Sunday, December 29, 2013

I heard the bells on Christmas Eve

Hey Mom, how would this work
 for a Christmas bath?? ~Zeke
December 29, 2013

Dear Readers,

Christmas blew in and flew out so quickly this year.  Maybe because Thanksgiving came so late in November ~ I just didn't feel the merriment like in year's past.  Several weeks ago now, I had a wonderful conversation with a friend about being a Christian and Christmas.  She had me doing some research and along with the research came some deep soul searching and deciding how I would spend my time and resources this Christmas.

First of all, I decided to stay within my means and not charge one single Christmas gift this year.  I am a giver and it was tough when I would see things that my family would enjoy. I felt really (almost) guilty when what I could purchase seemed so meager.

Secondly, it was important to me to make a trip to the old Norwegian Lutheran Church (located close to Cranfills Gap, TX) for Christmas Eve services.  I was not disappointed.  Because it was a distance from our home, we left early and enjoyed a beautiful drive looking at the hills chisled out of rock and all the ranches and marveled at the history of this area.  I could just imagine what the Norwegian settlers felt and saw as they traveled through the countryside ... such beauty!

We arrived at the church in time for the first service to be dismissed.  As soon as we got out of the car, we could hear the organ belting out the hymns of old.  It was fun to people watch ... Texas gentlemen tipped their hats greeting others with "A Merry Christmas!"  I've not seen so much western wear in quite some time!  I was right at home in my boots, sweater, and long skirt.  There were others that were more Norse (fun to hear the accents!).  We walked around the grounds waiting for the church bell to call us to service.  What an inviting sound!!

Notice the stairs behind the organ
that lead to the bell tower!

The kerosene lamps were filled and candles lit at the altar and on window sills. It had grown quite chilly outside but once the church filled up we were toasty warm.  The wood burning stove and candles (no electricity in the church) brought us back to 1886. We sang, prayed, and joined holy hearts worshiping a king born in a manger.  My heart was so filled with peace, love, and joy that I could hardly contain myself.  We knelt at the altar, breaking bread dipped in wine before departing into the cold night air.

We left the warmth of the church and walked outside to darkness  made light by the candlelit lanterns that lined the driveway.  I walked to the car and looked back at the church. The beauty of those small lamps gave off such a twinkle ~ an invitation to return and go inside. We drove off down a little graveled road back to electricity and modern conveniences. I could not help but wish we could have stayed for the last service as well.

I heard the bells this Christmas and oh what a song they sang.  They stirred my soul with voices like angels singing, "Peace on earth, goodwill to men." The church gave us a Christmas gift ... a beautiful handpainted ornament. Every ounce of  loneliness and saddness inside of me gave way to a feeling of contentment and wholeness.  Ah yes, it was a Christmas Eve that I will remember for many years to come.

When we got home, I made us a light Christmas Eve supper and we watched "It's A Wonderful Life." I love to watch this classic each year with my family. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

Beverly, Rica, Don, Miss Dottie
I guess we all go through different seasons in our lives and it is best to embrace each celebrating it's uniqueness.  For many Christmas is a time of loneliness; for others it's a time of family get-togethers and gaity. I've experienced both and, I must say, I would prefer the merriment of family to sitting by the fire alone. Maybe this Christmas was calling me to get back to my roots of a time when the focus was simply the beauty of worship and the importance of spending time with special people. To top Christmas off, my friends Beverly and Don invited us to a wonderful Christmas Day lunch.  Great food, wonderful conversation, and friends!!

As the New Year approaches, I am thinking forward. It is no surprise to the Lord that I am where I am; and, I know I have work to do here. I knew that when we discussed the move and, sadly with all the hoopla of getting settled, I got off course. This morning, I took out my new journal and began to write down my course of action starting with today!! Why wait til January 2014??!!

Always remember, my dear dear readers, that you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS "With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

1 comment:

  1. That church is quaint and beautiful--I hope to visit it with you!! It is helpful to slow down at times and remember God; what a perfect church to have a moment in prayer.

    Love you,
