Monday, October 31, 2016

A country without Christ

Fernando Ortega ~ Give Me Jesus

October 31, 2016

Dear Readers,

Ever watched the TV channel Decades? Well yesterday they had a Dark Shadows marathon. I was hooked way back when it aired (1966) and one more time, I sat feasting (little pun there) on the story line. I gave up the ghost wayyy after midnight so my peepers are barely open. My furry kids were up at their usual 6:30am time ~ bright eyed & bushy tailed. Thank you Jesus for coffee!

Yesterday, The Open Range Band played the song, Give Me Jesus. I woke myself up several times last night singing that song. In the morning when I rise, give me Jesus... I know that IF I have Him, THEN, every thing's gonna be okay. Sermon in a few words. Right? Right.

Three of my favorite subjects in college were Philosophy, Anthropology, and Sociology. It was fascinating to me to study different cultures and the behavior of people. I would have loved to be an anthropologist traveling about the world on various teams. I love people and deep conversations and get these thoughts that pester me ~ like, "What would our country be without Christ??"

Where my journey began
My journey of life has taken me to explore different churches and theologies (I have moved around the country many times!). Having been baptized as an infant and reared as a Lutheran, I had opinions based on that doctrine. My first husband was a Presbyterian and we attended that church. I went to the Methodist Church and had a wonderful experience on A Walk to Emmaus. With a knock on my door in Plano, TX, I joined a young pastor who was establishing a Lutheran Church and became a founding member. From there, I attended a non-denominational church where worship was much more expressive. My biggest influence came from a Baptist-based church. It was there where I received believer's baptism, attended classes, and taught studies in the Women's Ministry. It was there I received the gift of Intercessory Prayer. When I married Michael in 2003, I wandered in the desert for many years seeking but not finding. I was invited to attend the Baptist-based Open Range Cowboy Church and the moment I stepped in the door, I was overcome with the Holy Spirit. I am where I am supposed to be. Yee Haw!

Why am I telling you this? Well, we have a tendency to believe what we've been taught from childhood. The people around us as well as our situations mold us and shape us.

As an adult in the Word and Witness Program, we talked about the different types of Christians. I recognized myself as a "carnal" Christian ~ I trusted in Jesus for salvation yet still thought, acted, and reacted like the world. I wasn't new to Christianity but I hadn't allowed the Holy Spirit free access to every area of my heart and mind. I lived the Christian life on my own strength while still being heavily influenced by the world's way of thinking. My faith was compromised by so many distractions.  I have to admit, the persuasive viewpoints of others swayed my opinions on many things, including abortion, capital punishment, minorities, and where I lived.

I have mentioned before that I took the class The Mind of Christ. It was then that my thinking changed. I really did want to be like Christ and began to question my every thought and action. It's taken years for me to see things the way God does. In doing that, the less I agreed with the world's way. I have been transformed by the Word of God and am a new creature in Him.

A country without Christ, I cannot imagine yet when I turn on the TV or look around me, I know it's true.

Hollywood has now decided they are experts in deciding what the law of the land should be. If "it" feels good, do it. We don't need laws; we don't need moral constraints; we don't need boundaries; and, we certainly don't want anyone to be offended (unless they are a Christian). Riots, murders, decline of the inner city, and people who have no empathy for others abound. Our flag? Stomp on it, burn it, outlaw it. Our Supreme Court? Not in tune with modern values ~ needs to be done away with as we know it now. Money? He with the most toys wins. Love the children but, if you want, get rid of the babies if they come at inconvenient times. Former President, John F Kennedy, said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Well, that's a joke in 2016.

If you think we are growing and flourishing as individuals and as a country, think again. We are being dumbed down and spoon fed Sodom and Gomorrah one day at a time. What was so awful 50 years ago is now condoned and even encouraged. My friends Stephanie & Branden are in Las Vegas with their boys and often they have to cover those boys faces because of the (ahem) sights.

Each day, I stand in the gap, praying for our nation and it's people. I have prayed for a leader to rise up and "drain the swamp." It is only when the darkness is pierced by the light of Christ will our country flourish once again.

Hope? I am surrounded by family and friends who are good people. I choose to follow the Bible and speak truth. I offend some people and am chastised for my beliefs. That's perfectly okay with me. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. One thing is for sure, we are born, we live, and we die. I know where I am going and that gives me serenity!

Love y'all,

Miss Dottie

PS "The world is a busy place filled with many businesses, both the Godly and the ungodly. It means before you go on to accept any activity or event that comes into the world, you must weigh its values, examine the virtues, listen to the views, and then you give your verdict. Satan is not wise; he is just crafty!" ~Israelmore Ayivor

Monday, October 24, 2016

It's dark in here...

