Friday, May 8, 2015

You raise me up!

May 7, 2015

Dear God,

This is one of the those days when I feel weak but strong, confused but well aware, frightened yet fortified by your armor. I am a warrior, always have been, always will be. If the patio was clean, I'd invite you to sit beside me there;  but, everything is out of the laundry room for cleaning ~ how about you sit in the lawn chair and I'll sit beside you? Good with you? Alright! If you will come tomorrow for tea, everything will be back in it's place. I hope!

You know, sometimes our bodies and hearts are so full with icky dead stuff ~ stuff that takes up so much room that there isn't much room left for love, peace, joy! I hate that. Just like my laundry room, I'm needing to clean out the junk ... the stuff that makes me sad, bad, and defeated. You raise me up, yes you do!! I can do this! Ever stand before the mirror and give yourself pep talks? No, you're God. You've given us the Bible for our pep talks. And, you've given us pastors like Pastor Rick and Pastor Dudley who minister to their flocks based on Biblical principles. 

Several crazy things have happened in the last year and a half that were totally out of my control. I've struggled, prayed, and pleaded with you to restore what was taken from me. I've pouted, cried, and gotten angry. Then there was this light bulb that went off in my head that said, "Dummy, you are a prisoner of your own making!" Whoa now that just hit me in the face.

I have been a prisoner with the key to my cell within reach. Me? ... I? ... Umm, yes, I have the key, why haven't I used it? Last night I watched a show on TV involving human trafficking. Perpetrators abuse and whittle away at souls until even if they have the opportunity, they stay where they are. Life is what it is. Pretty pathetic, huh?

There are times that I don't understand me and then, there are days that I am fully aware of where I was, where I am, and where I want to be. You're looking at me with that look aren't You? (Smile) OK, I get it. 

Last Tuesday, I went to First Baptist Church to hear Kristen Jane Anderson share her story of depression, attempted suicide, the loss of both her legs, and how You have blessed and used her. I bought her book and it's good; yet, I'm so glad I heard her story direct from her own lips.  There's something about being front and center to hear a testimony. I was "present" in every sense of the word. I wanted to know what had happened to create this woman of beauty, grace, and realness. Nothing against First Baptist but I wondered why their teens weren't there. I wondered why, when You created this opportunity, that the church wasn't cram packed. Since then, I've been praying that as she goes out to speak that the youth would flock to listen and ask questions.

I called my neighbor and asked her if she would like to go with me to hear Kristin speak. She loves Oprah and I told her that Kristen had been on her show. It didn't make any difference, once she heard that it was to be held at First Baptist and that Kristen was a Christian speaker, she bowed her back, got this scowl on her face and said, "I prefer not to go." God, why is it that some people don't like You? Is it because they have been hurt by the church or are blaming you for something in their lives? It makes me so sad because You are what she needs to fill those empty holes in her being. She even hates it that the courthouse on the square plays hymns at noon. I know it bothers her when I roll down my car window so that I can hear better. 

I find myself walking on egg shells as to not offend when I am thinking I should be more bold. What would You do? Well, from what I've learned about You is that You hold out a hand and give us free choices. We either grab hold or recoil. Simple or as complicated as that.

In John 3:19-21, You tell us, "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed. But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God."

When I thought about that I realized that if I can't or won't admit that I am a fallen sinner, then I will see no need to accept Jesus as my personal Savior. I will then become totally self-sufficient and totally self-reliant in my own tunnel vision; and, I will go on my way living this life as though I am in complete control of my destiny. When I think about it, this is the exact attitude and path that many atheists, agnostics, and secular people are now taking. Either we make the decision to follow You  or follow the ways of the world. We can't have this both ways. The stubborn fool says, "No one is going to tell me what to do or how to live my life." Ah, huh...

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I now plead that his blood would be poured over your people. I plead the Blood of Jesus against demons who may try to come against your people as we prepare to vote for President of the United States.  Raise up a man/woman of God whose character stands on your holy word. Protect the Church and our country against demons, back-biters, and smooth-talking wolves in sheep's clothing. Father, in the name of Jesus, I have full faith and belief that You will protect those who belong to you. There will come a day when ALL knees will bow, proclaiming you king. (Romans 14:11) Until then, grant us an extra measure of strength, wisdom, and courage to speak out in your name. Thank you Father ~ Thank you Jesus.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I love to read quotes and came across this one that really fit with what I was thinking today:

"Now, what happens if you eliminate anything from the Bible that offends your sensibility and crosses your will? If you pick and choose what you want to believe and reject the rest, how will you ever have a God who can contradict you? You won't! You'll have ... A God, essentially, of your own making, and not a God with whom you can have a relationship and genuine interaction. Only if your God can say things that outrage you and make you struggle (as in a real friendship or marriage!) will you know that you have gotten hold of a real God and not a figment of your imagination. So an authoritative Bible is not the enemy of a personal relationship with God. It is the precondition for it." ~Timothy Keller, The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism

1 comment:

  1. Mom,

    I apologize that I haven't been reading your blogs. I'm so glad I took a few minutes to read this one. I looked up Kristen's story; all I can say is WOW! I have no idea how she survived, yet it's amazing how God is using her experience to reach others in pain. Her "flaws" make her more useful. So that is something to ponder upon...perhaps our imperfections make us perfectly useful.

    Love you~
