Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas 2014

December 27, 2014

Good Morning Lord!

It's mighty chilly and rainy here in North Central Texas ~ a perfect day to stay in with the Fantastic 5, do a little blogging, praying, and preparing for the new year just ahead.

Come on in and sit a spell. I always enjoy sharing a cup of coffee with you. You have a way of warming up my spirits and getting me focused on my purpose. (I have a way of getting side-tracked!)

I love Christmas and everything about it ~ the sights, sounds, smells... Ah yes, the smells ... cookies baking, feasts prepared for families, pine boughs trimmed into wreaths, peppermint candy canes, candles...

You issued an invitation for us to come to your house for Christmas Eve and we gladly accepted. As we drove down Franklin Street, I loved looking at all the lights. It seemed darker than usual yet the darkness offered a special backdrop for the multitude of lights and decorations. I smiled as we passed by a beautiful nativity set.

My father used to take us out at Christmas to look at all the festive lights and I cherish those memories. I did that with my children as well. Christmas wasn't complete without touring Deerfield in Plano! The journey to church passed by quickly with visions of Christmas Past dancing in my head!

Pastor Gerald Dudley
Fast forward to the present ~ church, cowboy style! As we got closer to the Open Range Church, I felt a sense of joy. This was our first Christmas Eve there and I found something that had been sorely missing this Christmas ~ a sense of belonging and feeling like a part of a family. Will Heard and Joe Manuel sang separately and together ... Pastor Gerald and Pastor Rick delivered wonderful Christmas messages ... we celebrated the Lord's Supper ... then, we shared hugs and Christmas greetings with our church family. I was filled with love and blessings that lifted me from the pits of self-pity to a higher place. Thank you!

Joe Manuel

The Brown's

Last year we were invited to Beverly and Don Crain's home for Christmas Day. This year, Beverly had surgery the day before Christmas and I offered to host lunch. I dug out the sterling silver, the Christmas dinnerware, and set the table. Michael put some Christmas music on and I danced around in my kitchen peeling, baking, and cooking up a feast. I must say, the ham was the best ever ... the sweet potato casserole (a new recipe) was scrum yummy with a topping made of brown sugar, pecans (from our tree), and butter. Paula Deen, eat your heart out!! Of course, I had my jar of olives to keep me company as I created our meal!! I am sooo grateful for my gourmet kitchen even if it is on a small scale!

Our guests arrived and for the next three hours we ate and fellowshipped. Michael and Don had had some pretty harrowing medical issues this past year and with Beverly's surgery and my own health challenges, we toasted being around to celebrate another Christmas together. Our guests are not Christians and we were able to share our experience in joining the Open Range Church and our faith in You. Maybe one day they will take us up on our invitations to join us for church. After coffee and dessert, our guests waddled (after 3 hours of eating and drinking, what do you expect? he he!) across the street and Michael and I fixed ourselves another cup of coffee, cleaned up the kitchen, and retired to the living room.

It was a tough realization to know that we couldn't buy Christmas gifts this year without "charging" and, believe me, that was hard. I am a giver and to not go Christmas shopping tore at my heart strings. To be totally honest, I really went through a purple funk the month of December ~ everything except doing what was absolutely necessary was almost too much to do. I wanted to pull the covers over my head and sleep away the days. Now, Father, you and I both know that's not a good way to handle disappointment. (Sigh)

Fortunately, I didn't leave You out of Christmas and found peace, serenity, and inner joy at the manger. Thanks to my daughter and her family and the Mason family at church we had gifts to open.

Michael was so excited when he opened his gift ~ a Cowboy sweatshirt!! He sounded like a little boy and I started giggling. The story of my gift is complicated but what's Christmas without stories? Not only did I get some wonderful Youth Dew perfume and bath oil but due to the mix-up, I also received a beautiful make-up bag (the one thing that I wanted for Christmas!).

Miss Vivian, Terry, and Susie gave us a beautiful candle holder and this morning I lit it ~ for some strange reason, I like to have candles burning as I pray, am writing, or creating something special. Lord, I'm so grateful that You gave us the strength to do that next right thing and leave the outcome to You!!

Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid. The LORD, the LORD, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
~Isaiah 12:2

This morning I prayed the Lord's Prayer found in Matthew 6. I knelt down on the floor and my little furry kids climbed up in my lap and tears began to fall. As I prayed, the words became alive~ My Father in heaven, your name so holy ~ I am in awe. Your kingdom will come and your will be done here on earth as it is now in heaven. You have supplied my daily bread and met my needs, I do not want. I have asked for wisdom and you have delivered me from evil. You are the kingdom, the power, and the glory ... FOREVER. I thought about my Readers and as names and faces came before me, I lifted my hands proclaiming your power in their lives. I BELIEVE!! I believe in the miracle of Christmas and I believe in the miracles that transpire when we ask you into our hearts. One of my heroes is Mother Teresa and there are times when I look her quotes up on the Internet and let her words soak into my heart. I don't understand so much about this life I am living ~ yet, my life is a gift and I don't want to waste it.