October 24, 2016

Dear Readers,

Hey, it's me saying hello from my perch on the back porch. I love it when temperatures start to fall and those horrible pesky mosquitoes die off. They woo me and take nips at my flesh. I spray them, swat at them, and let go with a few gosh darns. You'd think they'd get the hint but nooooo.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and every October I take a few moments to remember how grateful I am to have come so far from where I once was. If you've followed my blogs since 2010 you know my story.

"It's dark in here. I am cuddling a soft teddy bear and listening to unfamiliar sounds. I am at Hope's Door. I am numb. I stare blankly into the night wondering what's to become of me. I am so alone and frightened. This must be a bad dream yet I know it's not. Bad dreams have an ending and this nightmare has gone on since I was a small child. Where is there to go when there seems to be nowhere? What will tomorrow bring?" ~Miss Dottie's Journal, October 2, 2002 

I am a 2 time domestic violence survivor. My story made the front page of the newspaper and a poem I had written was entitled Jane's Story by editors. God has used my story and these seasons of my life for his glory. How?

Well, shortly after the newspaper article was published, the pastor of my church approached me about several things. First of all, he asked if I would be willing to sit on the Board of Directors of a group establishing the first women's shelter in Collin County; and. secondly, he told me about a program called Stephen's Ministry and asked if I was interested in the year long training. He was also bringing together a group called Word and Witness which would be a 2 year commitment. I agreed to all three.

Being a part of the establishing the women's shelter was so amazing. I was placed on the Speaker's Forum and traveled to various churches and associations. My first talk was to a men's group in Frisco, TX. They had so many questions (I found it interesting that the men often times had more questions than the women). My daughter accompanied me and they asked her questions as well. Being on the Speaker's Forum became a family affair.

Being a commissioned Stephen's Minister prepared me for a lifetime of service to my fellow travelers in life. "Supply the caring ~ let God supply the cure" became second nature for me.

Sometimes when I've been down in the trenches, I've wondered why God allows us to be beaten down physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Then, I remember that:

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."
 ~Romans 8:28

Without my walking through the valleys of darkness, I would not be able to relate to the women going through trials of their own. I am able to share my story and offer ways to not only survive but thrive. I am able to give them tools and a knowledge of how Christ worked in my life. (Back then, I could talk freely about Jesus without fear of reprisal)

In 2002, I was a resident in the very shelter that I helped establish. I was living in a huge house filled with stuff and I worried about my stuff. If I left the relationship, where would I put my stuff?? The Good Lord moved me out of that situation and house in the dark of night leaving all my stuff behind. He stripped me down to nothing in order to build me up again in Him. When I went back to the house 30 days later, I told my children to bring moving vans and fill them. I kept only enough stuff to fill a tiny one bedroom apartment. What was leftover, I asked my friends to come and take what they wanted. A couple friends purchased my den furniture and kitchen furniture. My stuff no longer defined me and still doesn't

When the house was bare, I looked around me and had tears. My little granddaughter gathered friends and family in the den and we all sang the Tooty Ta Song.

Madison had us laughing and focusing on what was important. Often times it takes a child for us to see that. There was joy! I closed the door, locked it, and moved on...

God has always been my protector and provider. Time and time again, I have been molded through trial and fire to be more like Him. He has taken away bitterness, anger, and pain leaving me stronger and forgiving (my counselors have told me that I am proof that God still performs miracles!)

I am able to give the love I always wanted without strings. He has filled me and blessed me in ways I could never have imagined.

Today, I pray for the women, children, and men who are being abused. I pray that You, Father, would protect and show them a better way of life. It is so easy to judge people for their past and I pray that we would offer compassion and forgiveness. Hate the sin ~ love the sinner. I pray that as we go about our day today, that You would open our eyes to our fellowman. So many times we are too busy and too much in a hurry to "see" what is going on around us. Lord God, as I opened my eyes this morning, I heard the words, "pray for Aleppo." As I closed my eyes I had a vision of fire and people running ... faces of those facing the atrocities of war came before me and I prayed for each one. Be with them Jesus as they fight to survive. Thank you for reminding me that You are God Almighty. I pray in the name of Jesus as your servant...

Miss Dottie

PS "When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless." ~Chris Colfer

Thursday, October 13, 2016

One Day At A Time

September 26, 2016

Dear Readers,

Oh boy, oh boy! Temperatures have dropped and the air cool and crisp. I wanted so badly to get a fire going this morning. That first fire of the Fall is so wonderful. The trees haven't started turning yet but the big old tree in the center of my garden is shedding leaves like crazy. Can't beat natural mulch.

