Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day Trippin' With Miss Dottie

Saturday, March 31, 2012

I opened my eyes this morning and remembered that this was the day that my oldest grandson was playing his first game of baseball this season (go Zach!) AND that we were going to take a day trip to Calvert, Texas.  I had worked late into the evening yesterday in my gardens and needed to get up and see if I could get some polish on my chipped nails and do something with my out of control hair.  The dogren  were ready to get outside and have their breakfast and I welcomed my first cup of coffee.  Beverly and Don were picking us up at 10 bells so I had plenty of time to open my sleepy eyes and ease into the day thinking pleasant thoughts.

As usual, I prayed for my family ... that Zach would have a great day on the ball field, the Borne family would have a safe Spring Break Vacation to Montana skiing, and that Madison would do well in cheer competition in Orlando.  Once I got everyone covered in prayer, I welcomed my day with peace knowing that they were all in good hands (and I don't mean with Allstate!).

Visiting Calvert, Texas was definitely a pleasure as well as offering up a captivating place of history.  It is so sad ... so many small towns that were once flourishing hubs of activity have become almost ghost towns.  Thank goodness, there are a few folks who have rallied to renovate old buildings and bring back that small flicker of what once was...

Located on State Highway 6, Calvert offers that charm of being a historic town and, in particular, being the home of the business of Cocoamoda which makes premium truffles of many flavors and also sports an upscale restaurant.  My friend, Beverly, had read about the famous chocolatier, Kenneth J.J. Wilkerson, and was drooling for some of his specialties.  When she suggested that we make a trip there, I gave her a resounding high five!!

As we wound our way through the Texas highways, we were mesmerized by the Indian Paintbrush and Texas Bluebonnets covering the fields, ditches, and grassy areas.  Several times, I remarked to Beverly that it was like looking at the canvasses upon which Texas artists try to convey the beauty of Hill Country Springtime.

I'm not sure what I expected when I arrived in Calvert but it gave me sort of an eerie feeling to walk on the uneven brick sidewalks and look inside the many deserted buildings that were covered with vines.  A newspaper office had been abandoned -- as I looked past the cobwebs covering the windows, I saw an old printing press, desks, and papers strewn across the rotting wood floor.  I wondered what it was like to be in the hustle and bustle of the news when Calvert was a thriving cotton/railroad town.  I'd read that at one time, fifty-two stores and saloons lined the street ... bags of gold piling up on the gaming tables.  What a little city of contrasts ... on one side of the railroad tracks were beautiful mansions, schools, churches (a place of elegance where tea at three was the norm and Miss Manners reigned) -- on the other side of the tracks, life was rowdy and boisterous.  The train came through town while we were there and literally shook the buildings.  I guess those folks that lived there got used to the clamor of the trains, cotton gins and cowboys moving about and through town!!

We had lunch at Loretta's ... chicken fried chicken; southern style green beans; mashed potatoes and gravy; salad; and, of course, Texas toast.  I looked at Michael and didn't think the meal was quite up to the meals we've enjoyed at The Cotton Patch but the atmosphere was quaint and our server quite the country town gal!!  We had decided that we would park the car, eat, then walk up one side of the town then the other making a circle back to the car.

The Zamykal Kolache Bakery was next on the agenda.  What a wonderful experience.  Our baker entertained as well as allowed us tastings.  Oh goodness, the kolaches were simply heaven and we decided that they would make a great dessert.  I chose a cream cheese/cherry kolache to munch on and wished I had bought a dozen.  The baker sang a little ditty about kolaches and pigs in a blanket (I can't recall the Czech name for them) and we laughed.

Many of the antique stores have closed giving way to art studios and western type furniture shops.  I wandered about taking photos and enjoying my day in this quaint little town.  I was surprised that the town was almost deserted on a Saturday.  Prices on paintings and relics were quite high ... way higher than they would be closer to Dallas.  Outside one of the art studios was a make-shift patio.  I stood in front and it seemed to beckon me inside.  Once again, I wondered where the people were -- obviously someone liked to sit out there as there were signs that people had been occupying the seats.  The chiminea was filled with twigs and ready for a nice fire.  Hmmm...

