Monday, June 27, 2011

Proverbs of Wisdom

It's another sunny day in Central Texas!!  I was out at 6am to water my flowers and plant three Indian Hawthorns ... the birds were really singing up a storm and the sounds of morning were refreshing!!  It's going to be another hot day and I have planned projects to keep me inside as much as possible...

While I was outside, Sadie saw something behind one of the bushes.  I'm thinking skunk, snake ... I decided to walk over to see what the commotion was and I saw a gray tail.  There was a hiss, Sadie yelped and I saw a little cat tear round the corner of the shed.  I decided to see where it went.  I looked up in the "Y" of the tree and there sat the most pathetic little cat ... she was starving, coughing, and her eyes were almost matted shut.  It almost looked like someone had poured glue into her eyes.  I stood there looking at her and tears began to roll down my cheeks.  In a moment, she jumped down into the neighbor's backyard then up over the fence and was gone.  As an animal lover, I had the deepest sadness come over me and for that second in time, I felt the pain and fear this poor creature was enduring in the wild.  I walked back to my chair, sat down and called my beloved dogren to me.  I wished I could save all the animals who have been let loose or abused and knew that I couldn't.  All I can do, is take good care of Sadie and Toby and when I am able to catch a stray, take them to the animal shelter.  Readers ... please spay and neuter your pets and take responsibility for keeping them safe and healthy.

Mom S 6/27/2011
 Mom S had an appointment to see the eye doctor last week.  Her exam went well and the good news was that she doesn't have to go back for another three months.  The bad news was that she fell getting from the doctor's chair to her wheelchair.  She called me crying and very distraught over the ordeal.  I dropped what I was doing and ran over to the nursing home to investigate.  She was sitting in her wheelchair reading a book.  It's hard being a caregiver ... we're never sure whether Mom is exaggerating or if something really happened as she is reporting.  We feel it's our job as caregivers to check everything out to make sure she is being well cared for and is safe.  She did fall but not to the floor and had no sign of trauma to her legs, knees or feet.  I am wondering if she is having small strokes as she is quite confused when these things happen.  I ran into Clayton (works at the nursing home) today at the store and since he was there with her, he gave me a play by play accounting of what happened.  He put my mind at ease in many ways but there is always the worry that she will fall again no matter how closely she is watched and guarded.

A Finished Kitchen 6/2011
 There are times when I am at the little casa that I feel like I have always been here.  I prayed about the restoration of this house for a long while before committing.  The peace I had was overwhelming then and has continued each day since.  Retirement is not what I thought it would be nor is this where I thought I would reside.  Funny how that happens... We have dreams -- my dream has always been to live in a house by a lake with a broad front porch.  Family is so important to me and my dream also included my children and grandchildren mingling around ... laughter and love ... tears and sorrow ... togetherness.  That was my plan. It hasn't turned out that way yet it will always be my heart's desire.  BLOOM WHERE I AM PLANTED ... that has always been my motto and I am grateful to be where I am.  Life is too short always looking backwards and feeling sad for what didn't pan out.

I finished reading the book of Proverbs and decided to read it again since I am ahead of schedule on reading through the Bible in a year.  There is so much wisdom to be gained from each verse.  I read, think, then read again applying it to what I am going through in this season of life.  Today, our society is so absorbed with beauty .. beauty is everything.  I read in Proverbs 11:22 "A beautiful woman lacking discretion and modesty is like a fine gold ring in a pig's snout."  Think about that for a moment.  So many beautiful women are using their looks to trap men and get what they want in the workplace and everywhere else.  Take a look in just about any magazine or turn on the TV ... modesty?  What is that??  Giving?  What is that??  It's all about sex and sex sells.  When my daughter, Jane, was in eighth grade, she went to a manners class ... at the end of the class, the girls took part in a style show wearing a dress they picked out.  Are we even teaching manners anymore?  Our little girls are dressing like Lady Gaga and child stars who are role models run wild once they reach puberty.  God help us...

Oh the joy of Kat!
I did happen on this in Proverbs 16:31 "White hair is a crown of glory and is seen most among the godly."  I smiled ... did I read this right?  White hair is a crown of glory??  I have been wondering if I should head for the salon and color my hair back to brown then I thought ... God gave me this head of white hair, I will wear it proudly and feel blessed.  My Aunt Laura had beautiful white hair as did my mother.  People used to stop my mother on the street and compliment her on her beautiful hair.  I used to cut it for her and style it ... that was such a special time for us.  Her hair was so soft and it felt so good to shape it into curls that framed her lovely face.

My blog has taken a new turn.  Maybe it's because I am feeling quite mellow these days.  There is nothing I can control except my own actions and reactions to the people and world around me.  The rest?  Well, let's just say I am grateful for the blessings I have been graced with.

As for you, my Readers, I pray that life is treating you well and that joy has crept into every corner of your heart.  Enjoy each season of your life taking time to smell the proverbial roses!

"I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today."~~William Allen White



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  3. I feel like you do with animals. Each one of them have their own little personalities, and like people, yearn to be loved. My husband has grown up with cats, which is the pet we started with when we got married. 6 years into the marriage we bought Corgi #1 and 4 years later rescued Corgi #2. It is funny...our 2 rescue animals (cat/Oscar and Corgi#2/Teddy) are much sweeter in nature than Cricket, who was bought from a reputable breeder, after being put on a waiting list and flying her in from another state. I agree with you, beautiful people and animals shine from within. Although I love Cricket and she is mine for life, Teddy (rescue dog) is a piece from Heaven! He does not have a mean bone in his little body. In his own way, he shows me how to handle life. You saw first hand, because you visited the weekend we rescued him. God was watching out for that little guy and I am grateful everyday that we have him.

    Have you seen the little kitty since?? Poor little thing.

    Take care & give Mama S. a hug from me.