Life for Miss Dottie has been fraught with busyness and I love it. I made the decision to get back into the women's group at church (WOW) and am thoroughly enjoying the study on THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE written by Rick Warren. I continually ask myself, "what on earth am I here for" and, as a Christian, this has been a constant change as life's seasons pass.

Another BIG change was my decision to get back into the Al-anon program. I had first joined the program in 1978 at Mary Mother of the Church in Burnsville, MN. Happily, I can say that in my quest for wellness, the 12 Step Program has boosted my confidence and given me freedom to be myself. I have a natural bent towards being an enabler and a control freak. "If it is to be, it is up to me." Gotta stop all that nonsense!!

Wayyyy back in 1978, I got this little book called ONE DAY AT A TIME. I was paging through it today. I have this habit of writing about what's going on in my life in my Bible and books that I keep so it was like doing a dance through the years...

Today, I decided to meditate on what I had written on the inside cover of the book. Why? Because I am at a new starting point and as I read and reread these words, I felt such a release of stress and tension in my body.

"I accept and claim the divine solution to this situation now...."


"As children bring their broken toys, with tears for us to mend...I brought my broken dreams to God because He was my friend. But then instead of leaving Him in peace to work alone, I hung around and tried to help with ways that were my own. At last I snatched them back and cried, 'How can you be so slow?' 'My child, He said, 'What could I do? You never did let go.'"

I don't know who wrote this but it hit home way back in 1978 and now in 2016. There are some things I really need to let go of ... not even really need to, I HAVE TO let go of. I'll bet some of my Readers can relate.

Saturday, I went to Denton to watch my grandsons play baseball. It was so nice to sit back and just enjoy the game. I didn't worry about "if" they were going excel or win their games ~ it was just so freeing to cheer them on and love them unconditionally. I smiled for 4 hours straight and basked in the sunshine of the moment. I didn't worry about who was going to win the presidential election ... I didn't worry about the shootings taking place around the country ... I didn't worry about how my hair looked ... I just flat out soaked in the joy that I was experiencing.

I have a new granddog, Cabela. My son and family adopted her from a shelter in Plano. I got to meet her and, again, I just feasted on her beauty, how precious she was, and how fortunate she was to be in her new furever home. Again, I stayed in the moment not worrying about my own dogs at home.

Yesterday, I went to church. One more time, I was able to leave the crazy world outside and concentrate on my church family and worshiping my Redeemer, I laughed, I had tears, I learned more about what was written in Acts.

Do you know how freeing it is to live and enjoy the moment? As time marches on those moments are a part of the past never to be relived except in my memory. All I have been able to do for months is worry about tomorrow. My brain has been going in ten different directions at any given time. The stress of worry was beginning to ruin my days and I hated that. Depression and the inability to manage all the balls that were in the air, was depleting my joy and I began to hibernate.

One night, all I could manage for my nightly prayer was, "Help me." I fell asleep and had nightmares. Those nightmares continued to plague me and I bottomed out. Know something? It was at that moment that God began to work. He put people in my life that said things that I know only could come from God. He opened doors and I walked through. The twinges of hope began to come back and I didn't walk, I ran towards the light of truth.

My life's journey has taken me through many peaks, valleys, twists, and turns. Even in the darkest of times, God's given me the flashlight of strength, courage, and wisdom. Instead of just feeling my way around in the dark, there has been that glimmer that has drawn me forward.

Are you so focused on the past or future you aren't able to appreciate today? Do you focus so much on what you've lost that you can't appreciate the now?

I am blessed beyond blessed in so many ways. I could not ask for a better church family; I could not ask for closer friends than those I have; my garden is in it's 6th year and takes less tending; the Sensational Six make each day special; I love my family; although my body has a tough go sometimes, I am still able to do most of what I want to do physically and mentally; and, most of all my faith has deep roots. I wish some things were different but don't we all?

Today, I pray for the knowledge of God's will for me. I rest in the arms of my Savior and I know I am worthy in His eyes. I pray for my Readers who need encouragement and direction at times when they feel so defeated and alone. I pray for today's moments to be cherished and valued for what they are ... gifts and lessons and stepping stones to tomorrow. I pray for our nation and the debate to be held this evening. May there be truth and respect shown to all concerned.  I pray in the name of the one who claimed me as your servant...

