Saturday, May 30, 2015

Soaking? Soaking.

May 27, 2015

Dear God,

Gooood Mooorning Lord! We had another nasty storm last night but there is sun shining down on my gardens this morning. Here, You sit in this blue chair, I'll pull up another and we can talk. I've had my first cup of coffee and have shifted into second gear. Give me a couple more cups and I'll be raring to go!! Give me more than three cups of coffee and I'll be going ninety miles an hour in reverse!! What a visual that is!!!

I was sitting here (dunking my biscuit in hot coffee) thinking about what Pastor Gerald says about Bible verses. To quote a verse without looking at the context around it is picking and choosing. I've sure been guilty about doing that. I think that's one of the important reasons I read through the Bible each year. In the 1980's I took a two year class called WORD and WITNESS at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Plano, TX. It was a big commitment but the time went by so quickly. It takes time to soak in the Word to really get what You are saying.

This morning I read Proverbs 16:30-32 and I think my Readers will understand what I mean by picking and choosing. If I just said "A gray head is a crown of glory" I would be missing the whole picture.

"He who winks his eyes does so to devise perverse things; He who compresses his lips brings evil to pass. A gray head is a crown of glory; it's found in the way of righteousness. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty; And he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city..."

I wish I could take a class not only on the Bible but also Biblical history at the same time. As I have grown older, my mind needs repetition in order to retain and relate.

I get these hair-brained ideas of how I can "soak" in Your Word. This is my latest:

I like giving You the first fruits of my day; however, I have decided that I will also give you the the last hour of my day and this is what I am going to do. I will read a chapter out of the Bible ... my favorite is James so I will start there. I will fill my claw foot tub with steamy hot water filled with my special soaking solution. I'll light the candles in my chandelier and holders around the room. I'll "soak" there for 15-30 minutes meditating. Now, that is my plan. Like it?? I knew You would. I plan on starting tonight!!

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty
And on Your wonderful works, I will meditate.
~Psalm 145:5 

Miss Dottie rides
Miss Vivian's horse, Hopper
Lord, I am learning so much at the Open Range Church (besides my attempt to ride a horse!). The Open Range Band get to my heart and sets the stage for Miss Kitty and the pastors. Before each service, I pray to remain teachable. If they step on my toes, I think about what you are saying to me. Ouch, convicted! or (smile) thank you! If I wasn't in church, I wouldn't get these pearls of wisdom. I would be left to my own thoughts which can get sorta "self" centered rather than "God" centered.

I've fallen down, gotten caught in the cross hairs of life, and learned by skinning my knees. You know what though? I've always come crawling back and You've picked me up, dried me off, loved the stuffin' out of me, and sent me back to "try again." I've grown up in the shadow of Your wings for sure!

"He will cover you with his feathers, He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." ~Psalm 91:4

Thank you Dear Jesus, for putting a burning desire in my heart to know You. It's been many years of starting and stopping and starting once again ... a process. There is a reason why older folks grow wise and that's because they've been there, done that, and grown from years of living, making mistakes, and growing in Your forgiveness. I thank you for the Open Range Church and all the other people in this world who care deeply about You. I thank you for your protection and provision each and every day. I thank YOU ... period.

Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days.
~Job 12:12

Be with those needing a boost today. Touch their lives and open their eyes. Our nation is at a point where we do need to repent and return to you. It seems like so much has been watered down and microwaved. We take showers (well, not me) because we're short on time ... we condense classes to get the meat yet miss the context ... We work work work ~ for what? My coffin may not be as elaborate as some but we all go down into the ground taking nothing with us except what work we did in Your name. My legacy I leave is important to me because I want my family to have really known me inside and out. I want them to know what I stood for and what I was against. They don't need to agree with me but at least they'll not know me as a woose who bobbed up and down according to what what was politically and lawfully correct.

Miss Dottie

PS I wrote this a few days ago and am just now publishing it. Yesterday, I attended the celebration of life service for my dear friend, Vivian. The Open Range Band played her favorite songs and Pastor Dudley gave a beautiful tribute to this special lady ... he shared her life's story, her legacy. As I listened, I was reminded of how one person's life in action could affect so many people for Christ. Miss Vivian's smile, encouragement, and hugs were a treasure. I knew her for less than a year yet our spirits connected and maybe, just maybe God put me in the Open Range Church at the perfect time to meet and be inspired by this glorious soul.