The highlight of our trip was to visit with the chocolatier.  He was an English chap ... a trained and accomplished chef who had fallen in love with Calvert and was trying to bring it back to life again.  I asked him if I could take his picture and he readily agreed waving his arms and telling me about the pictures and chocolates enveloping this warm space.  As visitors came in, he welcomed them with hugs and smiles.  Beverly bought a box of his favorite truffles.  Why was I surprised when the chocolates were individually wrapped then placed in a beautiful box and tied with a ribbon.  First class wrapping for first class chocolates!!

The Eloia Theatre was once a grand place for "Eloise" to entertain the town folk, for plays, and later, movies, to be shown.  Now, it's being renovated in honor of Miss Eloise and will, once again, host musical venues to an eager audience.  Oh, if walls could talk...

It didn't take long for us to make our way through the shops and restaurants.  One place that had an Open sign took us back a little.  We wandered in and were met by a sweet little lady who informed us that this was her home and that she only had one piece of furniture for sale.  She made candles and jewelry to sell in the tiny space allotted to the front of the building.  As we looked towards the back of the building, we saw her husband and three dogs ... one gigantic Mastiff and two mutts (one big and one little).   Home to this couple was downtown Calvert!

The beauty of the abandoned buildings was haunting.  I wished I could wave my wand and be a little fly on the wall around the turn of the century just to experience the liveliness of this town for a few minutes.  We did find out that tea is still being served in the mansions and that folks still dress in their finery as they sip tea in china cups and bite off small bits of cookies.  Would you believe, they still hold manners classes in that little forgotten town??  Yep, it's true.

We are so fortunate to live in such an amazing country ... each city and town has pockets of treasures just waiting to be rediscovered by adventurers just like me.  I was thinking ... I don't want to be just a visitor on Earth ... I want to be a traveler ... an adventurer ready to uncover all there is to do and see.  Boredom?  What's that??  I wake up in the morning wondering what will unfold before me.  I am grateful for my eyes and ears ... I am grateful for my ability to breathe and walk ... I am grateful for friends and family who are my frosting on my cake of life!  Each place I've lived, I've encountered some pretty awesome people who have shared my gusto for each new day.

Day Trippin' Buddies:  Michael, Beverly, Don
I am so glad that you've shared my day with me.  We arrived home late afternoon to two doggies waiting at the back door.  They're used to being in and out all day so it was a long stay indoors for them.  We need to find a doggie sitter in the neighborhood who can come in when we are out for the day.  Just like watchful parents who enjoy time away from their charges, we too need days of fun.  Somehow, it makes coming home to them all the more special!!

Beverly and I are already planning our next day trip ... the Texas Rangers Museum and the Cameron Park Zoo are on the list.  Stay tuned!!

Until we chat again, I hope and pray that you are enjoying your own day trips.  You just never know what lies around the next corner ... might be a highway patrolman.  Don was going 66 on an off the main road highway -- who would think that the speed limit would be 60??!!  Must have been our senior charm as he let us go on our way with a simple ... "Y'all enjoy yourselves and watch your speed!" 


Thursday, March 29, 2012

When the red red robin...

March 29, 2012

Good Morning!  I hope this morning finds you well and ready to take on your day.  I went to bed early last night and woke up about 5:30am.  When I opened my eyes, my dogren decided it was time to go outside and to have breakfast.  While I took them outside, I folded a load of clothes and put some chicken on to boil.  By that time, I was wide awake and figured I might as well stay up and get busy...

