heart. Then, my next biggest step was to truly believe that I was worthy of a good life.

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." ~2 Corinthians 10:5

Everyone has made negative choices in the past. The good news is that we can choose to let go of old patterns. I began to choose different and more supportive and nourishing thoughts. I needed to love myself enough to do that and I started with the little girl inside me. She had been beaten and punished enough. I became her biggest fan and advocate. Together, we moved forward.

I have found that people who have problems loving themselves always seem to have problems learning to forgive others. Not forgiving others does not harm them in the slightest bit but it plays havoc with us. Why? Because the issues are not theirs, they have become ours. There are some people in my life who have been quite cruel and hurtful. To relive those hurts has caused me to be stuck in the past to the point of not being able to live in the present. When that happens, I ask myself, "If you cannot live in the present, how are you going to create a healthy and exciting future?" I found that forgiving didn't mean forgetting because in remembering I was able to make better choices. I hope that makes sense.

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." ~Matthew 6:14-15

I enjoy "who done it" shows on TV like Criminal Minds. It is difficult to understand the mind of a criminal and the degrees of evil lurking in the human soul. You know what I'm talking about. Are there people that are just plain born evil? I would like to think that we are all born with a sin nature yet somewhere in time made a decision to either be good or totally embrace the dark side.

"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I revisited my childhood, there were signs that I could have become a member of the evil circuit. Snippits of those times have started to come forth bubbling up like a putrid cesspool. With every thought taken captive I am so thankful that I can say, "Yes, but ultimately I chose to hang tight to a righteous God knowing that He cleansed me from all unrighteousness."

"'Come now, let us reason together,' says the Lord. 'Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool...'" ~Isaiah 1:18

Father God in Heaven, your name is holy, unblemished, pure. As you look down upon your children, comfort them and place others in their paths to lead them to You. Lift up those who have addictions and have gone through a "slip." Lift up those who have been beaten down by the cruelty of life reminding them that there is a better tomorrow. Use my voice to share news of a better way. While we have breath, we still have a chance to move forward out of the stagnant waters to waterfalls of beauty and grace.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Won't you join me in celebrating the beauty of a pure and contrite heart? It feels soooo darn good to be able to look in the mirror without those words of "you're no good" shouting at me. The little girl inside me loves to play and feel safe ~~ I do too! We make a great team. Stop those nasty negative thoughts about yourself ~ I promise you, when you do, you'll start to make progress and knock down all those road blocks!!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Quiet Moment in Time

March 7, 2014

Dear God,

It's so quiet tonight ~ my furry kids are zonked out for the night and I have some time to talk with you. The only sounds are the flames dancing in the fireplace and the tick tocking of the clocks.

Time moves forward never again to be relived except through memories and the written word. The clocks in the cottage tick away reminding me that there is work to be done, people to be reached, love to be dispensed, and a legacy to be passed on. (Brain alert!!) I must interrupt this blog to add a piece of interesting information about me and clocks:

My mother and father helped out at my aunt and uncle's bar/cafe (Bud's Cafe) one weekend and I went to stay at my Grandmother Maggie's. I spent the night in my Aunt Alida's bedroom ~ unfamiliar surroundings. As I lay awake wondering where the boogie men were in this house, I began to hear the sound of Alida's clock on the dresser ~ "tick, tick, tick..." For some reason, I decided that it was a reminder of a safe place and fell soundly asleep. The beat of time has been my comfort sound ever since!

Great-Grandfather on Right
RJ Hall, Civil War Photo
Father, you and I have been walking on this earth for a good many years now. Why is it that wisdom takes such a long time to develop? Over and over, I've heard people (as well as myself) say, "If I knew then what I know now..." You'd think that we all would learn that if history repeats itself generation after generation, we'd do something different so why don't we. Things that are different feel awkward and take practice. Based on doing research on my families or origin, I think my stubbornness and hard headedness comes naturally. You have to be strong and persevere to be a pioneer and trail blazer like so many of my ancestors were. I just carried on the torch. I will say this though ... the torch I carry is a different torch in so many ways ~ my blog being one of them.

"a voice of one calling in the wilderness.'Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.'" ~Mark 1:3

LORD, you have prepared the way for me over these many years. I want to thank you for carrying my blogs across the Internet Highway. I am always surprised when I see countries I've never heard of. Today, I noticed that I had quite a few hits from Readers in Azerbaijan which is a Muslim region in northwestern Iran. I wonder if my Readers are Christians living in this country OR am I preparing their hearts to accept you as Savior? Either way, when I look up the country, I pray for what is going on in that country as well as those who are reading my blog. My prayer list is getting pretty long, Lord ... you are blessing me! My blessings are coming at a perfect time ~ I have no children to get off to school, a job outside the home that I have to rush off to, and, most of the time, no clock to punch. No excuses ~ I have time to read Your Holy Word and pray.

