Monday, June 13, 2011

Blog Thoughts

Good Morning Readers from my back porch in North Texas!!  I was up early with the dogren and decided to water my plants and take stock of my gardens.  Hubby has been gracious to water via sprinkler while I am at the little casa.  I appreciate his efforts but he doesn't have the interest that I do in each pot and plant.  All in all, things are gloriously beautiful and I will forgo pots in the gardens for the time being.

Last night the Dallas Mavericks beat the Miami Heat in a nail biting game.  I am looking forward to the parade welcoming the team home.  Last night, the streets were filled with revelers and there was so much excitement in the air.  We watched the game on TV but I was wishing that we were in the thick of things and sharing the joy of the NBA trophy with all the fans.  I much prefer being present and a part of the crowd rather than just sitting at home...  There's something about the energy of positive people that recharges me!  My arm chair husband kept telling me to quiet down as I watched the game ...  Hey, I love to cheer on my favorite team!!

There are whispers of Texas Governor Perry running for president.  He's been a great governor for Texas ... one who has stood up for his beliefs and often taken the heat for that.  Texas is a pretty independent state ... one that has withstood the downturn of the economy in ways that other states haven't.  Our home values are on the way up after a few years of staying the same and jobs are becoming more readily available.  There have always been a good supply of jobs ... the downside has been the decline in wages.  It's been a time of people banding together and tightening the belt and that's not bad.

Historic Library
The city that is home to the little casa has had a tough go the past ten years.  Home prices are ridiculously low which has caused it to become more of a bedroom community.  It's offered me a new way of thinking and living in a good way.  I've met some pretty awesome folks there who have befriended me in my downtime with my ankle sprain.  I've always been the giver in relationships and it's humbled me to become the receiver.  At a time when I've felt overcome with frustration, there has been Beverly, Don, Brenda, David, Betty, Debbie, Michael, Jeanette, Jane, and Mom S who have made my life filled with new forward thinking joy.

Master Bedroom 6/13/2011

Master Bedroom 6/13/2010

Speaking of the little casa ... what a difference a year makes!  The inside has been completed and now the work begins on the outside.  The backyard is quite large and, other than trees, is a blank slate.  It's been a frustration not to be able to lift the heavy stones and plants and shovel the truckloads of dirt and mulch needed to complete the gardens.  I laugh, my friend Beverly has promised to help me shovel and plant but she has a bad back ... I think she is a much better backyard coffee drinking partner!!  We are also thinking of making the garage into a guest house.  Right now, I look at it and shake my head ... Lupe assures me, it would be a beautiful little cottage.  We'll see what the next couple months bring...

Michael's position at CVS Caremark will end on June 30.  He's not looking forward to job hunting but for now, it's a necessity.  He has an important job interview on the 20th and we have our fingers (and toes) crossed that it will pan out.  He's a great manager and motivator of people... I pray for a successful job hunt for him!

Yesterday, son, Tommy and his family stopped by after church for lunch and a visit.  It was so good to see them.  Tommy works as a loan officer in the mortgage industry and has had to weather some pretty tough times the past year.  He's focused on doing the "right" thing having faith that the "right" people will notice.  He started a new job last year and has been promoted twice ... last week to a hand picked group of four to test a new marketing plan.  He's excited and I'm excited for him.  I just know that God will bless his integrity, hard work, and commitment to above and beyond excellent customer service.

My walk through the Bible has continued and gives me such a sense of peace.  I completed the book of Psalms this morning.  I received my Daily Walk Bible for my birthday in 1988 from my then boss and his wife, Bill and Ivey ... each year I say a special prayer for them in thanksgiving for his book.  The Lord and I have walked a long way together since 1988 ... the notes I've written in the margins reflect the miles of ups and downs, joys and sorrows that have marked my journey.  Psalm 71:17-21  "Oh God, you have helped me from my earliest childhood -- and, I have constantly testified to others of the wonderful things you do.  And now that I am old and gray, don't forsake me.  Give me time to tell this new generation (and their children too) about all your mighty miracles.  Your power and goodness, Lord reach to the highest heavens.  You have done such wonderful things.  Where is there another God like you?  You have let me sink down deep in desperate problems.  But you will bring me back to life again, up from the depth f the earth.  You will give me greater honor than before, and turn again and comfort me."  Ah, yes, what peace this gives me and such joy it brings looking back then moving forward!!