When I am gone, what will I be remembered for? Will I just be buried and forgotten like so many? 

Miss Vivian fought the good fight, completed the race, kept the faith (2 Timothy 4:7). Now, that's pretty awesome!!


Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Zoe Speaks Out!

May 21, 2015

Hi Everybody,

My furmom has let all her furry kids get their paws on the computer so it's my turn.

1st day home!
I came to Seidler Dogdom in February. My furmom and furdad knew right away that I needed rescuing the first time they saw me. I don't know why 'cause I was perfectly content spending my time outside digging, having babies, and hiding from those big dogs. You know, you get used to a way of life (even if it's not good) and even if it's a not so good situation, you adapt. Mom says this is true about humans too. (Sigh)

Oh Mom, I am trying to stay clean. Honest I am!

My name used to be Princess but now I am called Zoe. Mom was hoping for a cute little Maltese, white as snow (like Zeke and Finn). I'm afraid what she got was a flea infested Maltese (Mix?) with stained feet, belly, backside, and beard. She got me!!

Welcome to Seidler Dogdom Zoe! ~ Kennedy
When I came to Seidler Dogdom, I had to learn to get along with my other brothers and sisters. We're all about the same size so I didn't need to worry about getting hurt. Kennedy is kind of a loner so I leave him alone to stare at his front feet ~ between you and me, Kennedy lives in his own world on his own time. Mom says that Kennedy is her therapy dog. Between you and me, he's just sorta weird! Toby, on the other hand, loves to chase squirrels and I love to chase him. He can run faster than any dog I've ever seen so I get a work-out to keep my fur-lish figure!

Wowzer! That new gal, Zoe, is pretty cool.
She helped me chase squirrels today. ~Toby

Look at me, Zoe... I am top dog here &
don't you forget it! ~Harmony Jane
Harmony is the alpha dog around here. I learned that right quick. I wanted to get up on the couch and sit by mom and Harmony put me in my place. I waited til she got down then jumped up cuddling in close. Fooled her! Ruffy? I like Ruffy. Of all my brothers and sisters, she likes me and we can wrestle with one another.  I follow Toby around outside and Ruffy follows me. Mom says we are, "Sooo cute!"

Helloooo, Zoe, I'm Ruffy.
Wanna play? ~Ruffles

My fur was pretty chopped up last February. The lady I lived with put a cute pink/brown leopard shirt on me trying to cover it up. Mom could tell I was pretty matted. I HATE brushes and combs. Mom has tried to gently brush the snarls out but I turn upside down and inside out. I think those brushes and combs are going to hurt me and I don't like that. I should know better but memories are hard to erase. Mom has been brushing me a little bit every day and I'm a little better. I hear her say, "Gentle, gentle ... good girl." Music to my ears.

Last week I went to see Naomi at Tidy Tails in Waco. Dr. Arnold had given me a little sedative to help me chill out. Naomi did wonders and I looked like a svelte Princess ~ the red bow in my top knot sparkled. Naomi told mom that the clippers scared me so she did an all over scissor cut. I appreciated her kindness and gentle hand. Naomi rocks in my world!

I am used to the outside, mud, and standing water. I jumped out of the car when we got home and sure didn't understand why mom was yelling, "Nooooooooooo!" as I headed for my favorite spots. She was hoping to get a photo of me all dolled up. Well, I didn't mind my rubbing out my topknot and bow on the dirty ground ... but, mom, her hands were over her mouth and she was gasping.

I'm happy at Seidler Dogdom. I get grain free healthy kibble, filtered water to drink, and have a cushy bed to nap in during the day. Mom takes us all outside several times a day where we can explore and play. Mom tells me that it didn't matter where I came from or how much neglect I suffered. I am safe now and now is important. By the way, in Greek Zoe means life and in Japanese Zoe means uniquely different. I think my pawrents picked a perfect name for me.

I have been spayed so no more babies for me. I am up to date on my shots and looking good. I think that my future looks rosy. I know Mom's never far away and with the slightest yip of discomfort, I am attended to. I'm working on getting used to my furdad. Ruffy told me that it took a couple years for her to overcome some of her phobias.