The stitches came out of my hand last Monday.  The wound is still pretty red and I will have a scar but other than that, I have no nerve damage.  If it weren't for the bite, I wouldn't have met Dr. B at the clinic here in town.  He's going to be a great family doctor for us.  He also referred me to a gynecologist here  -- Dr. E.  I met him yesterday and liked him as well.  I go in for an ultrasound this afternoon and will go back to see him right before Easter.  I am not expecting anything too out of line.  I was concerned about leaving my doctors in the Dallas area but have found that I was concerned for no reason.  Isn't that usually the case??

It was so fun to walk the gardens this morning ... the roses are filled with buds and all the plants and trees have new growth.  I planted a lime tree yesterday.  It probably won't make it through next Winter but I love fresh limes and it will give me a bumper crop this Summer ... I just know it will!!  I planted some things and started some gardens last Summer but have really put in some extra effort in getting the yard in order this Spring.  Like most folks, I am carrying some extra weight from sitting around all Winter and the digging, lifting, and planting is great exercise.  I can already tell that my arms are getting stronger and that I have a lot of stamina.

Don't you just love the Internet?  Our local Walmart ran out of the stones I needed to outline my gardens so I turned to my trusty computer.  Lowe's has stones and delivers for no charge.  Since I need about 200, that is a welcome bonus!!  The only place I really have left to plant is my Scottie garden.  Sadie loves all shades of pink so it probably will be planted in those colors.  I've put down 35 bags of mulch so far and will probably need 100 more to finish up the beds. will be time to call it "done" til next Fall when I will put in some more mums.

This Saturday, we are going with our neighbors, Beverly and Don to check out the Texas Bluebonnets as well as some antique stores.  It should be a fun day...  I'll be sure to take lots of photos and share my journey with you.  Michael and I drove to Cleburne a few days ago and the roadsides were filled with Bluebonnets and other Texas wildflowers.

God has blessed us with such a beautiful landscape.  When I am feeling blue, all I have to do is take a walk and all seems right with the world.  The song, God Bless America, comes to mind and I think about my travels not only in many parts of the United Sates but to the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, and England.  We are all fellow travelers here on Earth and each of us has a story to tell.  Now The Battle Hymn of the Republic floats through my mind ... "mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..."  My eyes have seen the ravages of war between nations and men ... our only hope, the comfort of a Lord who has always been and will always be...

Through adversity we are made strong and find our true cores.  Some people become hateful, other's become more kind...  I was watching one of those CSI type shows this past week and a little boy was told that his father did other people's dirty work.  He confronted his father -- oh, the sorrow, in that father's face.  Truth ... often times truth hurts and convicts ... that's when we need to remain teachable isn't it??

Our country is going through the Republican debates for a candidate for the Presidency of the United States.  It's been an ugly fought battle leaving Americans rather disillusioned with the whole thing.  I have a couple of Facebook friends who have done a lot of research on the present political arena and I have done more than ever before in my own life.  The thing I hate the most is picking between two evils.  Surely, we must have a man of integrity and wisdom who can lead our country out of the mess we have created.  I say us because we have elected the people who represent us and it has been those same people who have used their power to benefit themselves and those that they fondly represent (not the common citizen for sure!!).

The birds are so loud this morning.  I've never paid much attention to birds before finding them rather pesky.  I must be getting soft in my old age as I look forward to seeing Mr. Red Cardinal and Mrs. Robin Redbreast taking a bath in the fountain and munching on seeds at the feeder.  Sadie and Toby have decided that the birds that come into the yard are okay ... however, they sure wish those squirrels would take their nuts and go somewhere else!  Yesterday, I laughed, Ms. Squirrel was taunting them running up and down the big tree.  She would get oh so close then zoom up the tree again leaving my dogren frustrated.  Sadie parks herself at the base of the tree waiting and waiting ... she sure has a lot of patience!!

It is time for me to debone the chicken that has been simmering for the past couple hours and make some soup.  I just love the natural flavors of chicken and fresh veggies.  Think I will make some bread to go with the soup while I am at it.  I just LOVE cooking in my new kitchen!!

