Thursday, June 30, 2011

When God Closes A Door...

Good Morning, Readers!  Come on in and have a seat.  We're supposed to have another day above 100 degrees today so we'll chat in the comfort of air conditioning and the whirring of the ceiling fan.  People are starting to get a little grouchy around town.  I must admit that it sure would be nice to have a nice rainstorm to cool things down a bit.  I made my usual trip outside early this morning and futzed around in my garden.  I am at a point of frustration because I can't do what I wantI can't do what I want to do (move a lot of dirt!).

Michael, Nick, Zach
Michael just called me on his way to his last day of work.  He was feeling rather melancholy.  He's worked at CVS Caremark for 4+ years and, as a supervisor, has mentored some great people.  He will miss them, I am sure.  It's a scary prospect being nearly 65 and joining those out there looking for work.  He had one interview that he was hoping would turn into a job offer but so far ... no news.  It's difficult not to look forward and wonder what will happen when his severance runs out but that only hinders staying in the now and doing what can be done each day.  When worry takes the place of doing, we get into trouble.  You've heard that saying about having the deer in the headlights look .... I'm sure there will be many people today with that look.  Michael said his job today would be to encourage and lift those people up.  Good for him!

Great American Gals (Me, Row 2, 2nd from left)
Not so long ago, I was in Michael's place.  I had worked for Great American Insurance for 5+ years.  All of a sudden human resources showed up and told us that they had sold our division.  We were all in shock ... our division had gone through some tough times and we, as employees, had worked our butts off to bring it into a more positive light.  Good enough to make us interesting for the right buyer!  For a long while, I felt lost.  We were a small division and, as such, were like a family.  Going to work was a pleasure and being a part of a team was uplifting.  In a matter of seconds ... poof (!) it was all was gone...  It took me quite some time to find another position with another insurance company.  Sadly, that didn't work out and I decided to retire.  Work stress kicked my Fibromyalgia into high gear and I underwent several surgeries.  Now when I mention going back to work, my rheumatologist shakes his head.  It is very difficult for me not to be able to do my part in financially supporting my family.  I struggle with that daily feeling like I am letting them down.  To be really honest, I also miss my nice paycheck that I brought home every two weeks!  To have to watch every dime can be a challenge in and of itself.

Life is a series of seasons, each bringing forth it's own fruit and trials.  I look back and can truly say that I've lived to the fullest through each season taking sweet joy in the good and learning from the not so good.  I taught my children ... "When life deals you lemons, make lemonade."  I've lived with that philosophy as well.  When God closed the door, He also opened another using adversity to bring forth something wonderful.  When I married a physically and abusive man, I ran ... I also joined the Board of Directors to establish the first women's shelter in Collin County Texas.  I was on the speaker's forum encouraging and sharing my story with others.  When I went through a severe depression, I decided to take part in the Stephen's Ministry program through the Lutheran Church.  My first assignment was a woman going through trials with her teenage daughter resulting in a deep depression.   With every turn and event, God used my experiences in life for good.  I was just an instrument!

You see, life is about keeping a positive attitude and believing in the good of people and of life.  If we look so long at the closed door, we won't even notice the open window with the sun shining through.  One of my favorite books is HIND'S FEET ON HIGH PLACES  written by Hannah Hurnard.  My dear friend, Frances, gave me the book in April of 2008.  Thank you Frances, one more time!!  HINDS FEET IN HIGH PLACES is the story of Much-Afraid leaving the Valley of Fear that she had always known, embarking on a journey to become a new creation.  With each page read, I found myself cheering for her and seeing myself with each step she took.  If you haven't read it, please do.  It's an easy ready showing us that there are no obstacles which our Savior's love cannot overcome.  If we accept life, day by day, the actual conditions and tests permitted by God, and lay down of our own will and accepting His, we will find grief, pain all transformed into something precious!

My friend, Beverly, called and asked if I wanted. to go to Burleson with her Tuesday.  We agreed on a time to get together which included taking Sadie and Toby to a new groomer here.  The groomer did ok but guess we were just used to the precision cuts they got at Petsmart in McKinney.  Sadie is always an angel for the groomer but Toby gets a bit more spunky.  He does NOT like having his feet or face touched!  In order to be groomed they had to be up to date on their shots.  The receptionist called 380 Animal Hospital and, of course, both needed updates.  They got their shots and the groomer noticed bare spots and sores on Sadie's skin.  The vet gave her a good going over, took some scrapings, and gave her two shots.  She also got put on an antibiotic and he gave me some meds to give her IF the itching continued.  I almost died though when I walked up to pay and the vet and grooming bill was $409.  Sadie is happy and more like herself today which makes me happy!  She is laying beside me as I write and is snoring up a storm!!

There is a new store in town called The Fried Pie Place.  We stopped in to check out their selection and, I must say, those pies looked mighty good.  I bought an apple pie which made for a delicious mid afternoon snack!!  Think I'll be going back to try some other flavors.  I'd never heard of fried pies before I came to this area of Texas ... calories out of this world but they sure are yummy!

Even though I was tired last night, I stayed up to do some laundry.  I stood awhile in the door of the wash room remembering how it was about a year ago.  The wash room was just a bare bones room attached to the house.  It had make-shift shelves and spider webs were everywhere.  The dryer wasn't vented to the outside so the lint just blew out a hose.  Yikes!  It was serviceable that's just about it.  Lupe finished the room putting up wallboard and finishing the walls ... he even put crown molding up!  We moved the hot water heater from the kitchen to the laundry room and got a stacked washer and dryer.  Now, it is not only functional but pretty and clean as well.  I feel blessed.

I am going to do touch up painting today and then do some studying and reading:  Sarah Palin's book, AMERICA BY HEART; my Daily Walk Bible reading in Ecclesiastes; and, start my Beth Moore study of 90 Days With the Beloved Disciple John.  Friend Beverly will drop in for tea and an uplifting visit and I will make my way to the nursing home to visit Mom.  Looks like a fruitful day!!

May God bless and keep you as you make your way on this journey of life ... thanks for dropping in for a chat.  Talk with ya'll again soon ... always remember you are loved and prayed for!  YA YOU!!


1 comment:

  1. I loved that book. Your blog makes me want to read it again. There are only a few books that I have read more than once. This book will become one of them. You seem at peace in the Little Casa. I can't wait to see the home in person.

    I pray for you daily and know how challenging it can be w/out work. Both Tim, and I have experience life without work and it isn't enjoyable. There are so many that take medicaid and welfare with joy. For me, work saves my soul. It it a gift that extends to many layers. I pray God will bring work to you that you are physically and mentally able to handle.

    Know that you are always needed and wanted in FL. Many cultures have it in your 30-60's and then take care of your grandkids while your kids work. All 3 generations living under one roof and helping each other out. Makes sense to me, so I wonder why it isn't very popular in the USA...???

    Anyway, thanks for another thought provoking blog. You rock! :)