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." ~James 3:17

It is Lent ~ a time to REFRESH and PREPARE. I am fasting from 8pm to 11am or noon (sometimes longer). My belly growls and I am reminded how many in the world have no food or clean water. I am reminded of my sin and how utterly unworthy I am to be called a daughter of You, the living God. There are times when my eyes well up with tears out of this deep gratitude knowing what is coming in 40 days. Without a Savior and Redeemer, I would be lost ~ mentally, spiritually, physically. You found me at the bottom and raised me to a place of serenity, hope, and love. That's my sweet spot!!

Father God in Heaven, I've told you before and I'll keep on telling you, I am grateful to be able to talk with you. As a little girl, I searched through your house hoping for an encounter with You as a real live man. I never found you then but you saw my heart and we've walked through the highways and byways of life ever since. I must admit, there were years when I forgot about you and did life on my own terms ~ those choices have haunted me. My heart repented and repents every day. It is important that I remain open, honest, and teachable.

For those that are traveling with me, I pray your divine protection and blessing would keep them filled with hope. Where there is war, pestilence, hunger, and evil around every corner, I pray that you would swoop down with armies of angels.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I just got this great idea. How about instead of giving up things for Lent that you add some things like prayer, fasting, giving to those in need, smiling, counting blessings, singing, worship, savoring meals that have been provided, thinking positive thoughts, and the list goes on. Do something that is out of your comfort zone or a part of your regular routine. Funny ~ when we concentrate on giving and being thankful, everything else just seems to fall into place. 


Monday, March 3, 2014

Who is pulling the strings & orchestrating your life?

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. ~Miss Dottie

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dear God,

It's really early and I wanted to talk with you before I headed North. Somehow, my day just doesn't go as it should when I don't connect with you for the first fruits of my day. I've put my Bible beside my bed; however, the Fabulous 5 don't think they should wait while I read a scripture or two before they get outside. Guess I can't blame them. When you gotta go, you gotta go!

Today is the day for my annual boob squashing. I'm having to push myself to go to my appointment ~ it's a long round-about trip to go to Plano and back again. BUT, it's an annual exam that is important and something I don't put off. I've had to have some needle biopsies done ~ so far so good. My paternal grandmother had breast cancer, my father died of cancer, and cancer seems to have reared it's ugly head through both sides of my families of origin. I had a breast reduction about ten years ago ~ those "girls" were just too heavy to carry around all the time and really put stress on my neck and upper back; plus, they were dense making my mammograms more of a challenge. "Gross," my Readers are probably saying, "too much information." The point being, as women, we need to be concerned about our breast health and get those mammograms done! Do I hear an "Amen!!"

A couple weeks ago now, I attended the Cashore Marionettes as part of the Hill College Performing Arts Series. I was surprised to learn that Joseph Cashore began his career as the result of a negative experience. Captivated by a marionette in a gift shop, he asked permission to try it out and was turned down. Rather than leave discouraged, he continued to pursue his dream of working with marionettes and has been designing and performing with his marionettes for over thirty years. The last scenario performed involved an elephant with over forty strings. I was almost hypnotized by the ease of how he maneuvered those puppets to do anything and everything imaginable by the slight tip or pull of string(s). After the program, the audience was invited to ask questions. We were all like little kids on the edge of our seats clamoring to find out how they worked and what went in to performing with so many different puppets each made so uniquely by the puppet master.

I got to thinking about how easily the puppets moved about as their individual strings were being pulled and how much we are like those puppets. I doubt if too many of us pull our own strings and must admit how often we are influenced and swayed by those around us, our families of origin, and, in my own case, my faith as a Christian. I will be forever grateful that I have been a trail blazer, a leader, and an independent spirit less likely to follow the earthy crowd. I've never gotten into trouble when I have allowed you, LORD, to direct my path and pull the strings to get me to where you would have me go. I have gotten into trouble when I thought "I" knew best and pulled my own strings. Oh my oh my ... trouble, double trouble like the Trouble song only in my case, I wasn't saved by a woman. YOU saved me.

The picture I have of you, LORD, pulling the strings of my life is an image so beautiful. Only someone broken can truly understand what giving up one's life to Christ really means.