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate the love of God and the birth of Jesus, God's perfect gift to a fallen world. The most amazing thing is that once we accept that gift, we are able to share it with others on Christmas AND on every day of the year. 2015 is just around the corner ~ I ask that you pray for me as I move into my 6th year of blogging. This year was my year to REFRESH.  Next year? I will be spending the next few days in prayer and listening for direction... Have a safe and Happy New Year! God bless and thank you for your encouragement and inspiration. Let's make it a point to get together come January 1!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... ya you!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday before Christmas...

December 21, 2014

Dear God,

It is Sunday! On my way across the country roads to your house, I was doing some woolgathering about the gift of life and time. This past week you gave me 24 X 7 = 168 hours to use as I wished. I was thinking about the number of times, I chose not to go to church, I chose not to read my Bible, and chose not to follow your leading I felt convicted. For all the blessings bestowed on me, could I not take the time to thank You a few hours a week?

I worshiped and listened to wise words from wise men (Bud, William, Pastor Rick, Brady, Terry, Pastor Gerald). There was this sense of peace that came over me and I wondered why it had taken me so long to "get it." As long as I "got it" now, I could begin anew.

I came home from church, fed Finn, and started doing laundry. Since Christmas is this week, I decided to get busy cleaning up the cottage and, as I picked up my computer, I had this overwhelming urge to write. Of course, since I had my computer open, I checked my Facebook messages ... there was this quote about priorities and I read it over and over before passing it on. It was like You were speaking to me ~ again, on this same subject ~ priorities.

Priorities ... are You important enough in my life to be a priority? Are You important enough for me to read your word and study your ways? Are You a priority enough that I should want to be like You? Oh yes, a million times, yes. How about the other people in my life? How can I make others feel important? I have work to do in 2015!!

I know what it has felt like to be unloved, unwelcome, and not valued as a person. That being said, You must be sad too when someone asks You into their heart then forgets about You. I cannot imagine dying on a cross ... crucified ... only to be pushed to the back burner in peoples' lives. Shame on us ... shame on me!

Carolyn, Branden, Neva
This morning when I walked into church, I began looking for familiar faces. I didn't want to miss wishing a Merry Christmas to those who might not be at church Christmas Eve. Branden introduced me to Carolyn (I hope I spelled her name right) who was visiting. Good Golly Miss Molly, I hope Carolyn comes back 'cause she's a lady I want to know more about. She does things that are on my bucket list and I have a hunger to learn. Thank you Branden for inviting her ~ I hope we all made her feel welcome.

Pastor Rick had gotten wind of a family in need and paid them a visit on Saturday. He began by saying that as we grown older we tend to remember Christmases from our childhood. Just as I was nodding my head in agreement, he got into the meat of the story and I could barely contain my tears.

Daddy needed some extra money to support his family but he chose the wrong way to go about it and is in prison. Mama is living in a home owned by kinfolk and they are supporting her with the basics. Problem? Four tiny girls and no money for Christmas. As Pastor Rick shared the details of his visit ... donuts, a big old dog, the knocks on the door, the playfulness of the girls ... "Are you a real cowboy?" ... I could picture them in their bare feet and tousled curls enamored by this man who brought a sense of joy and kindness. Oh that we should all be like children!

To make a long story a bit shorter, because of the benevolence of the Open Range Church, these precious girls will have a magical Christmas. And, maybe, just maybe, this family will be able to come to church and learn about You. That just warms the cockles of my heart. I wish I could be a little mouse in the corner on Christmas morning when those little ones wake up to a special "Frozen" moment in time!

When I was a young adult, my mother told me of times when my brother and  I were small that there was very little money for Christmas. There were no credit cards back then ~ it was cash then carry. I never knew or felt that we were lacking because there was always something that we had wished for. We received one present Christmas Eve then Santa brought a couple toys in the morning. Funny, how I don't remember many of the specific gifts. What I do remember is the gaiety of family Christmas ... Aunt Alida playing the piano while we all sang Christmas carols; midnight church when the room was lit with candles; the lefse and cookies; my Grandmother Belle grinning each year when she got her high topped black tennis shoes (she had chickens ~ enough said); my Grandmother Maggie's tears when her children came with bags of groceries and essentials; and, there's one more thing...