It feels good to be back in the "blog" saddle again.  I am reminded by the news of US Representative Anthony Weiner's secretive offenses that God knows the darkness in the corner's of of our lives and minds.  As humans we are sinners humbled by our choices we think no one will uncover.  Somehow, that just isn't true.  I've found that it's better to be transparent and own my mistakes.  Sometimes, I've been forgiven and sometimes not ... at least I don't have to worry about what someone is going to say about me and I sleep well at night.  Through long talks and my blog, my children, grandchildren and the world, in general, have come to know me ... the real me.  I've failed at so many things and have been humbled by the uncovering of my poor choices.  I've disobeyed my Father in Heaven and have felt the consequences burn through me.  His grace has made me love Him and want to be more like Him.  My frailties have made me "me" and time has mellowed and softened my rough edges.  I have learned that our children follow in our footsteps more easily than they follow our advice ... It is my hope that when they do fall, they will be able to own their own mistakes, learn from them then get up in faith and move forward.  Don't you know our Lord Jesus jumps up and down when we take on the full armor of God sharing our stories and lives with others.  "I can do all things through Christ"  and you can too!!!

My new eyes are working perfectly and I am so grateful!  I just marvel at how bright the colors of life are around me.  Last night I took a walk down memory lane from 1966 on to the present.  That's looking at a lot of photos!!  It was so neat having the photos jog my memory and I began to realize how much good has been woven through the crazy times of my life.  I began to think of the old Frank Sinatra song, "I Did It My Way" ... yes, I have regrets but then... I think that my life has stood for something bigger than myself.  It is in those times that I know I made a difference and isn't that what life is all about?  Just like my family before me ... something good came from my being here on earth ... and, I'm not done yet!!!  Listen to the song ... can you relate?

Stephanie 2nd from Right
It's wonderful to have a gifted actress in the family.  Michael and I enjoyed watching daughter Stephanie in the play You Can't Take It With You last Saturday night.  Stephanie did a great job of portraying the character of Essie, a long time hopeful (but quite untalented) ballerina.  There was joy and laughter in the play which debuted in 1936 ... I found there to be something universal in its message that has spoken to audiences over the years ... it's about being able to look within one's family for guidance, love, acceptance and happiness.  It's also about looking within one's self to find personal joy.  I found myself listening to the advice Grandpa gave his family and finding it pretty apropos for today!  What a fun evening!

I have miles to go before I sleep today ... Lily has had her bath and she is filled with gas ready to make the trip back to the little casa tomorrow.  I am going through the house shopping for decorator items that will fill empty spots at the casa.  I am wondering if  a couple comfy wicker chairs will fit in the backseat ... I miss being able to sit outdoors in the early morning to sip on my coffee.  One thing I noticed about me in looking at old photos ... I sure have repurposed a lot of decorator items in many different spots and homes!  I only buy what I love 'cause it's with me A LONG TIME!!

Today is such a beautiful day ... I hope that you are enjoying your day as much as I am!  Always remember how very much you are loved and prayed for!!

Now...seize this day with gusto!!! 


1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of Tommy! He has made enormous strides...I didn't think it was possible, yet he has faced alcoholism head on 'one day at a time'.

    The vision of decorating and landscaping is definitely an art and science. You have taught me so much in both areas. I can't wait to see the little casa. Since Tim just started with Colgate he doesn't have any vacation. Yet, next year we WILL visit!!! You just might have to turn that garage into a little guest room/cottage. :0)

    Love ya,
