September 20, 2014
Dear Readers,
What in the world did that anesthesiologist put in my sleep cocktail yesterday?? My sore throat is worse, my ears hurt, my nose is running, I am nauseated, coughing, and dizzy. I doubt if I have a cold so it must be from the procedure, biopsies, and anesthetic. I'm not a patient sickly person! Besides I don't look good with a red nose!! So much for going to the Farmer's Market this morning...
It's been really fun to work on my list of five famous people who I would want to have dinner with. Jesus is at the head of the table, GGrandfather RJ Hall is at his left, and (drum rollllll...), seated next to Jesus on the right side would be John Zebedee. I can hear the huh's as you read the name.
A couple years ago I did a study on John and grew to appreciate this "disciple whom Jesus loved." John was 24 years old and the youngest of the 12 disciples. He was a fisherman and functioned as the personal agent of Jesus. Because he was so trusted he bore the responsibility of caring for Mary, Jesus mother after the crucifixion. Sounds like an all-around great guy although he might have been a wee bit fishy smelling!
I figure that if John is Jesus right hand, he would know Him inside and out so I could get the inside scoop on what it would be like to travel with Jesus and stand by him the night of his arrest even accompanying Jesus into the jaws of death. Can you imagine? John was at the foot of the cross when Jesus gave up his last breath and was given the honor and responsibility of caring for Mary after the crucifixion. John usually sat on Jesus' right hand at a meal, was the first to truly believe in the resurrection, and the first to recognize Jesus when he came to them on the seashore after his resurrection. He was the right-hand support of Peter on the day of Pentecost. It is fitting that John should remain at Jesus right hand at my dinner.
John was in prison several times and was banished to the Isle of Patmos. While there, he wrote the Book of Revelation and that's why I chose John Zebedee. Of all the books in the BIBLE, none is so confusing to me as that book. Who best to explain it than the author himself!!
As I look at my dinner table, I am smiling. The Master, my ggrandfather, and John Zebedee are there waiting for the others to arrive. Lucky I put lots of hors d'oeuvres out!
I am shaking my head tonight. Along with the wiring, electrical panel, and breaker box, I found out that mice chewed up the pump of the dishwasher and tried gnawing on wiring, hoses, and pipes. Industrious little critters! The house is built on a pier and beam foundation and evidently they are nesting under the house. Will need to do some research on how to get rid of them. I hate putting poison out in case one of my pups would come upon a dead mouse and decide to munch a little. In my prayer time, I told God to just add this latest expense to the list of things to be repaired and paid for. Hope He heard me 'cause my list is growing by the day!! Anyone relate?
Miss Dottie
Dear God, thank you for the rain that has perked up my gardens ~ the Asters and Mums are especially colorful! Bless those who, like me, are sinking deep into things to fix, pay for, and address. I am laughing because, in all the time that I was in the work force, I never had big issues like this to contend with. At least then I could have simply written out a check. I'll just have to do the best I can. The candles are flickering, their flames dancing on the walls, and another day is but a memory. I pray for peaceful rest for my Readers and those You put before me. Strengthen and heal bodies ravaged by cancer and other debilitating illnesses. Help me to remember that Thy Will may not be my will and to give up my selfish desires when our wills collide. May my Readers always know they are loved and prayed for. Amen, dear Jesus, it is so!!
PS God I am so excited that tomorrow is "Son"day and I get to go to church. Over the rivers and through the woods to the Open Range Church I go ... Heeee Hawwww!! BLESSINGS!!!
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