Friday, January 2, 2015

The old is gone...

Song: The Old Man is Dead

January 1, 2015

Dear God,

 "Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending." ~Carl Bard

Happy New Year! My friend, Bud, mentioned this song (The Old Man is Dead) on a Facebook post. I'd never heard it before so I decided to listen to it. I googled UTube, put in the name of the song, and picked the first one that came up. I truly believe there are no such things are coincidences ... Bud was meant to mention the song, I was meant to listen to it, and, there was my theme for 2015. The old man/woman is dead.

I've never had a problem with addictions; however, I have been attracted to people that do. Maybe it's because I enjoy life so much and people with addictions can be quite charming, fun, and good conversationalists. I spent quite a few years in the Alanon program and taught the 12 Steps (which I recommend highly for those dealing with many different issues in life). I still think of the slogans when I am faced with challenges; i.e., "Let go and let God."

Terrace, Minnesota
For several days at the end of December, I'd been meditating on Psalms 31:3: For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me. I would say this verse aloud then be very still allowing my mind to just wander through the paths in a forest of many trees, rivers, and waterfalls. I was in a desert for a long while but now? I am standing among fresh new life ... the old woman of 2014 is dead replaced by a vibrant woman of purpose and direction! How about that?! 2014 had been a year to examine and REFRESH but boy howdy, I was glad to see it end!

I am realizing that relationships require time spent together in meaningful conversation and touch. (Yep, I'm a hugger!) Without that, how would I know about what has transpired in that person's life to make them who they are in the present. Last September my graduating class had a reunion. Since I haven't attended in some years, I still think of my classmates as they were when I knew them growing up. It was sort of a shock to look at the CD of photos and realize that, like me, they had matured and lived a lifetime of events. I know that in my heart, I am the same as I was as a girl; however, life's experiences have deepened my faith, my scars have given me a value for life, and my quest in search of serenity has been filled with peaks and valleys.

"Superficial" is not a good word in my vocabulary. I love REAL people who have lived REAL lives. I want to know their stories. Lord, you have a plan for all of us and the only thing I've come to truly believe is that we go through the peaks and valleys of life for a reason and that reason is to extend a hand to others who follow behind us going through the same thing. HOPE ... there is always hope! I am living proof of that!!

Father God, I pray for my church family, my family of believers, my Readers, my family of origin, and my country. I pray that you would touch the lives of those sitting on the fence wondering if You are real. Where there is need, I pray for a filling ... where there is illness, I pray for healing ... where there is depression, let there be an uplifting. I pray for miracles ... miracles that draw your people close to your heart. I know that everything is Father-filtered and that if you bring us to "it," you will bring us through "it." I pray for the caretakers ~ grant them an extra measure of patience and strength! Come alongside of me dear Jesus, lead me and guide me as I blog in 2015. Today, I feel that wonderful sense of peace and majestic wonder. Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: As I begin 2015, I like to reiterate my blog purpose ... my blog is a compilation of my own experiences, thoughts, ideas, and ideals. There are some Readers who totally disagree with my philosophies and my Christian beliefs. That's okay... There are some Readers who are comforted knowing that if I made it though those murky waters, they can as well. I hold out my hand and invite you to share my life and my journey. Feel free to comment on my blogs. Most of all, always remember that I love you and am praying for you ... YA YOU!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year!! What a great way to start out the year.

