September 28, 2012
Oh my gosh ... what a beautiful Fall day. It's cool, the sun is out, and dare I say there are more blooms on my garden mums!! It's time I got outside ... I've been holed up like a mole in the cottage doing my Fall cleaning and definitely need some fresh air!!
We're supposed to get rain tomorrow but my plants needed a drink and I thought I'd best not take a chance on waiting and risk losing some mums. I enjoy spending time outside. Guess what I did though? I was carrying a mum and not paying attention where I was going. I ran straight into the end of the hammock ... oh goodness, I gave myself a shiner! Felt so stupid!! Every day more mums open ... I did give them a dose of fertilizer a couple weeks ago and I think it gave them a boost. The garden is starting to come alive!!
For quite a few years I had a career as a matchmaker, a writer of a Dr. Romance column, and worked with a multitude of singles. It was probably the most fun job I have ever had and I regret ever turning in my resignation. It was a job that I didn't have to work at ... it just came naturally and I received a nice paycheck as a bonus!! The hours were long ... the rewards high ... but, not a great job for a newly married lady! Every now and then, I go through my files and wonder what happened to this one or that one...
People are quite complicated at times. They think they know what they want but when they get it, they find that "it" wasn't what they really wanted after all. I used to conduct interviews of clients lasting a couple hours just trying to pin down what issues they'd had in the past with relationships and how they wanted to make their new relationships more rewarding. I laugh... So many people lie to themselves ... not on purpose but subconsciously, I guess. My clients included people from all walks of life ... the ordinary boy and girl next door to the super star on television and in the newspapers.
Ever meet a wishy washy person? Someone who has a tough time making a decision? I like people who say what they mean, and mean what they say. I like people who have purpose in life and who make me think deeply. I like people with integrity. I've always felt that if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything. Ever hear the saying, "She/he can sell ice to an Eskimo?" Well, if you're one of the wishy washy crowd, consider yourself fair game cause you're a sitting duck!!
There are people who don't know what they want ... one day it's this and the next day, it's that. They pretend to want something long term and are devoted to their cause (at the moment) making commitments that are as empty as a deflated paper bag! How sad... It's more than just not knowing what they want ... it's that they are people pleasers who change with the weather. They can't or won't make decisions because if someone else does the deciding they won't be blamed.
My nephew posted a video about the hookup culture. I hadn't heard that term before and decided to watch the video. The priest was right ... more and more I am hearing from our younger generation that sex is just sex ... no big deal. Ever noticed how nonchalant people have become about sex? If it's consensual, then who is going to get hurt? Do we really believe that?
As a Christian, I encourage young people and adults to wait until marriage to become intimate. Why? Because to make promises to or mislead without commitment is to steal from another human being. Stealing affection, time, energy, intimacy -- all under the guise of a potential long term relationship. To receive all the benefits of the kind of love and affection without the responsibility or the accountability that goes along with it is misleading. We all know right from wrong. I don't buy the hookup culture phenomenon. Words may lie, but actions never do.
It's been fun sitting outside and blogging away. The fountain is bubbling loud enough to be quite soothing and I enjoy watching Toby and Sadie chasing the leaves (and the squirrels). Sadie brought her bone outside and has been looking for a place to bury it.
Enjoy your day!
Miss Dottie
PS "Don't be so busy 'working' for God that you don't do what God has asked you to do."~~ Joyce Meyer
Oh my gosh ... what a beautiful Fall day. It's cool, the sun is out, and dare I say there are more blooms on my garden mums!! It's time I got outside ... I've been holed up like a mole in the cottage doing my Fall cleaning and definitely need some fresh air!!
We're supposed to get rain tomorrow but my plants needed a drink and I thought I'd best not take a chance on waiting and risk losing some mums. I enjoy spending time outside. Guess what I did though? I was carrying a mum and not paying attention where I was going. I ran straight into the end of the hammock ... oh goodness, I gave myself a shiner! Felt so stupid!! Every day more mums open ... I did give them a dose of fertilizer a couple weeks ago and I think it gave them a boost. The garden is starting to come alive!!
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Dr. Romance |
People are quite complicated at times. They think they know what they want but when they get it, they find that "it" wasn't what they really wanted after all. I used to conduct interviews of clients lasting a couple hours just trying to pin down what issues they'd had in the past with relationships and how they wanted to make their new relationships more rewarding. I laugh... So many people lie to themselves ... not on purpose but subconsciously, I guess. My clients included people from all walks of life ... the ordinary boy and girl next door to the super star on television and in the newspapers.

There are people who don't know what they want ... one day it's this and the next day, it's that. They pretend to want something long term and are devoted to their cause (at the moment) making commitments that are as empty as a deflated paper bag! How sad... It's more than just not knowing what they want ... it's that they are people pleasers who change with the weather. They can't or won't make decisions because if someone else does the deciding they won't be blamed.
My nephew posted a video about the hookup culture. I hadn't heard that term before and decided to watch the video. The priest was right ... more and more I am hearing from our younger generation that sex is just sex ... no big deal. Ever noticed how nonchalant people have become about sex? If it's consensual, then who is going to get hurt? Do we really believe that?
As a Christian, I encourage young people and adults to wait until marriage to become intimate. Why? Because to make promises to or mislead without commitment is to steal from another human being. Stealing affection, time, energy, intimacy -- all under the guise of a potential long term relationship. To receive all the benefits of the kind of love and affection without the responsibility or the accountability that goes along with it is misleading. We all know right from wrong. I don't buy the hookup culture phenomenon. Words may lie, but actions never do.
It's been fun sitting outside and blogging away. The fountain is bubbling loud enough to be quite soothing and I enjoy watching Toby and Sadie chasing the leaves (and the squirrels). Sadie brought her bone outside and has been looking for a place to bury it.
Enjoy your day!
Miss Dottie
PS "Don't be so busy 'working' for God that you don't do what God has asked you to do."~~ Joyce Meyer
I think the reason people take vows and oaths is to solidify their commitment. Although the success rate of marriage isn't very high, a couple has a greater chance of staying together if they said vows in front of family, friends, and God.
ReplyDeleteI cannot say my passion for a diet, job, person, etc., hasn't faded with time, yet.... I will say that variety is the spice of life. :0) Yet, I understand the true intent of your blog is to stress the importance of being true to yourself, God, family, and friends.
Love ya & thank you for another thought provoking blog --