Miss Dottie

PS  "The whole idea is you can't sit around and do nothing. You have to get up and start living one day at a time. That's what I did my entire career. You can't sit around and say, 'Oh poor me. Nobody likes me. Nobody is giving me a job.' You have to get up and go. If you sit at home and do nothing, that is what is going to happen." ~Darlene Love  

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Mission Field

September 20, 2016

Dear Readers,

It's Miss Dottie reporting from North Central Texas. I have gotten a couple of notes from people wondering if I have stopped writing. Truth be known, I've had to stop and regroup mentally, physically, and emotionally. Enough on I am.

God has been so good to put amazing people in my life. I may not be wealthy in dollars but I am a billionaire when it comes to friends.

Several weeks ago, I reconnected with Ruth, a friend from the past, and have been stirred by her messages. I asked Ruth's permission to share her messages and she agreed. This is the first message I received.

Ruth's Message:

"Today is the 15th anniversary of 911. Most of us will remember where we were that day when we heard the news or watched the awful events on TV. Neil and I were at a border crossing in western Montana coming back from a ministry conference in Calgary. The border guard was in such a state of shock, he didn't even ask for our passports. I walked him through his spiel, and he took our passports back into his shed in a daze. When he came back out he said, 'You haven't had your radio on?' Then he told us what just happened. When we pulled up, he had just seen on TV the plane hit the first tower. When he went back into the shed he watched the second plane hit. Moments after we were cleared to return to the US and we were back on the Montana side we heard on the news that we now had tuned in, that all border crossings were closed, and all planes were grounded. It was eerie driving home with no planes in the air that day.

In 2002, we had a ministry friend from Germany, John MacFarlane, speak to our church planters and missionary trainees in our missions organization. We taped his 4 messages, and I just figured out how to get them loaded to YouTube. In the first message he tells his life story. I think it is his second message that he tells of a prophecy God gave him about 9-11. The first time he gave the prophecy was in the 1990's. The second time was in the US on September 9, 2001. John didn't know how the prophecy would come about until after 9-11 when we were all aware of the events that awful day.

John was mentored by Corrie ten Boom in Holland. Corrie wrote THE HIDING PLACE, and several other books. THE HIDING PLACE is her most famous, and was made into a movie by the Billy Graham Association about the time she and her family spent in prison in Nazi Germany.  Corrie was released from prison at the age of 55 and spent the rest of her life traveling the world speaking to groups and churches about forgiving our enemies. She held teachings in Holland and John met her in those meetings where they became very good friends.

Through those meetings John met Brother Andrew who wrote the book GOD'S SMUGGLER about his work of bringing Bibles into the Soviet Union and the Eastern Block country under Communism. John MacFarlane is mentioned in that book as Brother John, the eager young Bible courier who had a woman in the church sew pockets to hide New Testaments in Russian into his shirt, vest coat, and even in his long underwear. John worked with Brother Andrew for 10 years. One of our Glenwood High School grads, David Gandrud also was a Bible courier with Brother Andrew smuggling Bibles into Russia for 10 years.

John met us through a mutual friend in ministry who was a missionary to the Czech Republic. Our friend encouraged Neil and other pastors to help teach in the Nehemiah Team ministry schools in Russia and other former Soviet Union countries after Communism fell. Neil began leading schools for John in 1996 and led a school bringing in teachers for the schools and helping teach in them until Neil began organizing our own ministry schools. John set up all the arrangements and we taught in the schools in Central and Eastern Siberia, the Ukraine, the Republic of Georgia, and Mongolia. Neil still travels to Siberia to visit churches his students began after going through the 4 to 6 weeks of minimal training.

If you would like to get a glimpse into what the Thielkes were up to, John's story is a richer, fuller version. When he traveled, Communism was in effect. The Secret Service Police were not as evident when we were there, but they were in our meetings and knew what we were doing and where we were. We were still assigned 'tails' by the authorities. We heard about some of those after being there, but we had no troubles in our travels. Challenges by the score, but no troubles.

For those who might be interested, John's messages are now on If you search for the following, they are listed in order.

John MacFarlane 1.1
John MacFarlane 2.1
John MacFarlane 2.2
John MacFarlane 2.3

Only watch if you are interested. Each message is about an hour long. We watch them with friends in our home groups, and we have used them when mentoring students one on one. The stories are exciting, but more than that, they help people understand how God still speaks to us today."

Evangelism has not been one of my gifts although I think my blog is a way of reaching readers across the globe. My gift has been sharing my story and encouraging others with the voice of compassion. As members of my own church head out to a country where sharing God's word cannot be done openly, I am remembering my position on prayer teams covering every moment of dangerous missions and am happy to be praying for this new mission.