Ever heard of that song Green Acres? Well, I wrote some new words to it, come on sing along:

Seidler Dogdom is the place to be
Cottage livin' is the life for me
Gardens spreadin' out so far and wide
Keep old Dallas, just give me that countryside

Miss Dottie's is where I'd rather stay
I get allergic smelling hay
I just adore a cottage garden view
Former owners, I loved you but give me "my" own Park Avenue

The food, the safety
Fresh air, good care

You, Seidler Dogdom, are my new life
Good bye old outside life
Seidler Dogdom I am there!!!

To sum it all up, I am just a little girl, only six pounds soaking wet who wanted her own furever family. Being loved, cared for, and cherished mean everything to me. I am sure you'll hear from me again 'cause Miss Dottie can't help herself when it comes to her furry kids ~ she wants to tell the world to adopt and open their hearts to the imperfectly perfect, like me! I give her a big woof! because she always ruffles my fur and tells me, "Zoe, you may not be perfect and have a tipped halo but you are perfect for me!" Amen!!


Dear Jesus, 
Thank you for caring about all the animals left behind when owners move, those abused, those considered disposable, and not quality. I pray that my Readers would open their hearts and minds to adopting one of these animals dropped off in the country, living in a shelter, or deplorable conditions ~ the ones needing a heart that will love them, rehabilitate them, and give whether it be money, a home, or volunteering at a local shelter or rescue. I had no intentions of adopting 5 dogs but somehow they found me or I found them. Either way, I have been blessed beyond blessed.

Once I lived in a shelter ~ just for 30 days ~ but it gave me a new perspective of how it feels to be afraid for your life. I pray you will meet the needs of those  around us who are hungry, need shelter, fresh water, and the human touch of love. I pray we will not turn our eyes away.

I vividly remember my move to a new home in Plano, TX in 1973. One evening while we were eating, I looked up to see a little girl standing at our dining room window. She mouthed the words, "I am hungry." I took her family some food under the guise of "welcome to the neighborhood." That still haunts me and I never want my fellowman to do without if I can help. In return, the little girls father, picked some lamb's quarters from his yard and brought them to us. "Can't think of letting all this food go to waste and planting grass." I accepted the lamb's quarters, cooked them, and we all sat down for a meal with just that on our plates. They didn't live in their house but for a few months and every now and then, I wonder where they went. 

As I grow older, the images that made me who I am today flood my thoughts. Thank you for tapping me on the shoulder and reminding me that You made me for a purpose. I pray that others would know their own purposes and open their minds and arms to others.

In the name of my Savior .. Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

Thursday, May 21, 2015

I'll Love You Forever

May 21, 2015
Thursday Evening

Dear Readers,

I started writing this blog yesterday, and just couldn't... My therapy dog, Kennedy, sits by my side tonight licking my salty tears when they fall. What would I do without Kennedy? Somehow, he just understands... Gonna put my fingers on the keyboard and see how the good Lord is going to speak blog form!

You can call me goofy, but when Zeke was murdered by a truck (the driver didn't stop and I was standing right there), and a couple months later, Finn hung himself in his crate by his dog tags, I thought I wasn't going to be able to breathe much less walk through the darkness of loss. To even begin to talk about the unfairness of loss is still painful.

Today, my dear friends Brad and Diane would have been welcoming their grandson, Kasen. Kasen's stillbirth still haunts them. I've lost grandchildren and I "get" their pain. As I was praying for them these words came before me:

Today I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
as long as I'm living
my baby you'll be.

You'll probably recognize those words from Robert Munsch's children's book, LOVE YOU FOREVER. I've bought several books as gifts and you may have as well.

To recap, the book starts out with a mother rocking her newborn baby. From there the baby grows into a toddler, a caked with dirt boy, a teenager, and eventually, a husband and father with a baby of his own. I really didn't know the story behind the book which was written as a song for the author's two stillborn babies. To quote Mr Munsch:

"I made that up after my wife and I had two babies born dead. The song was my song to my dead babies. For a long time I had it in my head and I couldn't even sing it because every time I tried to sing it I cried. It was very strange having a song in my head that I couldn't sing.

For a long time it was just a song but one day ... it occurred to me that I might be able to make a story around the song.

Out popped LOVE YOU FOREVER, pretty much the way it is the book."

When I thought about I LOVE YOU FOREVER and knew the background I saw it in a new light. It's about the love that persists beyond time and space and an ode to those parents and grandparents who never had the chance to rock their babies and grandbabies.

