It's official today at 10:29PM EDT ...
Dear Readers,
Come on in, grab you a hot cup of coffee or cocoa and let's gab awhile. I'd like to chat about my "Son"Day, so I'm putting off announcing the 4th guest at my dinner until tomorrow or even Wednesday.
Oh my gosh, you're missing something if you're not attending a Bible-based church that focuses reaching outward and upward. For two blasted years, I searched for a church where we now live and found that I wasn't getting anywhere. Were they bad churches? Not at all, it just wasn't that right fit where I knew I could be fed the Word of God, worship with fellow believers, and serve giving of my time, talents, and resources. You're probably thinking, "There's no such thing as a perfect church so what were you waiting on?" You'd be right. There is no such thing as a perfect church. However...
Do you remember some months ago when I wrote some blogs about imperfectness? Well, I've found that some kinds of imperfect are PERFECT FOR ME!! If you want to read about my perfect utopian world, then you're not going to like my blogs very much. If you want to deal with life on the surface then you won't like me either. I am far from perfect and my family is not perfect. What are we? REAL people who have dealt with some pretty heavy issues and, by the Grace of God are survivors!
Yesterday morning, I got out of Graycie and before I knew it, there were hands reaching out to meet and draw me in. Once I was inside, there were more friendly faces with open arms and information about what's going on in the church.
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These two were really having fun posing for the camera ... Bud & his bud! |
Anyway, I finally made my way into the sanctuary. Yep, my seat wasn't taken and I knew I would be front and center as to not miss a single thing going on. "Susan, how'd Miss Landree do in the pageant?" "Bud, how're you doing this week?" "Edwin, when am I going to hear a drum solo?" "Brandon, hello my friend." "Susie, tell me more about this horse thing that was going on. Miss Vivian ok?" I looked for familiar faces AND for new ones to introduce myself to. I am thoroughly loving bonding with my new church family.
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Let's hear you beat those drums, Edwin!! |
Joe plays from the heart and it shows!! |
Little private joke going on before church! That's Rick and Will... |
Sitting across from me were were 2 little girls playing clapping games. I watched them for awhile smiling ~ it reminded me of when my girls were about that age and played the same games. They caught me watching them and started upping their game. I laughed. Once the brother realized they had an audience, he began butting in and seeing if he could mess them up. Pretty soon all 4 of us were giggling. I sighed wishing these beautiful children never had to lose that innocence of this day.
I just love Miss Kitty & so do the little buckaroos! |
Pastor Gerald brought up a subject today that got my gray matter gurgling. Do you read books written by Christian authors and take their word as the Gospel Truth? Billy Graham? Joel Osteen? Beth Moore? Max Lucado? Or how about the pastors giving the sermons at your churches? I've heard many a Christian say that so and so's books speak to them and the Bible doesn't. Hmmm. Think about it, where is their book in the Bible? When I write a blog, it is my opinion I am sharing; when an author writes a book, they are sharing an opinion. The fact of the matter is what does God say?
In the early 1990's, my husband and I were brought before a board of elders and confronted with some so called facts (all of which were untrue). They spoke saying God says this and God says that... I got up and walked out of the meeting. What happened next changed my life forever. I took out my Bible and wrote down all their charges of "God says..." I began to read, study, and scour the pages looking for anything that would slightly resemble what they'd said. I was determined to never ever take what someone said as the Gospel Truth without searching scripture. Is _____ truly what God said OR is it what we wanted Him to say?? After a year or so passed, I wrote a letter to the main pastor of that church explaining what I'd been doing and what I discovered. I got a very strange letter back telling me that the elders had the authority to speak on God's behalf. Okayyyyy...then, they needed to show me in the Bible where they were getting their information from because what I found was a direct opposite.
The other thing I learned was that anyone can pick and choose scriptures in the Bible. If you don't think that's true then listen to some politicians running for office who are trying to get a certain sector's vote. If you're a Christian, don't you want to know who you are following? I did and I do. Every year, I not only read the Bible but also read the notes and prayers I have written in the margins. Good stuff! What always amazes me is that different versus speak to me on different years. (Sigh)
My precious Readers, we, as Christians live under grace ~ the unmerited favor of God. That sure gives me the warm fuzzies just thinking about it!! Once we've accepted Christ, we begin a new journey where our wants and desires gradually align themselves with the Lord's. If you're wondering where to begin, you might try meditating on The Ten Commandments (not the 10 suggestions). (Exodus 20:2-17).
In the meantime, always remember you are loved and prayed for! Let's do this journey together!
Miss Dottie
PS Remember, "People go where they are invited and stay where they feel welcome." ~Dr Gerald Dudley, Pastor, Open Range Church, 9/21/2014
Dear God, your Word is the lamp unto my feet and it is my instruction manual on living my life your way. I wish I could be perfect at it but try as hard as I can, I still royally screw up. At those times I am so grateful for the forgiveness afforded me by Jesus and my fellowman. Lord, I pray that my Readers will be able to forgive as You forgive us. May their lights shine no matter where they go. As we invite people into our worlds, I pray that they would feel right at home. The list of illnesses grows long in my prayer book. I lift up every single soul knowing that You will move in their lives. I don't understand why some are healed and some not but I rest in knowing that You have the big picture. Holy Jesus, our intercessor, our savior, You are King and Master of our lives. Help us to remember ~ Not my will but Thine! Amen, it is so...
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