Wednesday, June 22, 2011

An Ordinarily Special Day!

Good Afternoon, Readers!  It rained here last night.  Yea!  My flowers are lovin' the drink of water and I don't have to water today!!  The rain dance I did yesterday must have worked!!  I opened the back door this morning and drank in the fresh cool air.  It was such a treat to spend some time outside watching Sadie and Toby munch on their breakfast and then chase Mr. Squirrel.

I took an assessment of what I've done outside so far and plotted out another section of the lower garden.  I am rethinking where I planted a hedge and may move that.  Michael laughs at me ... I move plants like most people move furniture until I get them where they need to be.

Yesterday was one of those ordinary special days.  I was up extra early and decided to go have coffee with Mom at the nursing home.  The coffee there is pretty good and it's always nice to help her start her day and check to see if she needs anything.

After my time with Mom, I made my daily trip to Walmart to get more plants and groceries.  I like to make my way through the garden center to see what has been marked down and what is new.  I found some day lilies and ornamental grasses that looked interesting ... they also had a great bird bath at a discounted price.  I am also enjoying the fresh pineapple and strawberries that come in each day  ... I have a great recipe of mixing dark brown sugar with sour cream as a sauce for fresh fruit ... yummy!  Plants, groceries and a few other essentials in hand I made my way through the check out and headed home.

I'd done my rain dance hoping for rain and wanted to get my plants in the ground.  I was just finishing up and saw Beverly coming around the corner of the house.  She was dressed to the nines and wanted to know if I wanted to "do a little rat killin'" with her.  (That means doing errands around these parts of Texas!)  We went over to the Outlet Mall and, of course, found a few things that had our names written all over them.  We should have headed home but decided to stop at Arby's for a sandwich ... once we were refueled, we decided to head to Lake Whitney to check out the nurseries and antique shops.

Whitney is a quaint little town next to the lake that bears it's name.  The plant nurseries and shops were very inviting and I definitely want to go back again.  We met a man and woman who were doing statuary's in their retirement years along with running their small nursery.  Oh goodness ... they were out in the heat pouring cement and staining the statuary's.  It didn't seem to bother them that it was so darned hot ... Beverly and I were happy to escape to the coolness of the car and head for the antique shops that had air conditioning.  All in all, we had a great afternoon checking out new nooks and crannies.  Whitney is filled with great restaurants and we made a note to drive back over there on one of our lunch outings.

My silly ankle is still swollen and very black and blue.  I still have to keep an ace bandage on it.  I am told it will take awhile to be 100% ... patience ... patience!  I did throw away my Sketchers Shaper Tennis Shoes and got a new pair of walking tennies yesterday.  I couldn't tell that the shapers did any shaping and did add to a more wobbly gait.  I also found a cool pair of Rocket Dogs ... I may be 64 years old but I still enjoy fun shoes!!

Life can be rewarding in small town America.  The slower pace of living suits me just fine!  Planning is difficult for me as I never know how my Fibromyalgia is going to be...  It's another big adjustment for me because I am a planner who loves having everything plotted out in life.  I know my spontaneousness is hard on my family because living in the now is not always practical.  The good thing though about living in the now is that each day can bring special outings and times with family and friends.  I guess like just about everything ... life is what you make of it.  I wish my life were different but rather than stress out about it, I am learning to go with the flow and have a good day.  If I concentrate on disappointing myself and others when my bones and muscles scream, I end up thinking of my glass as half empty rather than half full.  Attitude ... it's all about attitude!

A blog is a type of journal ... one shared with others.  Yesterday was an ordinary day in my life but also one filled with fun adventures and family.  Michael had a job interview and is looking forward to round two of interviews with this particular company coming to Richardson, TX.  My son in law received a job offer from Colgate Palmolive in Florida and decided to accept it.  They were hoping to move back to Minnesota but God had other plans for them.  Tim is excited and feeling blessed with the package and Jane is feeling content and happy for Tim.  This ordinary day was been fraught with blessings all around and I rested my head on my pillow last night and smiled!

Nicholas's Ordinary Special Rock
 Ordinary days make for pleasant memories.  No extreme ups and downs ... just life being lived moment to moment.  I like those days and cherish them.  A few months ago, we were at my grandsons' baseball games and Nicholas picked up an ordinary rock.  His comment?  "This is the most beautiful rock in the whole world."  I tossed that rock in my purse and now it sits on the shelf in the bathroom.  Each time I look at it, I look at it through Nicholas's eyes.  Yes, Nicholas this is a special ordinary rock!

Today?  So far, it's another ordinary day ... the cable guy is here hooking up the TV in the guest room.  I have plans to go get a historic red paint to refurbish a cabinet for the kitchen and will tackle that later today.  The trash man commeth tomorrow so I need to gather up all the empty plant cans and tidy up the back patio.  Who knows what else will "happen" as the day goes by??

I've become interested in genealogy ... it's not difficult to get the names of those who form the list of my heritage.  The thing that I wonder about the most is their daily lives.  What did they do with their time and who were they as people?  I wish I had their journals of their ordinary days.  Those ordinary days and events say a lot!!

May today be one of those ordinary days for you ... one filled with smiles and good thoughts!!  You are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."
~~Helen Keller 

1 comment:

  1. I love how you make extraordinary out of ordinary. As you look at people and always look at the beautiful. I know you make me and my family feel precious and unique. I love you so much. Thank you for making my family part of your blog. I am glad that Tim accepted the job in Florida. I am happy that he is home.