I talked awhile last Sunday with Brad and Diane, and knew it was going to be a tough week for them. The loss of a child is unexplainable and grief cannot be measured or hurried. I have looked towards the skies and said, "Little ones, this is grandma, I will be seeing you soon in Heaven ... until then, just know how much I love you."

There is something about the creation of new life that sends me to the moon with the deepness of love that cannot be explained. As a Bible-believing Christian, I believe in the sanctity of life. I believe that each soul is created for a purpose.

Psalm 139:12-14 says, "Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You. For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well..."

We are chosen for a particular God-given purpose ~ yes, even the stillborn have purpose. When I am deep in sorrow, I think about Job ... "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21

In my brokenness in the deep pits of life, how could I possibly trust and praise my Lord? Praise God for pain and loss??? Oh that's a tough one. Do I have a choice? Of course I do. The loss of a loved one leaves such a hole and the scars are always there. Those that grieve deeply, love deeply ... simple as that. I wouldn't want to be any other way. I know Brad and Diane wouldn't want to be any other way either.

Father God in heaven, I pray for all those affected by stillbirths and miscarriages. I pray that your love would be poured out upon them! I especially pray for those mothers and fathers whose homes are empty without the laughter of children ... for those grandparents who feel the loss of children, grandchildren, and great~grandchildren. Help us to recognize the tear in the eye of the grieving. For those not knowing what to do or say? Sometimes, just a hug and "I care" means a lot. God, let us not become complacent, selfish, and hard-hearted. I pray for comfort and the thoughts of beautiful memories, the chance for even a moment to say hello. Jesus take the wheel of your people who are struggling. Sometimes, we hang on for dear life when we should be doing what we can then allowing You to take over. As I look upwards into the misting rain, I know there will be a rainbow ... You promised! Amen, dear Jesus, Amen!

Miss Dottie

PS "Some people say it is a shame. Others even imply that it would have been better if the baby had never been created. But the short time I had with my child is precious to me. It is painful to me, but I still wouldn't wish it away. I prayed that God would bless us with a baby. Each child is a gift, and I am proud that we cooperated with God in the creation of a new soul for all eternity. Although not with me, my baby lives." ~~Christine O'Keeffe Lafser, An Empty Cradle, a Full Heart: Reflections for Mothers and Fathers after Miscarriaage, Stillbirth, or Infant Death.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

New Adventures

May 19, 2015

Dear Readers,

Do I dare say the sun is trying to peek from behind the clouds?  I've lived in Texas for quite some time and have not seen a wetter Spring with more dangerous storms. Michael said that his dad built the storm shelter so that they wouldn't have to go under the house in bad weather. I'm glad that he had the foresight to build this little fortress as I really have felt safe the couple times we've used it this year.

I really need to get back into blogging. After my surgery in March, my thoughts would race through my head and, although, I would start blogs, I would get frustrated and rarely finish one. I've also been dealing with some personal issues that didn't belong "out there" for the world to dissect. My nature has always been to pull away and quiet my brain and gather strength in my sails. I've always enjoyed my own company but to become a hermit has never been in the cards! It's time to spread my wings!

This past Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I had the opportunity to feast on the words of Evangelist Jeremiah Bolich. I always enjoy listening to testimonies and the making of great men and women. It's not really so much about what horrible things happen to us, around us, and within us ... it's more about what we do with our stepping stones to faith, trust, and wholeness. Believe me, I know from first hand experience that in sharing our stories, we are able to draw others to the Lord God. Since I came from a world of "keeping secrets" and "not making waves," it took every bit of courage I had to open my mouth as I addressed my fellow believers. It's never gotten easier to be totally honest and open about my past but when God taps me on the shoulder, I respond because I know that if He brings me to it, He will bring me though it.

After Bible Study on Saturday, we stopped at the Carver Homestead in Whitney to attend an estate sale. I'd always wanted to tour this mansion and wasn't going to miss an opportunity to get inside the doors. The house (although quite run down) didn't disappoint. I picked up 4 old rusty garden stakes that held votive candles (Wabi-Sabi), a beautiful glass juicer, and a book for $4. Most of all, I enjoyed standing inside the house imagining what life was like there in the 1800's and early 1900's. Naturally, I had to go home and google the house and it's history.

When I woke up on Sunday, I was stoked. I was ready wayyy before time to head out and was able to spend some time in prayer. When I got in the car, I had this feeling of joy knowing my day would be extra special. I truly believe that if we expect bad that's what we get ... sometimes a double dose!! I am doing a refresh of thinking positive and expecting good. Guess what? Sunday, I got a double dose of joy.

