Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Power of a Woman...

November 13, 2012

It's downright COLD here in North Central Texas this morning.  The cottage is heated by a fireplace which I don't keep going at night.  The first thing I did this morning was get my fire going.  I snuggled back in bed enjoying my morning coffee and planning my day.  I thought of you, my Readers and grabbed my computer.  (Aren't laptops wonderful?)

I was praying for our country and for our leaders this morning.  We need men (and women) of good character to lead us, to guide us, to be an example. 

This issue of the power of a woman goes way back to Biblical times.  We all know what happened in the stories of David and Bathsheba and Samson and Delilah.  How about the story of Adam and Eve?  Are we really the weaker sex?  As women we need to realize the power we do have and channel it in to good areas.

The news is filled with the scandal of David Petraeus, the former head of the CIA who had an affair with Paula Broadwell. This morning I read that General John Allen is now under investigation for inappropriate emails with Jill Kelley. So many prominent men have been brought down by their wandering eyes ... the allure of a pretty woman who for a moment makes them feel alive ... puffed up.

"A woman's family is held together by her wisdom, but it can be destroyed
by her foolishness."~~Proberbs 14:1

I wonder how Paula Broadwell's family is dealing with her indisgretions?  The Bible is filled with advice to women and the shelves at the bookstores are lined with how to catch a man (maybe there should be more on how to keep him?).  I don't know if you, Readers, will remember Dr. Laura who was on television and radio for many years giving relationship advice.  She wrote a book called, THE PROPER CARE AND FEEDING OF HUSBANDS.  If you've read it, you might laugh at some of her suggestions but there is truth to what she says.

Dr. Laura has always reminded women that to take proper care of their husbands is to ensure themselves the happiness and satisfaction they yearn for in marriage.  From the time we are small, most women want to fall in love, get married, and live happily ever after.  Yet, disrespect for men and disregard for the value, feelings, and needs of husbands has fast become the standard for male-female relations across the globe.  Look at our sit-coms on TV ... men have become the brunt of many a joke.

Women have incredible power over their men to create the kind of home life they yearn for.  Are there instances where a women does all the right things and her man strays?  Absolutely.  I'm not letting men off the hook for the choices they make.  The lure of knowledge, pleasure, freedom, or the assurance that no one will ever know what you have done are powerful temptations.

My mother and father had a close relationship and a good marriage.  I don't remember them ever fighting but my mother told me they did (out of earshot).  What I remember is how they served each other ... how they were best friends ... how they worked together as a couple.  They were devoted to the love and care of each other.  When we moved, I re-read the love letters my father wrote to my mother in WW II.  They were real people caught in the middle of a nasty war.  It was obvious how much my father coveted the letters from my mother ... they kept him going.

"A man's treasure is his wife -- she is a gift from the Lord."~~Proverbs 18:22

I thought about that today.  Would my  husband say that I am his treasure, a gift from the Lord?  He's told me that I am.  The part that has been mine is to be a gift not a source of pain, hurt, and torture.  Although there have been times when I wanted to strangle my  husband, I honor and respect him.  I have a strong, independent personality while his is more introverted and quiet.  If I am not careful, my words can wound and sting.  I recognize my power in our marriage and weigh carefully my actions.

"Bad women and unfaithful wives are like a deep pit -- they are waiting to attack you like a gang of robbers with victim after victim."~~Proverbs 23:27-28
Sounds like a country western song, doesn't it?  The wiles of a woman have brought down the strongest of men and raised others to heights of esteem and power that have changed the course of the world.
I would encourage all women to use their strength, intelligence, and compassion to make the world and our homes a better place.  We have the power!  Let's use it wisely!!
Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!
Miss Dottie
PS  "A truly good wife is the most precious treasure a man can find!  Her husband depends on her, and she never lets him down.  She is good to him every day of her life."~~Proverbs 31:10-12



1 comment:

  1. So sad....we can learn a lot from others mistakes. Guard your marriage as the most precious gift you will ever receive! No one is perfect and we have moments we would like to take back. I am thinking about unkind words, yet some things we can never take back. I truly believe that once trust is broken it will never be restored. To give loyalty and faithfulness to our spouse is the least that we should do!