My Grandmother Maggie received a jug of Mogen David Wine each Christmas. It was a really big deal when we all received (adults - wine glasses; children - shot glasses) our wine to make our Christmas toasts. As children, we felt a part of something bigger, something important. The toasts were wonderful... "To my mother, thank you!" "To my wife, I love you." "To my cousin, you're funny!" It was sort of like gibberish because everyone was talking at once, hugging, and laughing.

Christmas Day 2013
From left:
Beverly, Rica, Don, Michael
I am looking forward to Christmas Eve services at church. I can't really explain it but just being in your house with fellow believers is such a wonderful gift. Christmas Day, we invited our neighbors over for a Christmas lunch. Beverly is having surgery on the 23rd (Carpel Tunnel dominant hand) and I knew she wouldn't be up to preparing a meal much less cleaning up. She had all the groceries before her surgery was scheduled so I was blessed to be the cook, furnish the place for our lunch, and do the clean up. Last Christmas Day was special at their home ... this year it will be at our home ... God willing in 2015, it will be at Rica's home.

Lord God, you are the Alpha, the Omega. This Christmas, I pray that you will bless your people. Help us to be aware of those less fortunate and be your ambassadors of kindness and love. This year has been quite a challenge for me and, I must admit, I am glad that it flew by and that 2015 is just around the corner. Help us all to look forward not back ~ to look upward and not stumble over our own feet. I pray for the many who are undergoing cancer treatments, undergoing heart surgeries, suffering with the flu, and those dealing with chronic illnesses. May there be the miracle of healing! Amen!! I pray for those who are alone this Christmas ~ those alienated from family ~ for those in nursing homes. Father, I thank you for my Readers and for the opportunity to share your word and love. Bless them, guide them, and minister to their every need. Christmas is just a few days away. As the church bells ring and people gather to celebrate your son's birth, let there be peace. Yes, peace ... may the violence stop, may we come together as a Christian nation, and, most of all, may we lift holy hands communing as one voice! Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS:  I read this poem this morning and wanted to share it with you. As we go about the next few days, our lives can seem hectic and so out of control ~ please take some time to remember what is most important and, well, sometimes we just have to let the rest go.

"Whatever else be lost among the years,
Let us keep Christmas still a shining thing:
Whatever doubts assail us, or what fears,
Let us hold close one day, remembering
Its poignant meaning for the hearts of men.
Let us get back our childlike faith again."
~~Grace Noll Crowell

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I Am Enough

Just As I Am

December 9, 2014

Dear God,

Brrr, it's downright chilly today. No heat in the cottage and casa except for a space heater in the cottage. Last night, my furry kids and I bundled up in blankets and were nice and toasty. They loved the extra cuddling and, I must admit, so did I! Tomorrow, things will be back to normal.

Last night I was so cold and I thought about the homeless and pets left outside to shiver trying to keep warm. At least I had blankets, flannel sheets, and a cushy bed. Thank you God for my shelter! I read recently that we don't truly know the plight of another unless we walk in their shoes. I believe that ~ it's why You allow us to go through trials in order that we might minister to others.

After Sunday's sermon, I have been thinking about how deep my relationship is with you. In fact, most Sundays, I come away thinking back into time, thinking the day through, and, most of all, how I can apply my new knowledge to the future.

I am enough that you, my God, sent your son to die for me. I am special ~ no freak accident of birth. Just as you are I AM, I, too, am.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. ~Psalm 139:13-14

As your child, I have stopped asking "why" or dwelling on what I did wrong in life. I no longer punish myself with unanswerable questions that lead nowhere. Life just is. Marriages aren't always made in heaven and children aren't born with instructions on how to parent perfectly. Life never quite turns out the way we hoped it would.

The one thing I do dwell on is how interconnected we have been throughout my life. I never remember a time when I wasn't looking for You and learning more about You ~ nor do I remember a time when You weren't there for me. I have story after story of miracles in my bag of life that could only be explained by your divine love and intervention.

My life has changed so drastically the past twelve years in a way I scarcely recognize. Where I thought I would be and where I am astounds me. I have come to that place where I accept that it is what it is. I can choose to live in the past or the wishful thinking of what might have been. OR, I can choose to create something new and meaningful for my present and future. I choose the later. It is not easy.

For people who have been abused, it is so difficult to understand your grace and love. For those who are rejected, it is so difficult to understand your acceptance. There is always that scab that gets rubbed off recreating offenses ... there are the reminders, the scars. I suffer (yes suffer) from episodes of PTSD; and, therefore, am very careful about submitting myself to possible triggers. I am not responsible for the acts and words of another ~ I am responsible for my own actions, words, and recovery and I take that seriously.