When I got to church, I hurried up and got my seat saved. Then, it was time to visit, hug, and catch up. Thirty minutes just wasn't enough to greet old friends and meet some new ones! After a fabulous service of rockin' with The Open Range Band, listening to Miss Kitty, Pastor Rick, and the guest Evangelist, we headed to the kitchen for a sumptuous meal prepared by Scooter and his helpers. OMG, BBQ that melted in my mouth, beans perfectly seasoned, and a peach cobbler cooked in a cast iron pot set the stage for a perfect afternoon.

We did go home for awhile to let our precious furry kids outside, get on a change of clothes fit for the Arena, and then headed back to church. I'd never been to a buck-out before and I wanted to see for myself what these little buckaroos did for fun. I stood at the railing watching dads, moms, rodeo clowns, and kids having the time of their lives. The littlest guy riding a sheep must have been all of a year and a half old (the guys held him on his sheep so he wouldn't fall) ... there were kids riding sheep, calves, and young bulls (yep, the kind with horns!). I cheered, I laughed, and secretly wished I could go back in time and ride one of those critters!

Quite a few years ago, the company I worked for took us all on a trail ride that ended at a log cabin where we feasted on Texas BBQ. What fun that was. Wellll, Terry and Susie brought their horse, Hopper (short for Grasshopper!) to the Arena so I could ride him. Two months out of back surgery and I was on a horse. (Shhhh, don't tell Dr. Carmody!). Hopper sided up to the rail and I climbed over and dropped on! You know, I felt like a little kid. I didn't ride long but I knew I wanted to ride again.

It's wonderful to be able to not let fear take over and inhibit me from doing what I want to do on a day to day basis. I've had some choices to make over the past year ... either stay home and cry because I had no car to go anywhere, cry because I was lonely, cry because finances were constricting, give myself a pity party OR, I could bloom where I was planted enjoying what was before me. It seems like every few weeks someone that I know is dying or has died. I call those wake up calls ~ wake up calls to not miss a moment of joy just because I would rather my joy come from another place. Nope, that's why I went to watch the kids ride and that's why I climbed on Hopper. No regrets.

I have entered the world of the Cowboy who lives for Jesus. As a child, sitting in a pew at Glenwood Lutheran, I could never have dreamed of being where I am today. My plan was to marry a man from Minnesota and live there my entire life surrounded by family and friends. I guess God had other plans because I no more than walked down the aisle and we were headed for the Proving Grounds (Army), Yuma, AZ. After that I went back to Minnesota for a short time then zip, I was headed for Houston, TX. It's been quite a ride!

Dear God, As I sit here in the cottage this Tuesday morning, I am feeling pretty mellow. I have this smile on my face wondering what journey You and I will take today. I have lots of work I could be doing inside but if the weather permits, I will be out trimming rose bushes and cleaning up after last night's wind/rain. I pray for my fellow Christians who are facing trials of this world ~ sickness, surgeries, roads of healing, discouragement, loss, financial woes... I pray prayers of joy for those experiencing your tender love ... the return of a wayward son or daughter, restored relationships, and fruitful adventures. You are calling, wooing, and blessing your sons and daughters, equipping them for service. It is in giving that we receive ~ it is in grieving that we are comforted ~ it is in dying to self that we are blessed. Father, I know first hand what it is to experience disappointment, sorrow, and hurt. I also know what it is to trust when life just doesn't go the way I planned. I think about Job and admire his faith. If he could, I can, and so can you, my Readers. As I pray, I am reminded of a phone call I received last week ~ a call from a young woman who I've known since she was 19. She had faced shame and had to work through repentance, atonement, and coming to the realization of what she experienced would be part of her ministry to other women. You equip us by allowing us to experience life in all arenas. Thank you Jesus, for the long ago ministry of the Need A Friend, Be a Friend group ... Thank you Jesus, for using each of us to wrap our arms around our brothers and sisters who have a need. This day, I call upon You to bless the socks off each and every person whose lives are touched by my blog. Let Your voice be heard! Amen, it is so!

Miss Dottie

PS  Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction. ~~Old West Proverb
PSS Now that I've given you some recipes for a great day, "Get your tushy up off the couch and get after it!"

Friday, May 8, 2015

You raise me up!

