Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's a good day...

"Sow sparingly...reap sparingly...sow bountifully...reap bountifully."
~~2 Corinthians 9:6
November 8, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  It's been awhile since we've gotten together for a chat.  I am out in the cottage and the welcome mat is always out ... come on in and let's have a cup of tea.  It's chilly so I have a nice fire going in the fireplace.  The sound of the squirrels running on the roof of the cottage sound like little elephants tap dancing!

My Fall gardens continue to bless me with colors of yellows, reds, purples, and deep pink.  The yellow roses are especially beautiful and smell so heavenly.  I have my own little Eden!!

Speaking of my garden, I discovered a new toy ~~ a blower!  Pretty darn cool!  I used it to blow the leaves off the patio and sidewalk.  Then, I got the bright idea of using it to blow the leaves on the lawn into the flower beds.  Worked like a charm!  No raking.  If you don't own a blower, you're missing something!!

Ever pour yourself a cup of tea and hold the mug feeling the warmth?  Ever put your nose over your cup inhaling the aroma?  I do that with tea and with coffee as well.  Somehow, it calms me and awakens my senses with serenity.  Last weekend, Beverly and I went to the Paw Pals annual fund raiser sale.  I purchased a wonderful old tea pot for $2.  It was all corroded and nasty looking but with some (well, actually LOTS) elbow grease it is lovely.  I've always wanted one but have felt that they were an extravagant purchase.  Now, I smile thinking of my gift and the unveiling of it's beauty.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."~~James 1:17


The tea pot got me thinking...  Sometimes our gifts come to us corroded and covered with gunk.  What we need to remember is that with some effort on our part, they can become beautiful.  The prize is worth seeking ... working for ... cleaning up.  Oh the loveliness of seeing the diamond in the rough!!  As a visual person, I love beauty ... in nature, in interior design, art, people.  I touch, I smell, I see, I envision...  I will probably be creating beauty until I take my last breath!   As a child, I used to create mini mansions out of shoe boxes ... now, I have my own cottage to play in.  Who would have thought an old dilapidated garage would turn into such a fun place for me to hang out in!!

"It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativeness and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding of his capacities and talents." ~~Eric Hoffer 

Last Tuesday was election day.  The American people decided that Barack Obama should have a second term.  And, behind them, in the mystery of providence, God has decided that Barack Obama would be re-elected.  As a Christian, I can admit my disappointment that my man of choice wasn't elected; however, I am also commanded to be respectful to those in office and to pray for them.  I have made a commitment to do just that.  I believe that God sent a BIG message to his people.  I spent election day listening to and watching different programs and commentators.  We are no longer a conservative, God-fearing nation. (fewer and fewer people have a church affiliation or feel that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven)  We have become numb to the erosion of moral and ethical actions (and inactions).  That being said, I also know that God has a plan and I trust his judgement.

Today is a magnificent day ... the sun is shining, my family is experiencing the blessings of being obedient to God, and, although my body is filled with pain today, I am able to celebrate God's goodness and tender mercy!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "You have enemies?  Good.  That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."~~Winston Churchill    

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is music to my ears! I am mourning the results of the election, yet like you, have chosen to move forward with a hopeful heart. The election process has become so long and overbearing that I welcome the end. So....Barack is re-elected--unbelievable in my mind, yet I embrace the reality that the footprint of America has changed. Is it for the better--definitely NO. Yet, here we are.. As Theodore Roosevelt said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

    Love you so much~

    p.s. I didn't know you liked tea :0)
