Thursday, January 22, 2015

A Windy Thursday

January 22, 2014

Dear Readers,

Come on in and let's chat awhile. I was reading in The Promise Study Edition of the Bible this morning. It's an easy read ~ great for folks trying to make some sense out of the thee's and thou's that sometimes can be overwheling and confusing.

The wind is blowing hard enough to knock over my little ones, Harmony, Ruffles, and Finn. I carried them from the cottage to the house for breakfast BUT they walked back and looked like little drunken sailors on the return trip. Sure glad that the trees were trimmed or we'd have a crisis on our hands today with falling limbs!!

My week has been fruitful. I am working my heart's plan and am finding that way is more productive for me. The trees have been trimmed and I am more than ecstatic about the results. Although, my CPAP machine is somewhere between California and Texas, I am choosing to believe that it will arrive when it's supposed to. I've done my part and need to let go of the rest!

Yesterday, we drove in to the city to meet with Dr. Carmody, the orthopedic spine surgeon who has operated on my neck and back numerous times. I thought about going to a surgeon in Waco but every door and window was slammed shut on that idea. Dr. Carmody was voted as one of the top 10 orthopedic surgeons 2014 and I can see why. He and his team are top-notch staying abreast of all the new surgical techniques PLUS offering a sense of personal care second to none. Kudos to Dr. Carmody, Susie, and Randy!!

That being said, Dr. C pulled up my MRI and showed me where my back is crumbling and the stenosis worsening. He talked about my options and we agreed on a plan of action. I will be entering Baylor Frisco on February 19, and he will be fusing the L3-4. Hopefully, I will only have a 2 day stay in the hospital and will be fully recovered in time to work in my gardens come Spring. Believe me, I am looking forward to another season of being pain free and able to sit, stand, and walk without numbness and pain. I am so fortunate, my body heals quickly and, although the surgeries I have endured aren't fun, I choose to walk through the door of more pain for a time to get less pain in the long run.

Hmmm... ever think about that last sentence? So often we need to go through times of pain and darkness to better ourselves and our lives. Addicts have to stop their drugs of choice and go through painful withdrawal to eventually be free of their demons. Divorce is a painful ordeal but sometimes, that separation no matter how painful must be endured if we are to experience a better life. In my own life, I had to be willing to walk through some pretty intensive counseling and uncover the darkness that had kept me from living the life God intended for me. I will never be cured BUT I am using truth and light as a springboard to helping others. If I can, YOU CAN!!

Michael and I talk twice a day ... once before he goes to work for at least a half hour and then, again, when he gets home from work. This morning, we were talking about our families of origin and how we were shaped by our upbringing. Both of us are eldest children; however, he is an only child. I was adventuresome and independent and, in many ways, so was he. For him, as he grew older, his stretching and being a winner, wasn't encouraged. In fact, he was encouraged to play life safe and stick with what he knew. His amiable personality became shaped by others rather than by his own desires and his addiction to pain killers for 30+ years nearly took his life. I, on the other hand, was more stubborn. Tell me "no" and I figured out a way to get to a "yes." Although I am very feminine, I think more like a male ... go figure...

God is good, yes, He is. He has brought people into my life to enrich and encourage me so that I, in turn, can encourage and enrich others. I love learning and have been very picky about who I follow. I am a seeker, open-minded, and a lover of life. I also live the philosophy of "I am second," choosing to follow Jesus and become more like Him. For an independent thinking lady, that has been difficult. Time and time again, He has showed me that if I remain in Him, my life will be filled with serenity and a sense of deep peace. The thing that I like is that "I am choosing" and every morning I have options!!

Miss Dottie

PS "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is ~ his good, pleasing, and perfect will." ~Romans 12:2 (NIV)

I usually whistle while I work (bad habit that drives some people crazy if they are around me for very long) but today, I am focusing on praying for you, my Readers, and for those on my prayer list. Picture me doing my work, dancing around the cottage declaring God's blessings over your lives! Picture my furry kids barking up a storm (their way of saying AMEN!) and joining me in my celebration of God's goodness. Now, that's a visual!! LOL

Have a wonderful day ... God bless!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like life is moving in the right direction for you and Michael--so happy for both of you!! What a difference a year makes :-)

    Love YOU~