Pastor Dudley says that people go where they are invited and stay where they feel welcome. I'd never thought much about that but it's so true. If I am invited somewhere and it is not a pleasant experience, I rarely will venture out a second time. I guess people can say that's silly of me; I choose to think of it as loving myself enough to be safe and set healthy boundaries. It's also a reminder to me when someone knocks on my door or I invite someone over.

I was telling Michael that I wished he would have had the opportunity to meet my father's mother and family. My grandmother was a woman of deep faith and generous hospitality. Her daughters (Alida, Blanche, Eleanor, Lorna, Helen) followed in her footsteps. If you visited them, you were made to feel like the most special person in the world. My grandmother had nothing but she had everything. It was there, at her knee, that I learned so much about love and your holiness. She read her Norwegian Bible every day ... I wonder where it is and would love to just touch it in the way she did. I'm goofy about stuff like that.

The countdown to Christmas continues and, just for today, I am basking in the knowledge that soon I will celebrate the birth of your son, Jesus. I will fix a sumptuous Christmas Eve meal for Michael and I then we will head down the country roads to the Open Range Church to worship.

Father God in Heaven, my prayer list grows and I am grateful for the time I have to lift those precious people up in prayer. There are those who are so very ill and are in need of your healing touch. There are those who have lost loved ones and are entering this Christmas Season with heavy hearts. As my prayers float upward, I picture them being received and know they are heard. I am praising You that Robin is feeling better and that little Ellis is taking a bottle. I ask specifically that you be with Bev and Curt and Peggy. Bring peace and well-being. For families that are struggling financially this Christmas, I pray for "enough." For families struggling with rejection and aloneness, I pray for "enough." You, God, are enough and your promises ring clearly in the cold crisp air. Help me to help others in every way I can. I thank You for my Readers who I love dearly. I thank you for taking my blog across the globe and for those presented during prayer time for intercessory prayer. Times they are a changin' in our country and not for the better. The battle is here and we must not be afraid to speak out. My King, rise up men and women to lead the charge for if we are in You, we will not fail! Amen!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO MY READERS:  What does "not good enough" mean? Those times when you were sure that laughter was directed at you? The times you thought you were loved but it turned out that you were deceived? The times from years past that fly through your mind as if to say, "Not waaaaannnnntttted?" Were you not pretty/handsome enough? Unaccepted? Unworthy? Stupid?

Let me tell you something, if you are a Christian all the above are lies from Satan himself. God's Word declares the opposite is true. You are desired and wooed by the most High God. You are made worthy by the shedding of the blood ... the blood of Jesus.

There is therefore now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus. ~Romans 8:1

You are enough ~ just as you are ~ to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. Who else would die for you ~ for your sins past, present, and future? Come and take my hand and let's do this together, shall we? Some of you email me, text me, or contact me on Facebook and I covet our conversations. I don't have all the answers but, I promise you, I will listen and come alongside you.  Most of all remember, Jesus never disappoints!! 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A baby for Christmas!!

December 2, 2015

Dear God,

It's my birthday! Let's see, how old am I? OMG, really??!! Somehow I am NOT excited about turning 68. But then, what choice do I have? I might as well accept it and move on since I am not ready to face the alternative!

Do not count the candles but notice the light they give. Do not count the years; look at the life you live. ~Anonymous

Tonight, I read all the birthday wishes posted on Facebook and read the cards sent via mail. I feel so blessed to have so many people I call friend that are good influencers in every area of my life. My cup runneth over!

The only way you can live your life to the fullest is by understanding that you do not have all the time in the world. ~ Anonymous

I talked with my son who is turning 40 on the 16th and he is having the same feelings about his age. I told him that I was far too young to have a 40 year old son and his reply, "I'm far too young to be your 40 year old son." We laughed. Life goes by way too quickly!

We hadn't talked in forever, and it was good to share those bits of our lives that are important and be able to laugh and enjoy the moment. I love phone calls like that.

Today, I am wrestling with Day 10 of the flu and believe me, I am feeling my age. Hopefully, tomorrow, Dr Truong can prescribe something to make this gunk go away. Enough is enough. Anyway, I have plans for this weekend and have to be back in going order!! Dr. Jesus, do your stuff! You and I have places to go and people to see!!

