Monday, November 12, 2012

Neath the Autumn Skies

"Once the wicked are defeated, they are gone forever, but no one who obeys God will ever be thrown down."
~~ Proverbs 12:7

November 12, 2012

It's 12:04am so I might as well say, "Good Morning, Readers!"  Yesterday was Veterans Day.  A few times, my eyes filled with tears remembering the sacrifices rendered so that we could live in a country where freedom reigns.  It was also my brother's birthday.  We are now the same age ... at least until my birthday in a few weeks!

"An evil person tries to hide behind evil, good people are like trees with deep roots."~~Proverbs 12:12

My father fought in WW II and gave his all.  My brother fought in Viet Nam and gave his all.  I come from a family of warriors who have given their all whether fighting in the wars on American soil or abroad.  Their blood runs through my veins and the veins of my children and grandchildren.  We are all overcomers ... fighters for what is right and true.  My forefathers battled the wilderness to become leaders in their communities going back to the Mayflower.  I am proud to be an American; and, just as my forefathers fought for freedom, I know it is my responsibility to carry their torches. My father used to say, "You do not know fear until you look that enemy straight in the eye and it's just him and you.  The instinct of survival takes over and you do what needs to be done."  If you're reading my blogs from heaven, dad, I hope you know how much your strength shaped my life.

"Sharp words cut like a sword, but words of wisdom heal."~~Proverbs 12:18

This morning I read Proverbs Chapter 12.  If you are new to Bible reading, I highly recommend The Promise Study Edition written in contemporary English.  No thees and thous ... just plain English!!  As I read, I wanted to tell you about the wisdom imparted in this book of the Bible.  I had a hard time picking one verse and decided I would interject a few in my blog today.

"Truth will last forever, lies will be found out."~~Proverbs 12:19 

Temperatures are falling and the wind is picking up.  The light in the garden enables me to look out into the night and marvel at the beauty before me.  The heaviness of the cold encourages me to wrap my shawl around me and appreciate the warmth of the cottage.  I have a fire going in the fireplace, soft music is playing, and the lights twinkling on my Fall Tree give me a sense of all's right in my world.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "A helpful wife is a jewel for her husband, but a shameless wife will make his bones rot."~~Proverbs 12:4  Now, how's that for some powerful words?!

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure what I would do in your father/my grandfather's situation. Yet, I am very thankful for the courage and strength of our military! Our freedom of religion, political views, and life are priceless!

