Dear Readers,
It's raining, it's pouring!! After weeks of drought, we are finally getting a good soaking rain. We had a rather mild summer temperature wise this year; however, with no rain to speak of, my gardens were pretty uncolorful. To be honest, downright blahhh. Hopefully these showers will perk up the mums, yarrow, roses and a host of other Fall flowers. I lost about 20 mums last winter but a few survived and are budding out. Yay!
Pastor Rick stopped by this morning to give us the scoop on the Open Range Church. I want to get involved as much as I am able and am praying that the Lord will direct my path equipping me along the way. I keep wondering when the honeymoon phase is going to end ~ instead, I like the church and the people more and more. Have you ever felt like you just belong somewhere? That's how I am feeling ~ like I am where I am supposed to be at this time of my life.
Happy as a clam, I am!
Changing subjects (you know how my mind likes to wander):
Do you ever get asked: "If you could dine with 5 famous people, who would they be?" I was thinking about that today and put together my list. Famous to me may not be famous to someone else but they are my heroes. I've met so many people who have been instrumental in molding and shaping my life as I know it today so my list started out quite long. It was wonderful to be able to walk down memory lane and thank the Lord that I have been blessed by the best!!
It would be too long to address the five people all at once so, if you will bear with me, I will do one a day for the next five days.
At the top of my list was Jesus. Without his provision and protection from infancy to adulthood, I don't know where I'd be today. When I went through childhood trauma therapy (which also included young adult trauma therapy), I had the honor and privilege of working with an amazing Christian therapist well versed in trauma cases. As she took me back into a world in which I had very little remembrance, I realized that my first recollections were looking for God. Even then, I was searching... How do I ever thank Jesus enough for guarding my heart and mind through those formative years? As hard as I try, I can't.
To be able, to feast with the Lord of my life would be the greatest gift I could ever imagine. I know that I would be speechless (that would be a first!) and that I would be able to be filled with the Spirit of the Living God. To break bread ... to drink wine ... to listen and learn from the greatest teacher ever to walk this earth would be divine. I've always been filled with questions and to come face to face with the Master of the Universe? He'd already know my questions and I could just sit back and soak!! WOW!
I've been sort of confused about this Paradise and Heaven thing and am needing to wrap my arms around that. I like to pray about a topic (in this case Paradise/Heaven) then search scriptures in different translations. I have my favorite Bible that I use daily but my little footstool in the cottage is stacked with others. I recently read a book of how and where we got the Bible which helped me tremendously in understanding this great book.
Yep ... head of the table would be Jesus Christ!! Am I building my ideal advisory board? Check in tomorrow to see who is number 2 on my list!!
Miss Dottie
Dear God,
Thank you for the rain that is soaking into the ground and greening up my world. You know me and nature ... I'd live outside if I could. Those pesky mosquitoes would have to go though 'cause they eat me alive!! I guess you have a purpose for those too or they wouldn't be here. Bummers! It was so cool to have Pastor Rick here today and to learn more about the Open Range Church. I love his ideas ... his creativity ... and, most of all, his dedication to the Lord and the people at the Open Range. Bless his work, Lord, bringing his ideas to fruition. Today, I ask your blanket blessing on your church (meaning people) across the globe. Protect and provide in ways that only You can do. As an intercessor, I stand with my arms stretched wide pleading for your grace and mercy as America stoops to new lows morally and ethically. Heal those that call upon your name ... "Jesus..." I thank you God for those who follow me on my journey of life ~ those loving folks that accept me warts, bumps, and all. I pray that they can take what they can use and leave the rest for another time. In the name of Jesus, I pray ... Amen, it is so!
PS It was John Adams who said, "Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the BIBLE for their only law Book; and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God. What a Utopia, what a Paradise would this region be?" Think about that for awhile!!
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