Father God, I thank you for the brave men and women who risk their lives to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. I pray that all of us would be mindful in praying for the safety, direction, and words that are passed on from your warriors to the lost and hungry. In Matthew 28:18-20, you say to us: "...All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." As we go out this day, help us all to be living examples of your love. Give us eyes to be aware and wisdom to know when to step in. I pray all these things in the name of Jesus as your servant...

Miss Dottie

PS "This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see." ~Corrie ten Boom, THE HIDING PLACE

I have learned that there are no coincidences in life. Enjoy every moment of every single day!  AND...

Always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Mind of Christ

August 5, 2016

Dear Readers,

Lake Minnewaska Minnesota
It's H-O-T in N Central Texas with temperatures nearing or over 100 degrees. I tend to spend more time inside than outside during the month of August.

There are times when it would be nice to pack my bag and head North for a visit. It would be such a treat to rent a little boat to do some fishing, swim in the lake fed by springs, and bask in the nightlife at the local spots. I can dream, can't I??

Quite some time ago, I took a class entitled the Mind of Christ. It really was one of those classes and studies that transformed my thinking and living. The church I attended also sent me to a conference on transformation. Both involved a recreation of my thoughts and priorities.

So often we think that to be like-minded in Christ is impossible but I'm not sure that's true. The truth is more like, "I don't want to give up 'my' way of thinking." We read the Bible and make excuses that it's too difficult to understand when, in fact, we don't really want to be convicted. True?

Truth be known, when I hit my bottom and was ready to do anything to be a better person my life began to take on a different persona. I had a wonderful mentor (Janene) who prayed with me, fed me books to read, and offered pearls of wisdom.

Ask and the door will be opened unto you. Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened to you.
~Matthew 7:7

A few days ago, my neighbor invited me to go with her to Burleson. As usual, we shared different parts of our lives as we traveled and she kept asking me questions. Over lunch, she looked me straight in the eye and said, "The Universe has certainly favored you and opened doors." I replied, "The Universe had nothing to do with it, it was Jesus Christ."

I truly believe that the Lord God has had his hand on me from the day I was born. Have I lived a charmed life? Absolutely not! I've been molested, beaten physically and emotionally, felt the sting of betrayal, and gone from living in a place of splendor to a shelter. The tapes of a broken childhood played long into my adult years breeding unknown thoughts of "you are unworthy" which resulted in my making decisions that weren't good for me. My decisions resulted in more tapes of, "See, you are unworthy."

When I stand up and sing the song Redeemed with the Open Range Band, I feel so grateful to have been set free from those horrible chains that kept me captive for so many years. A couple times a week I listen to Big Daddy sing as I lift my hands in thanksgiving!! Listen for yourself...

Now, you're probably asking, "If all those things happened to you, why do you feel God's hand upon you?" Well...

God doesn't lie and Romans 8:28 says,
"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for those who are called according to his purpose."

God took those horrible things in my life and made me a compassionate, caring person. The beatings led me to being on the Board that established the very first women's shelter in Collin County. My divorce led me to being a Stephen's Minister. The betrayals led me to opening my Bible and being able to forgive. Being a single mom with 3 children who needed the basics of life led me to careers where I was able to provide. Yes, doors did swing open for me and I found the courage to walk through.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths."
~Proverbs 3:5-6

When I meet people they are often drawn to my bubbly nature and ready smile. I am filled with joy and hope ~ always ready to lend a hand or a listening ear. I simply love people of all shapes, sizes, colors, and walks of life. Oh, I have some regrets but no bitterness ... I wish things were different in my life yet more often than not, I am content.

"...I am not saying this out of need, for I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances. I know how to live humbly, and I know how to abound. I am accustomed to any and every situation ~ to being filled and being hungry, to having plenty and having need. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength..." 
~Philippians 4:11-13

Lord God, as I celebrate my redemption in You, I pray for others who are walking the paths of destruction, anger, and hopelessness. Lift those up who cry out to you and those whose hearts don't know You ... yet. Help us to have the Mind of Christ, to walk in your ways, and to celebrate the freedom we have in You. As this day unfolds, be with us healing our broken bodies, minds, and spirits. Like Job, let us never give up ~ let us get up, trust in your abundant grace, and know that You truly are our provider and protector. So many are on my heart today, Father. As I walk through my day help me to be your servant as you open doors. I am forever yours...In Jesus name I pray as...

Miss Dottie

PS  "Make a daily, definitive, audible consecration of yourself to God. Say it aloud: 'Lord, today I give myself anew to you.'" ~FB Meyer

Sunday, July 24, 2016

It hardly seems possible...