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
~~ Old Irish Blessing

We'll talk soon, I promise ... Miss Dottie

All in a days work!!!!


Spring at the Little Casa

"I am where I am today, not because I have always made wise decisions or correctly discovered the will of God at particular points along the way, but because God has faithfully led me and guided me along the path of His will for me."~~Jerry Bridges

March 23, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  We are having an especially beautiful Spring.  I love the cool crisp mornings and the warm afternoons -- perfect weather for plotting, planning, and planting.  I made my daily trip to Walmart today and picked up some heavy duty gloves and some plants for the patio.  I enjoy my bit of Eden and I grow in knowledge as my plants grow!

The settling in at the little casa continues.  Michael and our neighbor, Don, have been pulling old tools and what nots out of Dad's shop.  A couple of times I stuck my nose in their business and found some things that I found intriguing ... an old hanging scale and a small vase labeled Vitamins caught my eye right off the bat.  Some of the old pieces will make interesting eye catchers in my gardens.  I am in to repurposing these days.

Michael and Dad built a work bench many years ago.  Michael hauled it outside and I plan to scrub it down and paint it.  It will make a wonderful potting table for me!  Sometimes Michael shakes his head and rolls his eyes when I get my creative juices flowing!  The back yard has begun to look rather cluttered with what came out of that little room.  Michael and Don would take an old tool out of the shop then spend twenty or more minutes discussing it's purpose and spinning yarns from yesteryear.  Must be a guy thing!

I decided to make a large flower bed in the center of the back yard.  You know me ... once I get started on a project, I can't rest until it is completed.  I sprayed the weeds, dug the dead stuff up, mixed in some good garden soil, outlined the bed with stones, and began placing plants where I thought they would do well.  I had purchased a Crabapple Tree at College Hill Nursery and a Texas Mountain Laurel at Home Depot to anchor the two ends.  I had had some plants that needed more sun so I dug those up and planted them in their new spots.  Beverly brought over some dark purple Iris and Spiderwort.  I couldn't help myself when I saw some beautiful Daisies at Bonnie's Nursery in Bellmead and also bought some beautiful perennials that I don't remember the name of.  Ninety nine percent of everything I plant is either a tree, shrub, herb or perennial that comes up every year.  It is always wonderful seeing each garden area come alive at different times of the year.  After placing the plants in their respective homes, I covered the area with mulch and stood back to admire my work.  I was sunburned, sore, and tired but it sure felt good to feel like I had accomplished something that day.

If you've read my blogs for any length of time, you know how much of an outdoors person I am and how much I love working in the dirt to create unique gardens of color.  I relate to the sowing and reaping principles and find the parables that Jesus used to make a point intriguing.  As ye reap, so shall ye sow ... I am the vine, you are the branches.  The healthy vine requires both nourishment and pruning.  Through the word of God we are nourished (Psalm 1:2-3) but through adversity we are pruned.

Have you ever heard of the Fellowship of Suffering?  Through adversity we have the privilege of entering into a special fellowship with other believers who are also in the throes of adversity.  Suffering unites our hearts together in Christ more than any other aspect of fellowship.  Once we have experienced the trials of adversity, I have found that has equipped me for ministry in those areas.  Knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel and sharing that comfort has given me purpose time and time again.  The zig zags I've made in life ... the mistakes, the triumphs ...   all come together as I address those same issues with others.  I sing the song, Amazing Grace  "I once was lost but now am found..." and  it holds such deep meaning for me.  There is strength in the Lord and the fellowship of fellow students of life.

A wise friend once told me, "Do the next right thing each day and leave the rest to the Lord."  That is so true ... the small steps I take each day determine my tomorrows.  I keep those words of wisdom in my mind so even when my body is wracked with pain and I just want to hide.  At the end of the day, I'm glad that I made those small steps.  I preach to anyone who will listen, "Don't you quit ... don't you give up ... don't you stop trying!!" 

