Saturday, February 16, 2013

It's my turn...

February 16, 2013

Okay, okay ... my Mommy (I am needy, I don't call her Miss Dottie) let my sister, Sadie, get her paws on the computer.  I'm the jealous sort and, as usual, I whined and begged until I got my way.  I wanted to have a say-so too.  Now, look at my photo ... don't you think that I am a rather handsome guy?

I came into this family because Mommy's little Yorkie passed away from a genetic defect.  The breeder was willing to replace Pete with another Yorkie but Mommy and Daddy were afraid of getting another really small dog.    Her fellow breeder had some Yorkie-Poo pups and they decided to take a look-see.  I was the largest of the litter - my brothers and sisters were all apricot poodley looking but I resembled my Yorkie dad.  I was so laid back, Mommy wondered if I was going to have any spunk in me.  The breeder assured her that I would.  Little did she know how much spunk, vim, and vigor I would bring to the family.

It took me a little while to find my place in the family ... sister, Sadie, was so patient with me and my other sister, Khelsea, tolerated me.  In Mom's blog, Sadie described me as a half-breed ... a mutt.  That hurt my feelings.  Mom's dad was 100% Norwegian and her mom was an assortment of nationalities (English, Scotch, French, Dutch).  That didn't make her a human mutt ~~ it made her unique and special. I am a designer dog!  I am fearfully and wonderfully made!  God says so...

The Poodle in me gave me lots of smarts.  It didn't take me long to understand commands and get what I wanted.  The Yorkie in me made me a pretty wily, sly little rascal.  The male in me wanted me to be top dog in the family.  After Khelsea died, Sadie rose to the top of the pack and knew when to put me in my place.  I fussed about that but since she is bigger and has more teeth, I had to back off.

I like to follow Sadie around the back yard.  She knows how to hunt and bark really loud.  She likes to dig and rub her belly in the dirt.  I think that's rather dumb.  I don't like getting dirty so I sit and watch her.  She thinks I am the dumb one having to mark my territory on every tree and shrub.  I want to make sure that any animal coming in to my space knows that they are treading on MY territory.  I do like to tease Sadie by rubbing my toys in her face.  She bit me a few months ago in the nose and Mom said, "Enough is enough ... no more toys."  Looks like I bit off my nose to spite my face ~~ little pun there.  I am hoping she will change her mind about those toys but (sigh) I doubt she will.

I am a companion dog through and through.  I hate it when I am left alone and would prefer being with my masters.  Basically, I am a daddy's boy and follow him wherever he goes.  He is my idol.  When he naps, so do I.  When he goes to the bank, I get all excited 'cause they give me two dog biscuits.  When left alone, I get separation anxiety and whine and shake until mommy and daddy get me calmed down.  I can really get myself wound up and create quite a scene.  This morning, Mommy and Daddy were having morning coffee and were talking about making a trip to Mansfield.  I knew that meant they were going in the c-a-r.  I got so worked up ... tail wagging, dancing, and shaking ~~ I wanted to make sure they knew I wanted to GO!  They said I could so I am waiting for Mom to get her purse.

Like my sister, I enjoy a trip to the stylist.  The problem is most of those stylists want to groom me like a Poodle.  Can't they see that I look like my biological father, a Yorkie?  I think Mom's found a pretty good groomer in Waco who understands that my beard should be full and my ears left long.  She cuts my hair really short and I wonder if she's going to scalp me but my hair grows really fast and I must admit, I do feel clean and rather sporty with a short do.  Naomi even splashes me with a bit of manly smelling cologne!  It frustrates me sometimes because Sadie gets so much attention when she leaves the salon ... I must admit she's a beautiful Scottie but golly gee, I'm no slouch.

Mom likes to dress me up and I rather enjoy those sweaters and t-shirts she gets.  I have one I really like when it's cold outside 'cause it has a hood attached.  Mom got it out this morning and I can hardly wait til the people in Lowe's say, "Ooh, he's so cute!"  Mom tells me I can get a pretty good swagger on...  I'm glad the breeder got rid of my Poodle-tail and docked it like a Yorkie - when I wag my tail, my whole butt wags ... more attention ~~ "Oh look, he is so happy his whole body wags!"  I think I got the best traits of both breeds.

My sister is the serious one ... I make my family laugh.  It's my job to make sure everyone is happy.  I like to do dog tricks and be in the thick of things.  I am a cuddle bunny ... a lap dog.  Mom sometimes calls me "Velcro Dog."  I am five but I still have a lot of puppy left in me.  I am a "licker" ~~ I give mommy kisses and daddy kisses.  When one of my family is sick, I can sense it and I want to lick their troubles away.  Sadie tolerates me licking her ears ... Mommy will shreek ... "Ewwwww, what are you doing?"

I am a foodie.  The breeder said I was born a foodie ... it's a good thing my tummy is made out of iron because I taste EVERYTHING!  Mommy shares her food and I like that.  Daddy doesn't share, no need begging or playing like I'm ready to die.  I am first in line at 7:30 am and at 5 pm for eats.  I NEVER miss a meal and am on guard any time Mommy or Daddy rattles the dog treat jar!  Mom told me the other day that she needed to cut back on my treats.  OH NO ... doesn't she know that once it warms up more then we will be out in the gardens and I will work off my Winter poundage??

Mommy prays for you guys who read her blog.  In fact, Mommy prays a lot.  I like that because I can sit beside her and it is sooo peaceful.  Just like me, she has a whole lotta love to give!!

Tobias (aka Toby)

PS  Have a great weekend.  Mommy says that life is what you make it ... if it was up to me every day would be a have fun day!

PSS  I wonder if Mommy and Daddy would consider a trip to the doggie park??  I love smelling butts, peeing on the trees, and being the greeter at the gate.  Ah yes, life is good!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww - love that blog! The life of a dog....most likely, you know Toby quite well and give life to his spirit through words. As a dog lover, I absorbed every bit of your blog with a smile. I wonder what my sweet Teddy would say if he could talk? I pray that I am 1/2 the mom that you are to Toby. The unconditional love that dogs give to us is priceless. As you know, Teddy is a rescue Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The other day I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said, "Who Rescued Who?".....every dog brings something special to a family! Toby is quite the fella....can't wait to spend some time with him this fall.