May 7, 2015

Dear God,

This is one of the those days when I feel weak but strong, confused but well aware, frightened yet fortified by your armor. I am a warrior, always have been, always will be. If the patio was clean, I'd invite you to sit beside me there;  but, everything is out of the laundry room for cleaning ~ how about you sit in the lawn chair and I'll sit beside you? Good with you? Alright! If you will come tomorrow for tea, everything will be back in it's place. I hope!

You know, sometimes our bodies and hearts are so full with icky dead stuff ~ stuff that takes up so much room that there isn't much room left for love, peace, joy! I hate that. Just like my laundry room, I'm needing to clean out the junk ... the stuff that makes me sad, bad, and defeated. You raise me up, yes you do!! I can do this! Ever stand before the mirror and give yourself pep talks? No, you're God. You've given us the Bible for our pep talks. And, you've given us pastors like Pastor Rick and Pastor Dudley who minister to their flocks based on Biblical principles. 

Several crazy things have happened in the last year and a half that were totally out of my control. I've struggled, prayed, and pleaded with you to restore what was taken from me. I've pouted, cried, and gotten angry. Then there was this light bulb that went off in my head that said, "Dummy, you are a prisoner of your own making!" Whoa now that just hit me in the face.

I have been a prisoner with the key to my cell within reach. Me? ... I? ... Umm, yes, I have the key, why haven't I used it? Last night I watched a show on TV involving human trafficking. Perpetrators abuse and whittle away at souls until even if they have the opportunity, they stay where they are. Life is what it is. Pretty pathetic, huh?

There are times that I don't understand me and then, there are days that I am fully aware of where I was, where I am, and where I want to be. You're looking at me with that look aren't You? (Smile) OK, I get it. 

Last Tuesday, I went to First Baptist Church to hear Kristen Jane Anderson share her story of depression, attempted suicide, the loss of both her legs, and how You have blessed and used her. I bought her book and it's good; yet, I'm so glad I heard her story direct from her own lips.  There's something about being front and center to hear a testimony. I was "present" in every sense of the word. I wanted to know what had happened to create this woman of beauty, grace, and realness. Nothing against First Baptist but I wondered why their teens weren't there. I wondered why, when You created this opportunity, that the church wasn't cram packed. Since then, I've been praying that as she goes out to speak that the youth would flock to listen and ask questions.

I called my neighbor and asked her if she would like to go with me to hear Kristin speak. She loves Oprah and I told her that Kristen had been on her show. It didn't make any difference, once she heard that it was to be held at First Baptist and that Kristen was a Christian speaker, she bowed her back, got this scowl on her face and said, "I prefer not to go." God, why is it that some people don't like You? Is it because they have been hurt by the church or are blaming you for something in their lives? It makes me so sad because You are what she needs to fill those empty holes in her being. She even hates it that the courthouse on the square plays hymns at noon. I know it bothers her when I roll down my car window so that I can hear better. 

I find myself walking on egg shells as to not offend when I am thinking I should be more bold. What would You do? Well, from what I've learned about You is that You hold out a hand and give us free choices. We either grab hold or recoil. Simple or as complicated as that.

In John 3:19-21, You tell us, "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

When I thought about that I realized that if I can't or won't admit that I am a fallen sinner, then I will see no need to accept Jesus as my personal Savior. I will then become totally self-sufficient and totally self-reliant in my own tunnel vision; and, I will go on my way living this life as though I am in complete control of my destiny. When I think about it, this is the exact attitude and path that many atheists, agnostics, and secular people are now taking. Either we make the decision to follow You  or follow the ways of the world. We can't have this both ways. The stubborn fool says, "No one is going to tell me what to do or how to live my life." Ah, huh...

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I now plead that his blood would be poured over your people. I plead the Blood of Jesus against demons who may try to come against your people as we prepare to vote for President of the United States.  Raise up a man/woman of God whose character stands on your holy word. Protect the Church and our country against demons, back-biters, and smooth-talking wolves in sheep's clothing. Father, in the name of Jesus, I have full faith and belief that You will protect those who belong to you. There will come a day when ALL knees will bow, proclaiming you king. (Romans 14:11) Until then, grant us an extra measure of strength, wisdom, and courage to speak out in your name. Thank you Father ~ Thank you Jesus.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I love to read quotes and came across this one that really fit with what I was thinking today:

