Monday, November 12, 2012

Who do you identify with?

November 9, 2012

I decided to do a little web surfing this morning.  I wanted to hear from the people's mouths why they voted for their presidential candidate of choice.  I guess I wasn't surprised how many said that they identified more with President Obama rather than that rich guy, Governor Mitt Romney.  Seriously?  Seriously...

Many years ago, I learned in Alanon that if I was to be successful in life to stick with the winners.  Problem is, most people are intimidated by successful people calling them "those high muckity mucks" or those "snobs."  Why is that?  All I know is that I love to read about those successful in the areas that mean the most to me.  Who has the most fabulous marriage?  How'd they get there.  Who has the most peace and serenity?  How'd they reach that inner place of calm?  I decided early on in life that I wanted to be open-minded and teachable.  I never pretended to know it all and I made some huge mistakes.  Most of all, I grew in knowledge.  I was hungry and tackled the unknown by digging deep.

Staying in our comfort zones can be cozy, snugly, and warm.  Even staying in bad situations can have some benefits.  Victims get lots of attention.  Who expects anything from the status quo or those down on their luck.  Hands are out, they need, they want ... give it to me!!!  YOU solve my problem, I can't!!!!!  Well, that's all well and good but along with that comes slavery.  I don't want that, do you?

When I left home at 17 to attend college, I was in for a rude awakening.  The big city was quite different than what I was used to.  It was the first time, I spent much time with people of different races and different socioeconomic statuses.  Not everyone came from the same background as me nor did they think like me.  I was glad my roommate was my high school bestie Lynda.  I think for a long time we were comfort blankets for each other.

Just when I got used to college life, I got married and moved across country to Yuma, AZ.  Now, THAT was culture shock.  My husband was in the Army and I worked at the local hospital.  Most of our friends were from the Army or Marines.  We lived in this little compound of tiny houses and we identified with each other.  With each move -- AZ, MN, TX, MN, TX -- I was introduced to different people and different life styles.

Okay, where am I going with this...   I started out in life in a little town in west central Minnesota.  Had I remained there my entire life, I would not have had the life's experiences I've encountered and I would not be the woman I am today.  The people I identify with have had similar experiences and are adventuresome.  They are fact finders, independent thinking, and optimistic in nature.  They can sit on the floor and eat pizza or dine at the best restaurant in town and be comfortable in their own skin.  As a single mom, I learned to work my way up the corporate ladder to support my children.  I identify with real, hard-working people who find ways to not only survive but thrive!!

Are you getting my drift?  Like people like to bond no matter what the circumstances.  Dopers have a tendency to gather with other dopers because that's their comfort zone.  Optimists tend to gather with other optimists because that's their comfort zone. 

In the most recent election, it was blatantly obvious that people were looking for the candidate who would make their lives easier and solve their problems.  John Kennedy was famous for his "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country."  Our culture has changed.  We have changed as a nation.  There are the rich and the poor ... the middle class is fading into oblivion.  It's like a train in motion ... tough to stop!

I come from a line of trail blazers and courageous pioneers.  They banded together with other pioneers to tackle the wild wilderness.  Their blood runs through my veins and I rose up as a victor not a victim.  Tell me I can't do something and I'll find a way.   I identify with the hard workers of this land ... I identify with other Christians who raise holy hands ... I identify with the people from small town America and with those from the city.  What I can't identify with are those with a victim mentality ... those who have their hands out but choose not to work.  I used to tell the women I counseled that they could overcome their circumstance.  I didn't just talk to hear myself talk ... I lived my talk.   There is help available but it's takes work to research and work to get out of bed and work.

Who do you identify with?  Your friends and comfort zones will tell you.  Are you groveling with the turkeys of this world or are you soaring with the eagles?  Are you grateful to be alive, making the most of each day or do you complain and look at every reason why you ... can't.

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.  It comes at midnight very clean.  It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands.  It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."~~John Wayne  Gotta love that man!!


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