Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Cry for Cleansing

Good Afternoon from the little casa in central Texas.  When, the alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, I jumped out of bed looking forward to my new day.  Friend, Beverly, is NOT a morning person and was still in her nightgown when I rapped on her door for a cup of coffee.  We had decided to try walking early this morning to get a jump on the expected 90+ degree heat coming our way ... oh, I know, my ankle is still healing but I do need to get a little exercise to prevent blood clots ... or so I tell myself!

I am in shock at the number of beautiful old homes here that are surrounded by colorful gardens.  Dead end streets often mean hidden beauty.  I am glad that Beverly is an explorer like me and is willing to check out the nooks and crannies of the city.  It makes me wonder even more why the city is dying because there are people who live here of all socio-economic statuses.  I don't know why people fear progress and change ... without it, towns, cities, and, yes, people become stagnant and die.

Nina has the kitchen walls looking good.  I had a hard time deciding between a brown background paper and a red background paper.  I took the safe route with the brown and it looks very put together and chic BUT I think the red would have gotten my cooking spirits reved up more!  We'll see if this grows on me.  Nina is such a perfectionist – I think that’s why she has such a great reputation for doing faux finishes and papering.  She’s in high demand and now that wallpaper is making a comeback, she’ll be even more busy.  She'd probably kill me if I changed paper ... she had a dickens of a time with all the little corners in the crown molding of the cabinets.  I just love all the people who have helped us create such a warm, inviting place to retreat to!

Sadie stayed behind with Michael on this trip.  She is allergic to something in the dirt at the little casa (probably chiggers!) and she scratches herself silly.  Toby is more of an "on my heels" kind of dog so whatever it is that bothers Sadie doesn't phase him.  Beverly did a good job of watering while I was gone so what I have planted seems to be doing ok.  I had an arborist come out to check the Elm tree in the backyard.  We were afraid that it was dying but he said that it was fine ... it just needed some serious trimming.  I think we can handle that.  It is such an overwhelmingly beautiful tree that I'm excited that it will be a centerpiece of the lower garden!  I get so excited about my gardens ... it wasn't until in the early 1990's that I developed a desire for all things green and colorful outdoors.  Fortunately, I've had some good mentors!

Each new day here brings more adventures ... I miss it when I go back to the city although the shopping is sure a lot better there!  Here, I think I could cover every store in one day!  Michael's father used to go to Walmart at least once a day ... the joke was he always bought paper towels and over time amassed quite a stash!  Now, I find myself doing the same thing ... there is always something I seem to "need."   I am trying to convince Beverly that we need to make a trip to Cleburne today to check out the antique stores there.  Her husband, Don, just shakes his head and says, "Be safe" as we back out the driveway to head to our destinations.

On Monday, I mentioned the uncovering of Congressman Weiner's sin.  We can sit in judgement but oh how we need to realize how sin starts with just a simple thought, a peek, an innocent email, a Facebook acquaintance...  I just reread Psalm 51 which was written by David during the darkest hours of his life.  For so many years, he had been the shepherd-king and had ruled righteously.  Overnight, his sin with Bathsheba changed all that … first an innocent peek, then adultery, then murder stained the king’s life.  Nathan the prophet was sent by God to confront David of the severity of his sin.  How did David respond?  David responded with a heartfelt plea for forgiveness ... no justification or defensiveness or cover up. 
As King David bowed in humble repentance and confession, he professed his broken spirit and remorse.  As a Lutheran, we repeated these verses nearly every Sunday … “Create in me a clean hear O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires.  Don’t toss me aside, banished forever from your presence.  Don’t take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of thy salvation and make me willing to obey you.”  ~~Psalm 51:10-12  I’ve repeated them many times over the years in my prayer closet as I’ve bared my soul to my maker.  These words gave me peace growing up and they do now as well.
David goes on to say, “You don’t want penance; if you did, how gladly I would do it!  You aren’t interested in offerings burned before you on the altar.  It is a broken spirit you want – remorse and penitence.  A broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not ignore.” (v 16-17)  The 51st Psalm ends with this verse, “And when my heart is right, then you will rejoice in the good that I do…”  The Bible is full of "ifs" followed by "thens".  I don't know about you, but my heart has to be right before my work and my life overflows with God's blessings.  Just like David and Anthony Weiner, we need to remember that sin begins with that slight slip and with that slight slip comes shame and the harboring of secrets. 
I will leave you with this thought ... forgiveness from others is charity; forgiveness from God is grace; and, forgiving ourselves is wisdom.  Until we chat again, I pray blessings upon you and yours!  Carpe' Diem!!


1 comment:

  1. Amen to that last comment!!! I am listening to a book titled No Excuses. The author speaks to forgiveness. He states it is freeing to the soul to forgive. It is important to take responsibility for your life. As adults, no matter what has happened to us as children, we are responsible for our actions. I really like his philosophies. He states, "Never explain, Never complain". So, like David, just be truthful and honest about your misgivings. If Weiner had been truthful at the beginning, he would still have his job. His lies and cover-up led to his forced resignation.

    Well, I'm on to the next blog...

