Friday, March 21, 2014

When God Moves...

Lead the kind of life that ignites passion, love, humility, and righteousness; then, let others light their candles from it. ~Miss Dottie

March 11, 2014

Dear God,

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood and I will soon be headed out to do a little digging in the dirt. I turned on the air conditioner in the cottage this afternoon. Yay! Temperatures are a rising!!

The Fabulous 5 got me out of bed wayyyy too early. They watered the bushes and fertilized the lawn and I herded them back into the cottage for some additional zzzzz's. I worked outside all day yesterday and I think I was just "done in." My daughter called and woke me up ... a nice way to start the day! I thank you Lord for her and the wonderful open, honest relationship we have. She loves you too so we also have that in common. Ahhhh yes...

I've been thinking a lot about you and how you've worked in my life. All I know is that when you move, you move with warp speed. I should know by now, that if I put you first in my life and trust you with all my heart, things work out for my good. Another thing I've remembered is that sometimes you've delivered your messages and worked your magic in ways that I totally didn't understand at the time. What I know for sure is that the times I have been the lowest have propelled me to times of sheer ecstasy. That being said, then what's the deal?

MY PROBLEM was that I didn't feel I deserved the good stuff so I seemed to gradually gravitate towards the old familiar. I had to fix me before I could really grasp the best that you've had for me all along. I needed to want for myself what I wanted for others.

So all that is fine and good but where am I now? I am naturally a hard working, optimistic, empathetic lady who chooses to look at the good side of people and life. My daughter and I talked about "nice" this morning and she had me in stitches. I guess I've been the "nice" girl with a twist of spice! She got me thinking though and my morning that had started off kinda yuk was filled with belly laughs and joy. I am still smiling.

In just a couple days, Jane and Madison will be here in Texas and we will be touring the campuses of Southern Methodist University, Baylor, A&T, and the University of Texas, Austin. I can hardly wait!! It's been way too long since we've hugged and just enjoyed each other's company. I am excited to show Jane my cottage and introduce Jane and Maddy to the four adopted rescues. I KNOW we will have a blessed time every day they are here.

Father God, I thank you for all that I am and who you created me to be. I praise you for the unending goodness and mercy you bestow on me and on your children across the globe. I pray that my Readers will find that gleam of hope; that opportunity to share with another and laugh; that peace that comes from knowing you are in control; and, the blessing of being one of yours. So often, I see myself climbing up into your lap, stroking your beard, and looking into your eyes. I want to be like you and see the world through your compassion. Move dear Lord, move in the hearts of my Readers, warming them with your smile. I know it will be so...


Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: There are those of you who instant message me on Facebook, those that call me on the phone, and, those who email me. For each one of you, I want you to know how much I care about what you have to say. There are times that you change the complexion of my day offering me new insights into your own worlds and mine too. When I started writing my blog, I had not idea of where it was going or why. I just knew that I would be a vessel for the Lord to use. Always remember ... You are loved and cared about ... YA YOU!!

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