A baby for Christmas and oh what a joy!! You know all about that don't you for you sent your son to be born of the Virgin Mary ... a baby born in a manger that would save us all from our sins. It is You who we should be hyped up about when we think of Christmas! I found a statue of Joseph, Mary, and Jesus at Burke's and I snarfed it up. I put it on the table directly across from the sofa in the cottage so I can look at it.

I am a visual person and need to have visual reminders to keep my thoughts going in the right direction. This Christmas moving on into the new year, I am focusing on faith, hope, and love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

A baby for Christmas and oh what a joy! My son was to be a Christmas baby but made his appearance a little early. He was my miracle child that I nearly lost weeks into my pregnancy and then again at his birth. In fact, both of us nearly became statistics that day. He was the child I had prayed for, delivered, and had the privilege of being his mother. In those days, there weren't all the new fangled gizmos to tell if the baby was a boy/girl, ok, not ok, etc. The moment of birth was highly anticipated for many reasons. I just wanted a healthy baby and was blessed.

A baby for Christmas and oh what a joy! My youngest grandson was to be a Christmas baby choosing to arrive on December 7. I remember that Christmas as if it was yesterday. Tommy, Angie, Brittany, Zachary, and newborn Nicholas arrived early on Christmas Eve. The house was lit only by candles, the fire in the fireplace, and the lights on the trees. We gathered to exchange gifts; but, most importantly, we celebrated the best gift of all ... this child that resembled a cherub and that's what will always be remembered.

Happy 9th Birthday, Nicholas! Father, bless this child with strength, courage, and wisdom. Gird him with the tools he will need to take on this crazy world we live in. Most of all, woo him and bring him closer to you.

My God how great thou art. Christmas is just around the corner and the celebrations are beginning to echo through the night air. The stars sine bright as they did the night Your Son was born. I pray for those whose eyes are upon my blog today. Bless them, providing for their needs. Where there is healing needed, heal. Where there is strength needed, give strength. Although I am frustrated at having to go through this season of flu, I thank you for the times spent just with You and the opportunities to lift my brothers and sisters up in prayer. I know for certain that my strength lies in my Faith. YAHWEH-ELOHIM ~ Lord of Lords, Lord of my life. Yes, on this my "birth"day, I celebrate "born again."

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: Remembering our "birth" day is so important because it's on that date in history we arrived! Today, I read a quote from James Baldwin: "Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitatons to where you can go." God created me for a purpose. He created you for a purpose. How exciting is that?!? I know from where I came and I know where I am going ... now, what I do with those inbetween times is up to me! In the meantime, let's all keep celebrating those birthdays!

Monday, December 1, 2014

What if...

December 1, 2014

Dear God,

It just seems wrong not to have been in church yesterday. After a week and some days, I still have the head and chest congestion, cough, achiness, and fatigue. Hopefully, that too, shall pass ... sooner rather than later.

I have started several blogs but due to my head feeling like scrambled eggs, none made sense. Ok, let's scrap those ... time to start over! It's a new week, a new month!

There's something I do need to address.  Before Thanksgiving, I went over to Walmart to get a few things and headed for the express checkout. Checkout 2: A lady couldn't read the sign (20 items or less) and had a cart FULL of Thanksgiving groceries, cleaning supplies, and what I would guess were Christmas gifts. Yak, yak, yak, she was in no hurry. I headed over to Checkout 1. The man in front of me looked like he hadn't slept in days ~ his eyes were swollen and red. I wondered if he'd been on a ten day "toot." I was impatient and choose not to repeat some of the thoughts I was having about Walmart and these rude, unkept people keeping me from getting out of there.

Just as he put his few things on the counter, a passerby stopped and tapped him on the shoulder. "Just heard, I am so sorry."

"Yes, I lost my daughter and two granddaughters."

Oh Lord, I was so very ashamed of myself. This was the man we prayed for in church. His daughter was Holly Webb. I looked him in the eyes and told him that the Open Range Church family including me was praying for him and his family. He teared up and I hugged him saying a prayer over him. Here You were using convicted sinner ~ me ~ to comfort a man I had judged so harshly. As he left the checkout, his shoulders were slumped and he walked with a shuffle.

Oh my dear Jesus, walk with this man and hold his hand in the days and years ahead. Please forgive me for my impatience, judging ways, and cruel thoughts. My head bows in shame and repentance. To the world, I might have looked like a kind, Christian lady ... You and I know how flawed I am...

This incident has really impacted me. We are all guilty of impaired judgements and (gulp) mental meanness. I'm not making excuses for myself because I am owning this one hook, line, and sinker, just sayin'. Even though we may not speak our thoughts, they are there, festering. What is so sad, is that so often we just don't know the real story. I've been judged and convicted by many ... hung out to dry, criticized, and condemned. When I've been down and out, I've been stomped on until my spirit has nearly bled out. I know what it feels like to be in utter despair ... should I not be compassionate and give others the benefit of the doubt? In the name of Jesus, yes!