July 24, 2016

Dear Readers,

Summer has come to North Central Texas. I am out early in the morning accompanied by the Sensational Six, sunscreen, and plenty of water. My gardens have been so fruitful and gifts of plants from friends have given me plenty to repot and care for.

Every year for the past 5 years I have been trying my best to get grass to grow in the back yard. This Spring was no different only this time I put down a layer of special dirt developed especially for seeding new lawns. I prayed over each blade of grass as it peeked out of the ground and watered faithfully. It's been several months and do I have a lush bed of grass? Nope... No wonder my beds get widened each year!! At least I can grow plants. I will fertilize and keep trying ... I'm not a quitter!!

I woke up this morning feeling kind of groggy and foggy. My body and mind were telling me that it would be nice to crawl back into bed and sleep the morning away. My heart was telling me to get up, dress up, and show up at church. I chose the latter. I'm never disappointed when I do what I need to do despite how I am feeling at the moment.

As I walked through the doors of the ORCC, I was greeted by hugs, kisses, and well wishes. As usual, people were asking me how I was feeling. I didn't hesitate ... "I feel great. My back is perfect." It hardly seems possible that several months ago I could barely walk with a cane. It hardly seems possible that I could barely stand for one song and even sitting was painful. Believe me, it hardly seems possible but I remember ... vividly.

What happened? Well, I had 6 shots in my back the first go around, two shots the second go around, and 1 shot in the third go around. That being said, I also had scores of folks praying for me AND when Melissa and Maddie were visiting, they laid hands on my back and I felt the warmth of their hands moving up and down my spine. Lord, you sent an army to heal me ... Dr. C, Dr D, fellow believers, Melissa, and Maddie. Your angels prepared the way for me to serve you and I am grateful. Oh there's the nay-sayers who tell me that the pain will come back. Maybe so, maybe not. In the meantime, I sing your praises and don't take one moment of pain-free days to keep me from doing what the Lord would have me do.

This morning was extra special. My pal Bud, the harmonica man, told me that he is to start radiation next Wednesday. As he was telling me, I took his hand and as he talked, I was praying. Chills went up and down my arms and tears fell down my cheeks. I wanted for him what I experienced. I wanted him to be free of any sign of cancer. His faith moves me and I watch him as he plays for the Lord each Sunday as part of the Open Range Band. He can no longer play a banjo but oh Lordy can he ever blow that harmonica.

The love I have for my brothers and sisters in Christ is real. It hardly seems possible that only a couple years ago I was feeling so lonely and empty. When I was praying about a move here, I had no doubt that it was something God was leading me to do. Believe me, there were plenty of times that I doubted my choice. Just when I was about to pull the plug, God interceded and took me down a country road to a Cowboy church where I found friendship, love, acceptance, and grace. I desperately needed that and that very first day there, I knew why God planted me here. It hardly seems possible but here I am.

My precious Readers, today Pastor Dudley prayed for forgiveness of self. It's so hard when those old tapes that whirl around in my subconscious say, "You are unworthy." I know there are some of you who can relate. I lived a shame based life for so long and I missed out on so much. I know that I took my shame and layed it at the cross yet it's like that bundle has had wheels to follow me. Childhood trauma does that. I remind myself that I am a daughter of the King. I do deserve to be cherished and cared for. I do deserve goodness and mercy.

Tonight, the whirrrr of the air conditioning and fan are comforting. The Sensational Six are gathered about my feet and Zoe is snoring up a storm. The darkness is beginning to fall like a curtain over my gardens and the lights lining the path are beginning to shine. Another day is coming to a close and I feel such peace.

So long ago...
Special time of prayer with my granddaughter
Dear Father in Heaven, I thank you for your healing and the gift of precious brothers and sisters in Christ who make up my life. I am moved to tears as I read down the prayer list of the church, the requests of prayers from Facebook friends, and those that You put on my heart. I ask for your mighty hand to be present as lives are lived, healed, and lost. I think of the verse in Job (1:21) that says, "...The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord." I pray for an upcoming court case. Please Father, I ask that you bring forth truth, light, and goodness for the children involved and strength for a distraught father. The Republican National Convention has wrapped up and the Democratic Convention is about to begin. There too, place your hand on those involved. Throw light on dark corners exposing evil and protect those who would be harmed because they are exposing secrets. Have mercy on your people. You are the great I AM. You are all powerful and move mountains. I rest in the shadow of your wings. In your son's name I pray as your servant,

Miss Dottie

PS "Grace is mentioned 170 times in the King James Version of the Bible, beginning with 'Noah found grace in the yes of the Lord' (Genesis 6:8). Jesus never used the word grace. God left that for Paul and the apostles, but it you want to describe grace in one word, it is Jesus. Grace (Jesus) is the answer for our guilt and failure. Grace (Jesus) is the strength we need to cope with life. Grace (Jesus) is the promise that gives us the hope that keeps us going." ~~Barbara Johnson, Daily Splashes of Joy

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Don't Tell Me...

