Thursday, June 16, 2011

New Eyes To See

Phew!  It's hot here in Texas!  Our weather went from cool to HOT ... never mind the inbetween stuff.  We've had several days of over 100 degree weather with a hot wind...  I think I need to put on my rain dance outfit and howl at the moon.  We have huge cracks in the ground ... I'm afraid that I will loose Toby in one of them!!  We need to either make a decision to go with one of the landscapers or try to plant bushes, flowers and lay sod ourselves.  Ought to be interesting!

I got up extra early this morning to feed my plants and water them.  I need to do some weeding ... since I have to be here for the cable guy tomorrow I will put that on my early am agenda!  Now I know why the old settlers here got up at dawn to work during the summer and took a siesta at noon.  Mornings and evenings are bearable ... the noon day heat?  Not so much!!

Since I was here at the little casa, I wasn't able to attend the parade for the Dallas Mavericks.  I did watch it on TV.  It was so fun to watch the fans and all those participating.  Mark Cuban paid for the parade and, I must say, he didn't spare any expense.  At last count there were over 250,000 fans that lined the streets.Texans have been noted for doing things "big." I got such a kick out of all the fanfare.

Yesterday I posted a photo of my father on Facebook in honor of Father's Day.  I sat and looked at the photo for a very long time ... I wondered how different his life (and mine) would have been had he not been in the thick of the major battles of World War II.  I remembered his kindnesses towards his family, my mother, and the lessons in life that he taught me.  I don't know how much counseling our men serving in the armed services get when they leave combat zones now but I hope it's a whole lot more than our soldiers serving in World War II.  I am proud of my father and the sacrifices that he made to protect and serve our country.  I am also proud of my father for the sacrifices he made to provide for my mother, brother, and I.  He was creative, bright and dedicated to causes he believed in.  He didn't talk much about the Lord other than to say that he did pray.  He kept his thoughts to himself and busied himself from morning til night.  When my daughter, Jill, was born he was so excited.  He absolutely adored her ... when, my second daughter, Jane, was born he was the first to arrive to celebrate her birth.  Had he lived beyond 55, I am sure he would have been a great grandfather to all three of my children.  It has been cleansing for me to lance the wounds and scars left from my childhood and to truly understand him as a man and as a father.  I will be so excited to wrap my arms around him in Heaven and tell him that I love him.  Happy Father's Day, Dad!!

I visited with Mom S yesterday and she was thinking that she needed some new decorator items for her shelves and also a couple new sweat suits (yes, you read that right ... sweat suits!).  I guess because she doesn't move around much she gets cold easily.  I was sitting on her bed chatting with her and felt drenched in sweat!  Not sure that I can find winter clothes in July!  I'll try though...  She doesn't ask for much and I enjoy seeing her smile.  I did make a quick trip to Waco this afternoon and got her some summer goodies for her shelf as well as a couple little American flags.  She will be excited tomorrow when I arrive with my packages in hand!

I had a post op appointment to have my eyes checked after my cataract surgery last Tuesday.  Everything is going great and with each new day I marvel at the skills of accomplished surgeons.  Gosh, I'd be a mess without their expertise!  For 10 days before my cataract surgery I had to go without my contacts and was blind as a bat.  I had some readers but goodness what a struggle ... I had several pair of glasses but gradually I would misplace them ending up with no glasses by the end of the day.  I'd start searching so that I could at least start the new day with a fresh stack.  I found out right quick what eye strain was!!  Now, I can see to drive at night and the richness of the colors around me are brilliant!!

After my eye appointment, I headed back to the little casa.  It's an hour and a half drive from North Texas ... I've learned to set my speedometer and enjoy the ride...  Toby sleeps and I listen to talk radio and catch up on the latest hot topics...  I get a kick out of how some folks can really get their knickers in a knot about what they believe in.  I try to be very open minded and listen to all sides before stepping in with my own opinion ... I lean towards the very conservative Christian side which can tick some liberals off.  I've just learned that I have never gotten into trouble doing "it" God's way ... I march to the tune of my own drum BUT my drum has been in rhythm with the Lord most of my life ... He gave me a mind to think and free will to act ... He also planted that seed of a desire for "wisdom" in my heart and He's the foundation I have built my life on.

New Eyes to See ... my old eyes were growing tired and my vision wasn't as sharp as it should be.  Night driving was impossible as was reading without bright lights.  When I had the cataract removed from my left eye, I was a little scared.  The doctor gave me mono vision so my left eye would be used to read and the right for distant vision.  When my right eye was done, things began to clear and, oh my goodness, I could see perfectly!!  The whole ordeal reminded me of when I became a Christian ... I began to see everything differently.  It may sound weird but I began to see with my heart not just my mind.  I became more accepting of myself and of others knowing that perfection is impossible.  My heart became aligned with God's and I knew that I would never be the same old person nor would I ever see through old eyes.  I am one grateful lady!!

I so enjoy my time here at the little casa.  Today, I found my way to the post office ... no lines ... just a little building with one person tending shop.  I was in and out in a matter of minutes!  From there I made my way to the local grocery store.  Actually, it was pretty nice ... a welcome change from Walmart!

The couple next door are getting ready for baby number two to arrive.  They've been converting their one car garage to another room.  I hear sawing and hammering as they make progress.  Little Valentina was so excited last night as they were bringing in new little girl furniture.  Senora Lucy lives with them and although she doesn't speak much English her smile is so warming and we wave throughout the day.  Mama, Daddy, Valentina, and Senora Lucy all live in a two bedroom house without central heat and air.  They are a quiet family but laughter errupts often as they gather outside to grill and play with Valentina.  I am learning a lot from them.

It is time to sign off and do a little reading before I close my eyes.  I hope that you, my readers, have had a great day.  We will chat tomorrow and I will share my walk with you...  Until then, be safe and be joyous ... fill your life with the goodness of family and friends and be greatful for what you have whether in feast or famine!

"But I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep.”~~Robert Frost

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to read about your dad. Since he died so early in life I don't have memories of him. What a wonderful, devoted, and kind man.

    You are so kind to Virginia. She is blessed to have you there brightening her day. She takes joy in the little things, so it sounds like you have fun surprising her every now and then.

    It is 7/27 and you leave for MN. I hope you have a great time. Keep me posted on all of the fun things that you do.