Last time I was in church, Pastor Rick said something like this ... WHAT IF you woke up today and all you had was what you were thankful for yesterday. 

I've been thinking about that a lot this morning especially in light of my conviction.

Life is what it is, isn't it? Life. We have our yesterdays, our heritage, our testimonies, our history. Then, we have today, this minute and no more, for as the minutes tick by, they become past and the future but an unknown darkness filled with hope. I can live life with gratitude or I can live live with grudgitude (a new Miss Dottie word!).

One of my very favorite Christmas movies is It's A Wonderful Life. Each time I watch it, I notice something different. Why? Because as the years pass, I am different. We live in a "me first" society yet when we accept Jesus Christ, we become second. We live lives of service making this world a better place. I was thinking about my life and how I have matured. We just celebrated Thanksgiving, a time of giving thanks and remembering what is truly important. I know what was on my mind to be thankful for.  I wonder what was on my Readers' minds...

Last time I was in your house, there was a young man who gave his first sermon ~ yes, I said a "young" man. Not long ago, he made a decision to become a preacher and his path became set before him. As he spoke, his words resonated from his heart and I found myself immersed in his message.

Weston spoke on Proverbs 16:9 NIV ~ "In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."  We set goals then plan to achieve them. Yet, in the end, God's will WILL be done. EVERYTHING is Father-filtered!!  In my case, my thoughts stayed in my mind, I was convicted, and, in the end, your goodness shone forth.

When I address my blog to You and we have our pow wow, I am blessed. You enlighten, teach, and convict. Each day, no matter what, I want to remain humble, teachable, and ready to report for duty as called.  You, my Creator, gave me a heart so I follow my affections. You, my Maker, gave me a mind so I think of how to achieve my goals. 2015 is just around the corner and I am already thinking about changes to my blog form and where your light will lead me.

Don't you just love that song, Count Your Blessings, sung by Bing Crosby? Each night before I go to sleep, I count my blessings and ask blessings and love to be heaped upon my Readers. Father God, these people are so important to me and I care deeply about what happens to them. I want them to know You and to love You ~ when that happens grudgitude become gratitude and that's what it's all about!! Amen, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I learned how quickly, life can be snuffed out when Zeke was hit by a car and died instantly. Thanksgiving Day, I learned that my cousin, David suddenly passed away without warning. If that happened to me, would anyone miss me? What would my legacy have been? As I move through this day, I am mindful to do something for another human being that would make their world a little better. My goals this year have been to REFRESH the areas of my life that needed spit shining. I must say, it's been quite a journey. I pray you will get on board with me in the new year ahead.


Sunday, November 30, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

November 27, 2014

Dear God,

Happy Thanksgiving (with a voice that alternates between that of a sultry screen star in the 40's and a goose in pain) ~ if you're concerned about catching my sore throat, sinus congestion, chest congestion, cough and on and on, I don't blame you. You can sit on your cushy pillows in Heaven and we can still share a time of togetherness.

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry ... so John Steinbeck said. As of last night we were going to get up, have breakfast, ready the pups for the dog sitter to come in, and head for North Texas about 1. Everything was arranged and the car was set to go. The OTC sinus medicine I had been taking was keeping the virus I have at bay but this morning I felt like someone had given me a shot of the real, honest to goodness flu. As I stumbled into the house, Michael said, "What happened to you?"  I guess I did look rather ragged with my wrinkled jammies, puffy eyes, and hair standing on end. THEN, I opened my mouth, and he really laughed.  My "where's the coffee" came out in crackled pieces. He knew what I meant and while I portioned out 5 bowls of kibble, he made my cup. Those Keurig coffee makers sure are a wonderful invention. Before long, I was sitting on the little stool in the kitchen watching my furry kids inhale their breakfast.

Michael was looking a bit green in the gills and when I looked up from my stool, he was leaning against the doorway. "You sickly?" His response ... "Ya think?" 

Please Lord, strip this grippe from my body leaving it feeling whole once again. And, while you're at it, fix Michael too!
One week of this is enough!!