Later ... prayer continued: While I was in the city, I had a quick lunch with one of my besties, Etta. It was so good to see her. Etta is one of the sweetest people God put on this earth and I am blessed beyond blessed to have her as a friend. We made some plans to get together in April to attend Trade Days. Oh, I miss my North Texas home and friends!!

Good news ... By the time I got home today, my mammogram results had been emailed to me. No abnormalities! Yay!!

Father God in Heaven, I thank you for the gift of this day ~ for the wonderful facility where I've had mammograms done for many years; my friend, Etta, who makes me smile; and, for the good test outcome. Prompt my Readers to get cancer check-ups not putting them off.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: The company we keep determines the trouble we meet. If we allow the wrong people or values to pull our strings we're in for a heap of heartache. 

March forward...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. ~Miss Dottie

March 3, 2014

Dear God,

Goooddd Mmmorning, LORD, it's Miss Dottie settling in for a chat!

My teeth were chattering as I rolled out of bed. I love sleeping in a cool to cold room but that jolt of ccccold was certainly eye opening. After some pretty awesome Spring warmth, we're reminded ... "Not yet." Looks like we will be contending with some slickery roads over the next couple days. Guess we are getting Spring's message ... "Not yet but soon!"

Will be a day to stay in and read A RED HERRING WITHOUT MUSTARD (a Flavia de Luce Novel) written by Alan Bradley. This is my third book I've read by this author ... fun plots, British humor, and a quick read. Can't beat a warm fire, candles flickering, some music, a good book, and cuddling up with the Fabulous 5 to create ambiance and serenity.  

While I am in one of my March Forward modes, I have been thinking about what to do with my hair. It is straight as a stick and has always been quite unmanageable. My mother started giving me "perms" when I was about three or four. Maybe that's what I need now?? Since I am not one to spend more than five minutes on hair, it's been a continual challenge. A few weeks ago, I decided to let it grow out thinking that I might enjoy a new "do." Since my neck surgery I've discovered that I have limited mobility in raising my arms to roll hair under on the back of my head. I wonder if physical therapy could help that?? I've been doing stretching but... If you have any ideas please pass them on in vision form.  You've been known to do that! Maybe my Readers have some ideas. I look at the phone when I was a tiny girl and laugh ... "Totally me!"

March marches forward like a lion with wind and temperatures attached to a yoyo string. There is that sense of "bursts" ~ wind, rain, new growth, and the promise of beautiful Aprils. I get caught up in that crest ready to ride the waves of the rest of the year. I started out 2014 with thoughts of REFRESH so it's time to look within and decide if I am on track. To be totally honest, my idea of writing things down in a notebook went by the wayside in a matter of just a few weeks. That being said, I have made progress in other areas so that's what I am concentrating on.

At this season of life, I am finding that I am hand selecting things that I enjoy and want to do. I was getting pretty stale in the performing arts arena and have been taking advantage of the programs put on by the Performing Arts at the college. Last Friday, my friend, Beverly, and I went to the sack lunch performance of the Brock McGuire Band from Ireland. It was so fun to forget the woes of the day and get totally caught up in the toe tapping sounds of old Ireland. Thank you, God, for the music handed down through the ages!

Hey Mom, I'm keeping an
eagle eye on those birds!
The sun is shining through the french doors of the cottage offering a welcome to the outdoors. The bird feeder is full ~ something the Cardinals, Bluejays, and little Wrens depend on ~ especially these cold days. Kennedy loves to sit on the end of the sofa watching them. Every now and then he chatters in this funny language that tickles my funny bone. Gotta love that Pom-Chi.

Lord God, I just checked my Audience Stats and found that I am getting a big following in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and, believe it or not, even the Ukraine.  Who would have suspected how far my blogs would travel when I began writing several years ago. Many times, I've wondered if I should hang it up but something inside of me says, "There may be one more person to reach for Christ." I don't really understand why we have these wonderful conversations and why I am led to write what I write but I trust You.

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." ~Isaiah 41:10

This day, this moment in time, I pray for all of my Readers filling them with those words from Isaiah. No matter what is going on about them, I pray they will look to the heavens and see your face. Where there is strife, bloodshed, and unfairness, let there be hope. A single candle ... a single voice CAN make a difference. Move dear Father in Heaven, move mightily within the hearts of each person reading my blog. Allow them to share your word with others creating passion and righteousness.


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: What fuels your passion? I would invite you to try something new today. Get out your bucket list and see if there is something that you could do today to make a dream a reality. One bit of advice, if God is the wind beneath your wings, you will soar!!!