"Now, what happens if you eliminate anything from the Bible that offends your sensibility and crosses your will? If you pick and choose what you want to believe and reject the rest, how will you ever have a God who can contradict you? You won't! You'll have ... A God, essentially, of your own making, and not a God with whom you can have a relationship and genuine interaction. Only if your God can say things that outrage you and make you struggle (as in a real friendship or marriage!) will you know that you have gotten hold of a real God and not a figment of your imagination. So an authoritative Bible is not the enemy of a personal relationship with God. It is the precondition for it." ~Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

Saturday, May 2, 2015


May 1. 2015

Dear Readers,

What a beautiful day. We've had wonderful rains this Spring and my garden is spectacular. I always say plant (ready, year one), root (set, year two), grow (go, year three)! I've always envisioned my own little Garden of Eden aka an English Country Garden and it's getting there. It's been an undertaking of love with plants coming from empty lots, friends, and Lowe's sale table at the end of the season.

Three years ago, the back yard was a mess of weeds and dirt. There was a brown shed behind the garage that was falling down. Not much to work with except a few trees that Dad Seidler had planted. Today, it shines with color and texture!

I had my camera with me yesterday and had fun shooting some pictures. I put them on my computer and posted some thoughts on Facebook. I wondered if anyone else appreciated the imperfectness of old houses and architectural details. Surprisingly I had quite a few comments ~ the most intriguing was from my cousin's wife in Minneapolis, MN. She simply said: Wabi-Sabi. Being naturally curious, I googled it and thought, "Imperfect, just my kind of perfect!"

Wabi-Sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and profoundness in nature. It is accepting the natural cycle of growth, decay, and death. As I walk the streets where I live, I am intrigued by the once splendor homes of a once thriving community. Many famous celebrities graced our streets and I can shut my eyes and imagine the activity going on as folks sat on their front porches sipping tea (sweetened, of course).  Wabi-Sabi is aged wood, the celebration of cracks and crevices and all the other marks that time, weather, and loving use leave behind. I keep thinking someone will notice the beauty of these old homes and realize what a bargain they are.

I came here (not happily I might add) to live in the house Michael grew up in. The lil casa as I call it has become home despite it's need for tender loving care. We gutted the house and brought it back into the twenty first century without losing it's history. I found peace in the moss growing on the front steps and the cracked paint on the handrails. Our contractor, Lupe, wanted to power wash the stone facade but I said no.

Mom Seidler didn't care much about the outside of the house preferring to stay inside and watch TV. Me? I envisioned a lil casa with an English Country Garden with sections set apart as if time gradually gave birth to new gardens.  In March of 2012, I sat on top of the storm shelter looking down at a dilapidated garage wondering if I could find someone to take my vision and run with it. I didn't want a new garage, I wanted an imperfectly perfect place where I could write, pray, and have that much needed time of reflection. The beams have holes where dad's tools hung, the floor is wood (painted, made to look very old). I have a claw foot tub to relax in ... there are no inside doors. I was fortunate because I found a contractor who would work with me day by day to use what we had and not make it look new. Two other contractors had told me I was crazy to renovate a termite infested garage that never held a car.

In Wabi-Sabi, the ability to make do with less is revered. Throughout my life, I have lived in new homes filled with exquisite furnishings. In 2002, God showed me that life was not about stuff and I began to live differently. I lived in a 3700 sq foot home ~ every room, nook, and cranny was filled. I sold furniture, I asked my children to bring moving vans and take what they wanted. What was left, I gave away ... oriental rugs, paintings ... stuff. I kept only enough to furnish a one bedroom apartment. I found harmony, peace, tranquility, and balance.  I lived simply, unmaterialisticly, and humble. I became my perfectly imperfect self. 

Have you ever taken a drive in the country just because? Have you stopped to look an an old car left in to rust transforming the field from an eyesore into a part of the landscape? My great grandfather came to Stevens County, Minnesota and established a beautiful working farm. There was an orchard, gardens of flowers and vegetables, silos, and various other buildings including a huge barn. Horses were used for transportation and cows drank from a water tank. Today, no one lives there ... there is an abandoned barn, an old farmhouse once alive with family has fallen into decay. I want so badly to go back and see the orchard and the place where I played as a child ~ a place where my mother was born and grew into a woman. I need to do that soon.

