Wednesday, September 17, 2014

If God asks you to bat, you'd better start practicing!

September 15, 2014

Dear Readers,

I did not sleep at all last night. For sure, I certainly didn't have any visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. It was more like one unresolved scenario after another. There are times when my humanness gets the best of me and I can't see my way through the dark tunnels and into the murky waters.  Are you like me and yearn for more days when you can sit for a few hours without thinking of something that needs taking care of, needs paying, needs fixing, or just is downright stressful?

With my head pounding, I rolled out of bed knowing that I needed to kick it in high gear if I was going to be at Dr. Boss's office in Waco by 8:30. So many have said that I need to start taking better care of myself so I am doing that. No more putting off for tomorrow what I need to get done today. The hiatal hernia I have that was diagnosed quite some time ago, has manifested itself as symptoms of having a heart attack ~ it is worse during times of stress which means it has reared it's ugly head making my life miserable these days. I guess a year or so is long enough to hope something will go away.

Although I would have preferred to go see Dr. Brown in Plano, Dr. Boss was closer, pretty nice, and asked a lot of questions as they all do.  I left thinking that I was one step closer to being back in the pink of health!!  I am scheduled for an EGD (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy ~ what a mouthful) Friday morning and I will know if the hernia is treatable or if they will need to adjust a few things back into place. Once that is taken care of, I can reschedule the fusion of the L3-4 in my back.

Don't you just hate growing older and having "parts" wear out?  I am fortunate because for a little lady, I am in pretty good shape and have a lot of strength. Being a worker bee has meant staying fit!! My husband is always commenting on how amazed he is at how much I can physically accomplish in a day.

Do you ever wonder about God's plan for your life? So many times I find myself at a crossroad wondering which direction to go. I've made enough disastrous decisions in my life to warrant careful thinking powdered with lots of prayer.

Bud, master of the harmonica,
Open Range Band

I was chatting with Bud, the harmonica player of the Open Range Band, last Sunday and he was telling me about how he got started playing the harmonica. He said he wanted to play the guitar, God said He needed him to play the harmonica. With a gleam in his eye, Bud said, "If God asks you to bat, you'd better start practicing!" That has stuck with me ever since!!

That being said, how do I move forward making good decisions and finding God's plan for my life?

(1)  Jesus said that if we want wisdom, we are to ask for it.  (James 1:5) I'm asking!

(2)  Find people that are accomplished in the direction I want to go and become accountable. Mentors and accountability partners are invaluable!! My daughter, Jane, and son in heart, Tim, have become truly God-sends in uplifting and advising in ways I understand and can accept.

(3)  Remember the Ten Commandments. "Thou shalt not" is for good reason.

(4)  Be faithful where I am serving Him cheerfully, faithfully, no matter what my lot in life may be "now."

(5)  Listen up! I must continue to study and pray watching for insights from God'sWord and the Holy Spirit. Other believers can help balance my perspective but, in the end, God and His Word never change. (James 1:17)  God will not "tell" me to do something that is against His righteous character or contrary to the principles of His Word. His Word is powerful, bringing instruction, correction, training, equipping.

(6)  Remain teachable. I don't know it all and I'm a work in progress. There was a lady I worked with at Great American Insurance that taught me a lot about compliments and criticism. It's important to beware of flattery that falsely builds up and criticism that is made inappropriately. The important thing is to be wise (back to #1).

Where am I today?  I was looking for a church in the city. God brought me (a city girl) to The Open Range Cowboy Church out in the country and said, "This is where I want you." Okay... Time to bloom (again) where I've been planted. I needed to make some extra money and God nudged me to go visit the Farmer's Market and learn to make jams and jellies.  Through trial and error I've gone from soupy jelly and watery jam to making some pretty darn good stuff!! Yes, Bud, "If God asks you (me) to bat, you'd (I'd) better start practicing."

Open Range friends, Susie & Edwin, are the best!

One thing is for sure, I am excited about the roads ahead of me and charting the course of my travels. I may have sleepless nights and unfinished business ... I may feel confused and disenchanted with people and life itself ... I may be groping in the dark as I change courses ... BUT, one thing remains constant ~ my faith in my Lord Jesus and that his plans for me include hope, love, and goodness. Things usually turn out for the best if I just follow the directions!! For a gal that colors outside the lines, that can be quite tough!!

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!

Miss Dottie

Dear God,
Let us bow our heads in prayer. You are the master mind of the universe, the creator, the keeper, God. You sent your son, Jesus, to die on the cross that believers would have eternal life. I don't understand all the minute details but I don't have to. My faith is child-like knowing that you are with me every moment and that all things are Father-filtered. Across the globe, Christians are suffering for their faith. Be with them giving them that extra measure of peace that comes from knowing they will be with you in paradise. I thank you for the opportunity to live in America where we are able to go to the church of our choice without fear of being beheaded or maimed. Shame on us for abusing our privileges as citizens and for the bankruptcy of our morals and ethics. Forgive us... Be with all my Readers as they live out their days keeping them safe and secure in knowing You are who You say You are!! Amen, it is so...

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