One of the best ways to remember what God has taught us through different experiences is to write down lessons while they are fresh.  If you've never done any journaling, begin now by recording short sentences that pertain to each day.  When I was in Florida a few months ago, I gave my daughter a journal along with a jar of topics.  All she had to do to begin journaling was to pick a slip of paper out of the jar.  She writes well and I hope that she is enjoying her new endeavor!!

As night falls, I am drawn indoors.  My tub fills as I finish my blog ... I've gathered some scented soap, fluffy towels and a couple of candles to quiet my soul.  Until tomorrow, I pray you will have sweet dreams ... always know you are loved and prayed for!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Oh, yes ... maybe along with journaling, I might suggest planting a small garden ... even a pot will do!!  You just never know ... you might just like it!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Keep the Faith!!

March 20, 2012

Phew!  We survived the storms that blew through this area last night on into the early morning hours.  My hand was in pain and the rain that shook our windows kept me up -- I did get a few loads of clothes done!  My plants are so beautiful and green today!!  I can sit on the back patio and tell that they are getting stronger each day.

I've missed being able to get my hands dirty and work in the back yard.  Lately, I point, Michael digs a hole and plants.  He's NOT an outdoor person nor does he like anything having to do with the yard so he's been quite a trooper since I've had my bum hand.  Maybe, just maybe, one of these days he will enjoy fussing over the greenery popping up out of the ground.  I get so excited when one of my baby plants makes it through the Winter.  He looks at me, shakes his head, and rolls his eyes.

My hand that got the dog bite started festering yesterday morning.  I went in to see one of the doctors at the Hill Regional Clinic and liked him very much.  He could see that the bite had healed over BUT that something was amiss ... it was swollen and quite red.  He changed the antibiotic I have been taking and told me to come back in if it continued to get worse so that they could reopen it.  Golly gee ... that didn't sound good to me at all.  I told myself, "Keep the faith!"

The past few weeks have been tough ones.  I've struggled with Fibromyalgia which has included pain in my muscles and joints, extreme tiredness, weakness, and that feeling of depression.  I can understand why I am struggling but I still have to work my way through it.  The easiest thing to do would be to give in to my feelings but in the long haul, it's best for me to get up and get moving.  In fact, the more I rest, the worse my mood becomes.  I am just naturally a worker bee -- working on a project IS restful to me!!  I tell myself, "Keep the faith!"

Plans for the building and furnishing of the casita continue.  I've been looking at white color swatches of paint.  Do you know how many different shades of white there are?  Literally hundreds!  Once I get the paint picked out, I can work on the rest of the color palette.  I also have been going back and forth about having a tub or shower in  the bathroom (I am NOT a shower person).  The budget says shower but...  I've always wanted an old claw foot tub and am having a hard time letting go of that idea.  I also would like to put in a stained glass window.  I don't lack for ideas, that's for sure.  So far, I have gotten the vent free gas fireplace and will be using my favorite wing backed chair and the bookcase/hutch that has followed me around the country.

The furniture I put in the Consignment Store in McKinney has been sold -- in fact, it sold in a few days.  I will have a check coming from that and have been checking at vintage architectural stores for an old tub.  I've told the Lord how much I want the tub to be a part of the casita so we'll see!  I tell myself, "Keep the faith!"

Sometimes, there are things going on in the family that are tough to digest.  I am so grateful for my faith that keeps me looking forward and upward.  It's amazing to watch the Lord take us down deep into the valleys of woe before lifting us up to where we are soaring.  Last Sunday, I watched Joel Osteen preach on TV.  It was a sermon on offering encouraging words that build up.  When you tell someone they can't or you don't allow them to stretch their wings and grow, you are stifling them.  You are making decisions only God should be making.  Joel cited many celebrities who had people give them those words of "you can do it" ... "you will succeed" ... "you're beautiful" ... "what a good __________ you are"...  I found myself saying, "Yes, yes, yes!"  The things from my own childhood that haunted me were those words of "you're too small" ... "you have the ugliest hair" ... "you're too loud" ... "you ask too many questions" ... "you don't fit in that group"...  I could go on and on.  My shyness comes from being told so many times that I wouldn't fit ... I was afraid to be rejected or made fun of.  Now, I tell myself, "Keep the faith!"