I remember years and years ago, I kept getting sick ~ my doctor was puzzled because although the strep, kidney infections, flu, etc were real, I shouldn't have been getting one thing right after another. Looking back, it was at a very stressful time in my life and I think that stress has a lot to do with how our bodies operate. I think that dealing with Fibromyalgia, pain, and the stresses of the past few months has taken it's toll. I recognize it and must do something to alter the progression of illnesses eating away at my body. Sooo, starting right now, I am going to buy more veggies and fruits (not only buy them but eat them), meditate and pray, and release every stress that I can. I wonder if I could lock myself in the cottage and have Michael shove a tray through the door?! I think it's time to do a 40 days of prayer again beginning with a fast. Ok ... on the right track ... moving right along...

Please Lord, help me to focus only on You
and the direction you want me to go.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays from the time I was a tiny girl. It was a day when I got to eat all the olives I wanted and I LOVED OLIVES!! My cousins, Sandy and Marcie, would join me filling the relish dishes with those plump green beauties ~ only problem was, my mom caught on before too long and would scold us saying, "You will spoil your dinner." I would make sure I went to the store with my mom to shop for Thanksgiving items just so she wouldn't forget to get extra bottles of olives. Come wash day, she'd find all those pits in my pockets and I'd hear, "Dorothy Bell...." (I smiled then, and I'm still eating olives and smiling ... pits in my pockets!)

Father in Heaven, I thank you for the cherished memories
I have of the Thanksgiving holidays.

I was thinking today about how far our society has deviated from the traditional ways of yesterday. We have gone from the traditional time of cooking, baking, and sharing food and love with family and friends to a hurry up, let's eat, and either head for the pre-Black Friday sales or to watch the football games. What happened to savoring the meal, talking over the blessings and challenges of the year, and just being together? Oh what I would give to have my family back around my dining room table laughing and bragging about of specialness of each dish.

Please Lord, remind us of what is important in life ... those gifts we're racing to get at rock bottom prices... 
Will we remember them 40 years from now? As our families have become so fractured,
I pray that we would come together as You intended.

I am such a sentimental traditional lady and value time spent with family and friends. Today, I missed the adventure of heading north so I had to punt...  I sent Michael to the store to get some Carving Board Turkey slices, made some homemade cranberry sauce, baked a potato, heated up some corn, pulled some rolls from the freezer and baked those, and grabbed a box of Stove Top Stuffing. The table was set with Thanksgiving in mind and by the time I finished preparing the plates, I stood back and said, "Well, it sure looks pretty!" Michael said, "I don't know how you make ordinary look so beautiful and taste so good." It's just adding a little of this and a little of that... he he (Truth be told, neither one of us could taste much but, at least, we tried get in the spirit!)

Thank you Jesus for food that nourishes our bodies ~ thank you for Your Word which nourishes our minds ~
thank you for who I am in You. 

Now, after all that, I am pooped, exhausted, my nose is dripping on to my computer, and I am hacking up enough green gunk to make the Grinch smile! Time for my Thanksgiving nap!!

Miss Dottie

NOTE TO READERS: I hope that your Thanksgiving was blessed with good food, family, friends, and, especially good health!! If not, I pray for us all to have a sense of humor about the hiccoughs that come when we least expect. The countdown to Christmas begins!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

New Beginnings...

There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.
~Bernard Williams

November 24, 2014

Dear God,

It's me and you time. I just took a Praline Pumpkin Dessert out of the oven and the house smells heavenly. I made one yesterday for the Thanksgiving Feast at church and liked it so much that I made another for us to nibble on. It's supposed to chill 4 hours after it cooks on a rack so I'll be having a late evening snack. Yum!!

I had so many things to talk over with You today. The last few days have been busy ones. I scarcely know where to begin.

You know how much I have mourned the loss of our Maltese, Zeke. Each of us have our own ways of dealing with loss ~ mine is to grieve then fill the hole with beautiful memories and a celebration of life in the present. I  knew that Zeke could not be cloned ~ he was a one of a kind rascal that came to us on loan for a specified amount of time. If I only a day with Zeke, it would have been a treasure!

I knew that I would adopt another dog at some point. You and I talked about it and weighed the pros and cons. I knew I couldn't afford to purchase from an expensive breeder so I thought about EBay and Craigslist (EBay much more pricey). My friend, Kat, had gotten her dog, Maxie, on Craigslist so I talked to her about her experience. I must admit Craigslist had about every kind of pet there is at rock bottom prices. The only bad thing was the wading through the scammers and being very smart in dealing. I had a couple encounters that were pretty darn creepy. In fact, one more weird text with this "person" and I was going to report them. I just had to trust in You, Lord.

Bring me a nice quiet sister!

Anyway, Michael and I knew that it wouldn't be easy adding another dog to the family. We had the other dogren to consider and they had to be our first consideration. Our expectations were set pretty high and list of must haves long and detailed.

