Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Thanksgiving, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving, Readers!  I hope that you've all had your share of turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings!  We were going to get together with our neighbors and share a meal ... Beverly was doing the turkey.  Wellll, Beverly got the flu and decided that a huge meal wasn't something she wanted to mess with.  Sooo, we had to change horses and ended up having a quick meal of ham, baked sweet potatoes, corn, fresh baked bread, and pumpkin pie.  Nontraditional but we were full and grateful for our sumptuous meal.

I had watched a documentary on children in poverty in America a few nights ago.  It was the story of three different families and how they were coping.  Oh man, I had a lump in my throat from start to finish.  What did these kids want?  A job for mom and/or dad -- food -- to be able to go to school without moving every other month -- a bed to sleep in.  When parents lose their jobs, families often spiral downward out of control.  When they lose their homes, or can't afford an apartment, they end up in shelters, living in their cars and doing what they need to to survive.  How many of these kids would complain about ANY kind of a home cooked meal?  What I noticed the most was the fading of hope over the course of the documentary.  I am grateful for my home and the food in my pantry.  I want to help these families and will be investigating ways I can do that...

We made a trip to the nursing home to visit with Mom.  She's been struggling ... she's been retaining her urine so they had to put in a catheter yesterday and get her on some antibiotics.  There are times when she is able to hold a great conversation then other times when she is disoriented and can't find the right words she wants to say.  Mom didn't want to get out of bed today but her aide wouldn't hear of it. Nicki got her all dolled up -- earrings, rouge, lipstick, a beautiful Autumn outfit.  She looked wonderful.  Although it saddens us to see her slipping farther away from us, we are grateful for the care she receives and the love that goes beyond what the job requires.

Family - For Better or Worse

In October of 2010, I began a journey of blogging.  I am grateful for the thousands of readers that share my life.  I'm an average lady, I am me.  I have scars (some visible, some not) because I have a history.  Some people love me; some like me; some even hate me (I've reached a place in my life where any of those are okay).  I've done some good and I've done some bad.  I love my long skirts and boots ~~ I have fun with my gray hair and wear it proudly.  I'm an independent soul who loves to have fun and laugh.  I don't pretend; what you see is what you get.  Whatever I do, I do it with my whole heart.  I love deeply.  I make no apologies for who I am; I do make apologies and amends to those I hurt.  Most of all, I love the Lord God with all my being.  He is my creator, my mentor, my all...  He guides my hands as they whiz across the keyboard.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS   This Thanksgiving I am reminded that as God has blessed me, I am to be a blessing to others. As long as I have breath, my work is not done... As long as my fingers move, my work is not done... As long as I am, let me be thankful with a heart of gratitude!


1 comment:

  1. Virginia is very lucky to have people around that care for her and love her. So many elderly are lonely, malnourished, and pray for life to end. Enjoy the time you have with her and make her feel valued.

    I was counseling a patient regarding one of her medications and she shared a painful story with me. She is in her 80's and one of her doctors had told her recently that she wasn't worth aggressive care because there wasn't much time left for her. She told me that being old is horrible because people look through her, dismiss her, and it breaks her heart. Isn't that horrible?! How sad that our culture doesn't value age.

    We can learn a lot from other people. If we would only stop for a few minutes to listen vs. hurrying through life. Sometimes I have to remind myself to look around and soak in my surroundings. I am grateful that she shared her story--definitely softened my heart.

    Have a great day~