When I was in England, I loved the patina of cobblestone streets and buildings of centuries ago.  My maternal family came to America in the 1500's from England bringing with them a simplicity of purpose. Wabi-Sabi is the gift of time, the gift of things old and weathered. The gift of ancestry and culture. I like that!

I have the love letters my father wrote my mother in WWII. I have the diary, my mother kept when she was in high school.  It means a lot to touch, to see, to feel what they were feeling.  I have odd pieces that I've found in abandoned houses and  everything has a story. I like it that way!! Candles light the shadowed corners at dusk. Yes, I am drawn to weathered, warped, shrinking, cracking, and peeling.

The article I read on Wabi-Sabi was enlightening. I got a chuckle out of the statement, "Wabi, not slobby." Wabi-Sabi is not using it as an excuse for an unmade bed, an unswept floor, or soiled furniture. Wabi-Sabi is never messy, ragged, dirty. As I thought about Wabi-Sabi and what it meant to me, I realized that the reason my treasures are so precious is because the patina of time gives them beauty and a story.

Sorry, Readers, Miss Dottie is a clean fanatic. When my surroundings are dirty and cluttered, my state of being becomes agitated. To me, cleanliness implies respect. When my bed is neatly made, the romance of an old quilt blossoms.  My well worn books beg to be picked up and read. The oak wood sloped floors exhibit the remembrance of nearly 70 years of being tread upon. I laugh as I walk from the bedroom to the kitchen ~ if I had a ball it would naturally roll in front of me.

The lil casa and cottage are meant to be welcoming ... a sanctuary for me and all who enter. I have been struggling with back issues for the past year and had extensive surgery two months ago. It has bothered me that I have not been able to get down and scrub my floors and be able to welcome guests any time of day or evening. Today, Wabi-Sabi was on my mind and I made a list of things that I needed to do, some things that I needed help doing, and other things that would further my love of all things old that have been worn with time. 

I walked out to the back garden and looked at my table and chairs (an old set from an ice cream parlor). Mom had a beautiful old tablecloth that would be perfect on it. The more I thought about it, the more excited I got about having friends over for some sweetened iced tea and cake.  I am reminded that with each friend that comes to call there is an opportunity to enjoy good company and the sharing of times past, present, future. I know not what might happen tomorrow or even during a day. Stopping to share conversation with someone I love is an easy opportunity to promote a sense of caring. Picture this ... a table set with a beautiful old tablecloth from 1950, a vase (circa 1950) of roses from the garden that gives off a heavenly scent, freshly brewed iced tea, and some baked goods. Can you hear the sound of water splashing in the fountain and know that this is a place of peace, harmony, and fellowship? Humor me, close your eyes and imagine.

I think that Wabi-Sabi is a mind set. It's learning to be satisfied with life, stripping away the perfect and living in the moment appreciative of a time gone by and the opportunity think about my own legacy.  As I walk through my gardens, I feel a sense of contentment. I am able to look at the many different gardens planted at different times with stone borders. I am so glad that Dianne mentioned Wabi-Sabi, the Japanese art of imperfect beauty.

HGTV is renovating an old home just down the street. They have taken off the modern siding and are bringing it back to the magnificent home it once was. I hope they will use salvaged materials and find the history underneath years of modernization. Maybe I'll take a walk down there tomorrow and have a look see. Our little city is full of beautiful old homes that are crying out to be saved. The weeds are growing up, the picket fences falling down, and porches that once meant gathering to connect are warped with boards missing. It makes me so sad...

This blog is a little different. Two of my passions are that of a creative designer using old interesting pieces and that of gardening. You might say I have a God-given creative bent!

Miss Dottie

Heavenly Father, I thank you for old houses, memorabilia, and the art of Wabi-Sabi. There are times when I swear you take my heart and pour it into my creative endeavors. I pray for those on my prayer list. For those experiencing pain, I pray for relief!! For those children in South America that are being used to satisfy the perversions of pedophiles, I pray for freedom ... I pray that these houses of evil to be burned to the ground and the people who cultivate this kind of atrocity would be arrested. I pray for those who are struggling with depression and a sense of desperation. Show them your tender mercy and grace. For those who are ill, I pray for healing ~ for those seeking employment, I pray for doors to open. Be with your children Father as we struggle. Move mightily as souls are won. Please Lord show mercy to our country as we have fallen into the pits of self-centeredness. Open our hearts, minds, and souls as we reach out in your son Jesus' name. Amen!!