July 13, 2013

Dear Lord,

You and I had some business to attend to this morning didn't we? I shut my eyes and imagined You sitting at the right hand of your Dad and the Holy Spirit. That was enough to marvel at and know I was pleading my case before the right folks.

It's a hot day here in N Central Texas. When I go outside, it almost takes my breath away and I start sweating and my heart tends to beat faster. Whoa, makes me sure not want to go to hell and live in the fires of evil. I just know that when I get to see You in person, I will feel such joy that I won't be able to contain myself. I can talk to a door knob but I bet I will be speechless just walking through those pearly gates. The weather is going to be just perfect!! Big puffy clouds ... Miss Dottie planting flowers... I can only imagine!

You know Lord, we live in times of social unrest and evil. The media makes sure their coverage is "sensational" (I almost used the word "sinsational" because that would be more like it) and makes us upset and ready to do battle. The gorrier their photos and words, their ratings go up. Most times they don't cover the whole story and we jump to conclusions. Hmmm. Human nature, I guess. Depends on what they want us to feel.

You are a God of Truth. Your Word is truth and it's there in black and white sprinkled with some red depending on which Bible I read. The Ten Commandments are pretty simple but good grief, we sure can make them complicated making sure they fit with our own ideals and moral compass. No wonder the Left wants to take them down. They're a reminder of what is wrong with our country and our lives.

I've always wondered why people are afraid of hearing truth. There are some that say, "Don't tell me, I only want to hear good." Others take someone else's words as gospel. As far back as I can remember I could deal with truth even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear ~ it's the dishonesty that makes my dander smolder. You know, I've kept prayer journals for years so I could remember the reality of that day because so often we tend to remember things with rose colored glasses.

For so long, I had huge blanks of days, weeks, months, years in my life. It took me months of childhood trauma counseling to remember even a few things. I simply wanted to know. My counselor told me there was a reason I couldn't remember and that as I could accept truth, God would reveal it. Photographs have helped me ~ asking friends and family to fill in blanks helped me ~ writing with my non-dominant hand helped me.  I now know that in times of stress I am prone to panic attacks that resemble heart attacks. Today, I know the triggers and tend to move myself to a safe place rather than go where my heart is threatened.

Yes, tell me, Lord. I want to be teachable; I want to be walking in the light; I want to listen and truly "hear" what you have to say; and, most of all, I want to be a living example that others could see You through me. 

Today at Walmart the police were busy. Two young men were in handcuffs ~ one was pulled out of a car and another was being led out of Walmart towards the same car. This feeling of sadness came over me and I wondered what they had done. You know, don't you?? Were they hungry? Were they needing money to support their families? Did they have a habit they couldn't afford? Whatever they had done, they need you, Jesus.

As Dallas buries five fallen officers, I ask that You sustain those left behind that are in shock and mourning. We must remember this Father ... we must spread the word of how Dallas responded to a tragedy. The police have a job to do in putting together the pieces. Police Chief David Brown needs prayers of strength and wisdom to lead his officers in spite of this horrific tragedy.  Even the tone of the protesters has changed. Help us to keep this sense of unity going bringing peace to our state.

Some people call Texas "God's Country." Others say they live in the Bible Belt of Conservatism. All I know is that You put me here and this has become my home. I love the sweet sound of love, laughter, and camaraderie that spills over as we greet one another as well as strangers. Hi y'all is music to my ears. I've even gotten used to being called honey, sweetie, and darlin' by complete strangers.

And, might I add:
quick to justify evil people
Well, I told you I could ramble on and on about this and that. What I really want to ask is that You pour out wisdom and discernment on our state and nation. We've got some nasty lying thieves in Washington who have (and still are) lined their pockets at the expense of the citizens of this country. In your infinite majesty clean house exposing the evil. Even more than that, let's stop this business of "don't tell me." Protect those who have been threatened with their lives, jobs, and harm to their families. Let us hear from bold men and women who are willing to come forth. Oh dear, You say we won't believe them? Well, if enough tell the truth, we will.

