Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sadie puts a paw to the computer...

February 7, 2013

Holy Schamoly!  It's a great day to be a dog in Miss Dottie's life!  I've been fed, had my morning nap, and am out hunting in the backyard.  I keep an eagle eye out for vermin and varmints of every shape and size.  Don't let my age fool you, I am still able to hear, see, and chase a squirrel at the speed of light ... well, almost!

I have a very loud bark which can be a bit annoying at times to those who have to listen to me.  Miss Dottie gives me the Shhhhh quite often but my exuberance gets the best of me and often times, I will turn tail and do my own thing.  I get in an extra woof woof as I see her shaking her head at me.

Miss Dottie is an independent soul so I'm not surprised that we have become such good friends. We're both staunchly self-reliant and fearless.  Most things we attempt we do with rollicking enthusiasm.  Miss Dottie likes to dig in her garden (and, so do I!).  I especially like Spring when the dirt is cool and fluffy from the Winter rains.  I am one lucky dog ... Miss Dottie left an entire area at the back of the yard for me to romp, dig, and play in.  No rules except to stay inside the fence.  I had to push those limits by putting on my Houdini hat and playing escape artist.  Rats!  I think she's managed to close up every opening over 2" wide ... now, I am having to be content living within my boundaries.  I still keep my eyes open though, just in case!!

My brother, Toby, can be quite a bothersome little rat.  He is a cross between those foo-foo Poodles and those pesky Yorkies making him a pain in the butt.  He tries to get me into trouble by rubbing his toys in my nose.  Can I help it if my jaw is lined with teeth and my growl pretty ferocious?  Miss Dottie got in the middle of one of our tug of wars over a sock and I accidentally bit her.  Another time, when Toby and I were pulling on a toy, I got his nose good.  It's one of my breed's weaknesses, you know ... if pushed too far or jerked around with teasing, we have a tendency to retaliate.  Oh boy, I thought I was going to be a goner.  It took an understanding master to forgive me for those fiascoes.  No more tug of war contests with Toby.

I've had some chronic health issues to deal with this past year.  My thyroid has been out of whack and my liver counts off the charts.  Bad breeding?  I didn't pick my parents so I can't help it if I have some genetic issues.  Miss Dottie says I'm her forever dog and we take life one day at a time.  I stick pretty close to her knowing she takes good care of me.

I wonder why humans get so uptight about every day life.  I don't worry about much of anything.  Somehow I just know that at 7:30 am I have breakfast and at 5:00 pm, dinner is served.  My bowls are always full of fresh water and there is a jar of cookies on hand to reward me when I am good and come when called.  I am not a perfect dog but Miss Dottie tells me I am perfect for her.  I live in a household where praise and rewards are plentiful and love knows no bounds.

Every couple months I make a trip to Waco to visit my stylist -- I just love getting my nails trimmed, teeth brushed, a bubble bath, and designer haircut.  I love to strut my stuff and have people ooh and aah over me.  Call me a bit snobbish but I know when I am lookin' good!  My brother tags along with me and gets his usual puppy cut ... nothin' special for him but, I must say, we look pretty awesome walking out the door at Petco!

You can thank Miss Dottie for letting me yip and yap today.  For several years now, she's been blogging and I've been sitting patiently at her feet waiting my turn.  As pets, we do have a voice you know.  I was one of the lucky ones ... I got a great home and a loving master to live out my life on earth.  Some of my doggie friends haven't been so lucky.  I put my paws over my eyes and ears when the newsman reports on animal abuse.  Gives me the shakes!

Uh oh ... I hear something outside.  It's probably Miss Betty working in her back yard but my masters count on me to watch over them.  I like having a job to do ~~ it makes me feel important.  Gonna run ... 


Note from Miss Dottie:  I must say, Sadie holds a special place in my heart.  Just like Sadie looks to me as her master, provider, and protector, I look to my master, the Lord Jesus.  I am his forever child and his love knows no bounds.  My beloved, Sadie, has a job to do here on earth and so do I.  My prayer this day is that I will always remember to be thankful for God's constant provision and protection in my life.  We don't always know how God has protected us but we know that He is good.  Have a blessed day and always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!


1 comment:

  1. Sadie is beautiful! I love her personality --free entertainment.. Being a dog owner is amazing-- they are truly man's best friend.

    Love ya,
