Monday, August 10, 2015

The beauty of books...the written word!

Morning has Broken

August 10, 2015

Morning has broken here in North Central Texas and despite the coolness of the morning, we are in for another scorcher ~ 104 degrees today. I keep reminding myself, that we only have a few more weeks before Fall will be on our doorstep! Until then, I keep my fans going, my frig full of sweetened iced tea, and enjoy the air conditioning.

Feeling like I need some light hearted reading today and have THE LUCKY ONE written by Nicholas Sparks on my night stand. Going to be a restful day in Seidler Dogdom.

My fur babies slept in this morning. We invited some friends, Amanda, Chris, Elizabeth, and little Chris over for dinner last evening. Elizabeth and little Chris played tirelessly with the pups ~ Finn chased Chris until his little legs couldn't run anymore. Needless to say, the Sensational Six were pooped when they went to bed.

We met Chris and Amanda at the Open Range Cowboy Church. Not to long ago, Chris accepted a position of Assistant Pastor at Lone Star Cowboy Church and we've been missing them. Was great to fellowship and hear more about their new journey. I've always believed that to love people is to know them. Funny, how we realized that we all lived in the same area in North Texas for a good many years.

"We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another,
and gain instruction that we may all sit down in heaven together."
~Lucy Mack Smith

The beauty of books ... the written word:

My mother read to my brother and I every day for years. She would read a chapter a day out of a book and we would beg for "just one more chapter." She belonged to a book club and received a new book every month. Watching her read, made me want to read. If truth be known, I learned to read (about 3 yrs of age) so I could read the comics in the newspaper ~ Dick Tracy and Lil Abner were favorites.

I found my way to the local library soon after I started school. It was such an adventure to sit amongst all the books and select my treasures for the week. Summertime meant that I could head down to the lake to my favorite reading spot. My mother would drop me off at 12:30pm and pick me up at 4:30pm. Thanks Mom! I still remember that Summer after my senior year in high school and treasure that time of meeting a young professor who taught at the University of Minnesota. He was surprised at how I was able to hold my own in deep conversations. I think he saw more in me than I ever imagined at that time gifting me with a book he'd written as well as Anne Morrow Lindbergh's, GIFT FROM THE SEA. I still read that book at least once a year.

Books were considered a treasure in my family and to receive one was truly a gift. When I met Michael, I had an extensive library of my own which had to be pared down when we moved to North Central Texas. It was like sawing off one of my arms.

Have you seen the movie, The Book Thief? The book begins in 1938 when a young orphan, Liesel, arrives at the home of her new foster parents. When Hans, a kindly house painter, learns that Liesel cannot read, he teaches her the wonders of the written language. Liesel grows to love books, rescuing one from a Nazi bonfire and the story unfolds from there... I totally "got it" ~ what a privilege it is to open one's eyes to the world through talented writers.

"Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal
faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed.
Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book..."
~Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sadly, the Bible wasn't read at home and, often times, was covered with dust; however, I read bits and pieces throughout my years of Sunday School and Confirmation. In fact, I still have the Bible I took to Sunday School ~ it has lamb stickers in the back for each Sunday I attended. My growing up years were spent in the Lutheran Church. The pastor quoted from scripture but, to be honest, I was too busy passing notes to my friends as to what we were going to do that afternoon rather than listening. I didn't have that same passion to read the Bible as I did other books.

Maybe I am not the only one who attended church from the time I was born without really reading the Bible. Actually, I think that it more the norm than not. I attended Bible studies and did my lessons but there still wasn't that passion to inspire me to really dig in.  I carried my Bible knowledge in my head but not in my heart. God was more about the law than grace.

In the Summer of 1996, I was invited to attend a new church in Plano, Texas. I went and, all of a sudden there was this explosion within me. I couldn't get in enough ~ I had this insatiable desire to know more and more about Jesus and how He could use me to His glory. One night, when I was in deep prayer, I heard a small voice inside of me saying: "Meet with Pastor George, be baptized, and you will find your answers in John 21." I did meet with Pastor George and was baptized in the pool in my backyard.  Oh my goodness, there was this revelation of what my ministry was going to be. God had been preparing me my whole life ... grooming me ... loving me. From that day forward, The Lord God has been lighting my path and taking me on a journey that fills my heart.

"In all my perplexities and distresses,
the Bible has never failed to give me light and strength.
~Robert E. Lee

I couldn't get enough of. The word became alive and I walked with my head held high. Something happened in my heart ~ I could begin to let go of the ugliness hidden in the corners of my mind and forgiveness became easier and easier. I finally had strength to overcome my demons and rise above. Sounds like my life was smooth sailing after my baptism doesn't it? Actually, it was probably then that Satan REALLY attacked and there were times I was tempted to trash my faith and cry, "Uncle." It was then that I would read about Job as well as other famous and not so famous characters in the Bible. Life wasn't a piece of cake for them BUT they did have faith, determination, and an inner knowing of, "It's gonna be okay."

After my surgery last March, I've had a hard time reading and retaining information. It's been so frustrating because my love of books and the words they contain has been my life line. I read anyway...I take notes at church on Sunday and reread them during the week. I write my blog and each year publish my postings. It's good to write things down...

Father God, thank you for sending your only Son to die on a cross that I, and others like me, could have eternal life. Thank you for inspiring the Word that we might know what was, what is, and what is to come. Thank you for inspiring writers to educate and inspire. Let us not take for granted the Bible or change it to meet our own moral values. I am grateful to have had pastors who have  their flocks by teaching from your book. I lift up those who know you and are suffering from illnesses, financial stressors, hardened hearts, family upheavals, and closed minds. Open our hearts dear Jesus so that we can serve You with all that we have. I ask that you bless your chosen this day and always. Amen, YES, it is so!!

Miss Dottie

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."
 ~Joseph Brodsky

I was thinking about the history books and other landmarks that represent our story of life in America since it began. To erase something just because it represents a time we would like to forget, can be like burning books or changing history to suit our current views. WE MUST REMEMBER truth as it was for it's in knowing truth that our hearts change and we are unified one with another. ~Says Miss Dottie this Monday morning!

1 comment:

  1. Baptism is such a personal, emotional and spiritual decision...the timing, place and baptismal service needs to have intention. I love how many bible based churches dedicate babies and baptize adults. After I was baptized in Battle Creek, MI., we moved to FL. The year we moved I experienced one of the lower points in my life. For the first time, I listened to an audible version of The Bible over the course of a year. Funny, how times of struggle can strengthen our spiritual relationship with God.

    Thanks for sharing your story. There are many of us that do not get to know God until we are adults. It's a life-long journey.

    Love you,