I know many of my Readers would probably rather I write about decorating, gardening, or the Sensational Six but You've put these things on my heart. I've always prayed to be an instrument as I write and that keeps me humble. You are my rock, my teacher, my redeemer. You took a frightened lost woman and gave her a voice that has echoed out to places I've never heard of. You took a quiet woman who felt unworthy and gave her a sense of being your royal daughter.

Thank You for listening and I can hardly wait to see and hear what You're going to do in our nation. Amen!!

Miss Dottie

PS  My dear Readers,

As I was praying today James 2:14-17 came to mind. "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

Please join me in being aware of our brothers and sisters needs. To simply say, "I will pray for you" doesn't fill an empty belly, comfort a broken heart, or clothe a naked body. Reach out and touch a life ~ be a blessing not a curse.

Always remember that you, my Readers, are loved and prayed for. It's time to get off our beloved assurances and know the real story we are being fed. You will NEVER regret it!

Monday, July 11, 2016

I do not identify with the sheeple

Joey+Rory, In the Garden

July 11, 2016

Dear Readers,

My favorite song is In the Garden and I love to hear Joey+Rory sing it. Since Joey is now with the Lord, it means even more. I hope you will listen to it as you read today's blog.

I said a little prayer today and walked awhile in the garden. I looked about me and wondered how a place could hold this much beauty while the world outside was in such turmoil. I had no answers. The reality of the past days seemed so surreal. I sat down and immediately Kennedy jumped up in my lap and put his nose under my hand. Love is simple to him ~ it just is.

Readers, you may get tired of hearing me say this but I attend an awesome church. I cannot even begin to tell you how much I have grown in the past couple years. Last Sunday, I was wondering what the tone would be. I shouldn't have wondered because William and the Band, Miss Kitty, Pastor Pinner, and Pastor Dudley TOOK US TO CHURCH and, oh my goodness, all that PLUS two baptisms had us rockin' in the spirit!!

Pastor Dudley cited Psalm 139:23-24:

Search me, God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts,
See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting.

Let's play the game of "what if:"
What if every person on earth woke up and repeated that psalm?
What if we examined our own hearts and thoughts before reacting in blame and anger?
What if we realized our own actions in relationships?
What if we followed Jesus' example in the New Testament?
What if we protested without violence?

Let's play the game of "then:"
Then we would have love and wisdom in our minds and hearts.
Then we would become better individuals.
Then we would improve our relationships with others.
Then we would act out of understanding and love.
Then our protests would be made without anger and hurting others.

Pretty simple? Yep. Too bad all of us aren't taught that at home because that usually where all this hate begins. What our children see and hear becomes the springboard to their view of others and the world around them.

That particular psalm has been with me a very long time. When I attended Alanon, our very wise leader talked about this subject often. We would come to a meeting complaining about the alcoholic and moaning and groaning about our lot in life and she would turn it around and ask us if we were working on our own defects of character ~ our own program of wellness. That would stop the grumbling and we could move on to a more productive meeting of examining our own behaviors and ways to live better lives. That season of time at the Green House on Parker Road was my own springboard of living and thinking

The events of the past year (political, global, racial) have made me really examine my own values and what I do each day. I can spread truth and light OR I can allow others to lead me. I'm much to much of an independent thinker to be a sheeple. I would prefer to tell you why I believe as I do rather than just rag on how bad someone or something else is. There is a better way. I can hate what is going on in the world, speak my mind, and pray that hearts would be changed, eyes opened, and evil eradicated. (That's the Jesus way) One day at a time, one step forward...

All this being said, we always have the right to choose. We may be brought up in homes where hate is the name of the game, life may not be fair, and getting out is a treacherous path. IF we choose God's way, our paths are directed and lighted. No, pulling up and out is NEVER easy; but, it is possible. I know because I fight my own childhood battles each and every day. Bitter or better, what do you choose? I chose better.

"...But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." ~ Joshua 24:15

Lord, your way is the right way. Our sinful natures often choose anger, bitterness, estrangement, blame, and resentment. Where does that lead us except into further darkness. Help us to open our eyes to the way, the truth, and the light. Move mightily in our country to overcome evil with good. Where there has been hurt and anger, heal in ways that only You can. As I look up into the beautiful sky void of storm or cloud, I am reminded that You are in control. Help us not to be stubborn, caught in our own distorted thinking. Instead, let us all remain teachable. Let us become untied under Your wings and share that peace with all we encounter. Protect our peace officers as they do their duties. Let us remember that we are all human and are subject to human error. Rise up oh men/women of God, defend our rights of religious liberty before they disappear. Let us not see evil with rose colored glasses and relinquish our moral ethics. Thank you for being the author of redemption and grace. I sign off as your servant...

Miss Dottie

PS  The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1