We're looking for a cool brother!
~Kennedy & Toby

I want a sister I can boss around!
~Harmony Jane

We decided that we would just go see some full blooded Maltese dogs in the price range we could afford. I had a couple conversations that I considered very "normal" and we headed for Fort Worth Saturday morning for Round One of our search. The house was in an "up and coming" area where some homes were pretty broken down and others nicely redone. We pulled up to a little cottage and I texted ... "We're here." 

A young Hispanic lady answered the door and we entered a nicely decorated living area which they were obviously using as their computer room. Everything was clean and there were no dog odors. She had 3 little Maltese puppies in her arms and we were invited to play with the dogs and spend as much time with them as we liked.  They had kept detailed records of their dogs and were anxious to answer any questions we had.  We had taken Toby with us and, I must say, he was quite a gentleman. The puppies were cute and we could tell they were full-blooded Maltese. They were clean, healthy, and lively ... no runny eyes or obvious red flags. Yet, Toby didn't interact with the pups preferring to sit on the sofa between us. A couple times he growled at the puppies not wanting them close to him. Neither Michael nor I were thinking it was a go either. We stayed an appropriate amount of time and were ready to leave with the usual, "Let us think about them and we'll get back to you."

From there, it was like You took the wheel. The lady came back to the living area with a little white dog in her arms ... "I know you said you wanted a full-blooded Maltese, but I have this little puppy that is a Maltese and Shih Tzu mix that sounds perfect for your family. It was like he had a halo over his head. I looked at the puppy then at Michael, "He's the one." She put him on the floor and Toby went over and put his right paw on the puppy's head. From there, they started sniffing butts and playing. We dubbed him Finnegan Ezekiel aka Finn which means the little white warrior with the strength of God and headed home. Yep, just like that...

Sometimes, I just know when things are right ... like when I went to the Open Range Church. When I listen to my first gut feel, I have rarely ever made a mistake in judgement. It's when I've had to second guess myself that I've been sorry. I want to say thank you for that Sixth Sense you've given me!!

Finn has been with us nearly three days now and we've never looked back. He loved the ride in the car (good traveler) and is very smart. At 2.2 pounds, he's a little guy needing feedings every four hours. His bladder is tiny so the most he can go without peeing is about 3-4 hours (although last night he slept for 5 1/2 hours without waking up). Because it's cold outside, we put down a wee wee pad and he got the idea right away. If we say, "Go pee pee," he squats and goes. No accidents so far!!

Everyone has been asking how the other dogs like him. Well, like I said, he and Toby are buds ... Kennedy ignores him ... the little girls would rather he not be here. The pack order has once again been jiggled and, as the new kid on the block, Finn is at the bottom. At this point, he is very submissive. It is fun to watch them vie for their positions.

Being retired and not having a set schedule, has made the transition an easy one. We can give the other dogs the attention they need (Finn still sleeps a lot!) and still care for him as a puppy. It's been six years since we've had a seven week old pup and, believe me, it is different having to think about when to start shots, when to neuter, food, toys, crate, baby gate, etc. It took a couple days to get a schedule set up and puppy proof the house ~ now we're just working the plan. Feed, wait 20 min, put on pad/outside ... play (go outside if nice), put on pad/outside ... nap, put on pad/outside ... wait 4 hours then repeat. Bedtime is at 10pm and our day starts at 6am.

Finn has been good for me. I am able to see the world through his eyes and celebrate each new step he takes. I can tell that he is going to be a lively one ... he loves to follow me back and forth from the cottage to the house and the world is his playground. He doesn't bark much and when he does, it's almost like he surprises himself. He cuddles next to me to sleep and wakes me with puppy kisses when he has to potty. I am sure there will be days ahead when I will wonder what I got myself in to but, for now, life with Finn, Toby, Kennedy, Harmony, and Ruffy is good!

Miss Dottie

Father in Heaven, this Thanksgiving week, I thank you for the blessings you have bestowed on me. The peacefulness inside of me rings loud ~ I hope that makes sense. My list of gratitude grows by the minute! I pray for those gathering this Thanksgiving to celebrate the blessings of family and friends. I pray also for those who are alone and have no one to share your love with. Open our hearts and homes to the less fortunate. Amen! There are so many that are fighting that dreaded cancer and a host of other illnesses and diseases that tear us down physically, mentally, and spiritually. I pray for those seeking jobs ~ open doors, Father, where there are opportunities. I pray for dissension to be stilled in our country. I know that You are in control and that ultimately, whatever happens in our lives can and will be used to your glory and purpose. Amen, it is so!!