I am fortunate.  First of all, the Lord watches over me and puts people in my life to build me up.  It also helps me to get "out of myself" and concentrate on others.  My daughter, Jane, has a very outgoing personality -- often times I wish I was more like her.  My son, Tommy, is shy.  I see a lot of me in him.  My children have a way though of wrapping their arms around people and the encouragement they give their children have helped them to soar.  If I could take out a text book, Tommy and Jane would be right up there as  great parents.  They are open, honest, straight forward, kind and loving people of God.  When they were little, I prayed for them, talked with them, let them struggle with their weaknesses, and celebrated their triumphs praising their efforts.  I saw them as God saw them and I encouraged them, telling them they could rise to be the cream of the crop.  They haven't disappointed me.  I tell myself, "Keep on praying for your family and keep the faith!"

Faith told me that the labels I put on my children would define them just as my labels had defined me for so long.  Faith told me that all things are possible with God when each of us stumbled and fell.  What man meant for evil, God meant for good ... I stood on that principle and roared as a lion claiming my cubs.  Faith can move mountains ... faith in knowing that everything (yes, everything!) is Father - filtered.  Faith has kept me sane ... faith has kept me humble ... faith has moved mountains for me and for my family.

It is so easy to have faith when things are going my way.  Yet, I have been through enough peaks and valleys of life to know that God is in control and has my best interests at heart.  What does the Bible say about faith?

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1, KJV).

To me, faith is knowing that I am the daughter of the most High and that He is loving me through the ups and downs of my life.  The best times of my life have followed the darkest of storms.  So many times when I was young and talked to an older wiser person about my troubles, they would say, "This too shall pass."  Now I am saying that to my friends, children, and grandchildren.

Keep the faith, my Readers ... enjoy your day today and speak good and positive things into your mind.  Keep focused on the One who is able to take a lump of clay and make it a beautiful piece of pottery!  This morning, I prayed for you asking that the Lord bless and keep you in the palm of His hand.

Until we meet again ... (one more time) KEEP THE FAITH!!

Miss Dottie

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Accidental Bite

March 16, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  It's a cloudy, dank day in Central Texas.  I had to grab a blanket when I took the dogren outside.  It's nice though to have my patio furniture in place.  I've already spent many an hour out there.  The yard is still looking pretty awful but my focus is on what I have accomplished.  Michael makes the most wonderful coffee in the morning but today the bottom fell out of the coffee decanter when it accidentally hit on the granite.  Oops.  Tomorrow will be a better day!

The best laid plans often get put aside when there's an unexpected hiccup.  I was visiting with Beverly last Wednesday morning when my dogren decided to fight over a toy.  Sadie let go when I scolded her but Toby kept hanging on, growling and taunting Sadie.  I reached down for the toy just as Sadie grabbed for it.  Her bottom teeth went into the soft toy but her top teeth tore into the top and side of my right hand.  As I screamed, she looked up at me with that sad, "What did I do?" look.  I glanced down at my hand and out of instinct, pushed the raw flesh back into the wound, pushed the flap of skin up over the open gape and pushed down for all I was worth.  I yelled to Michael to get dressed and meet Beverly and I at the hospital.

The hospital is just a few blocks from the little casa -- a very welcome sight to a lady in pain!!  The nurse quickly ushered me into a room, took my vitals and said as soon as one of the ER rooms became available I would be taken back.  By this time, Michael had arrived and was trying everything possible to take my mind off the pain in my hand.  I am a mind over matter person, and kept telling myself positive things.  Each time a different nurse would examine my wound the pain would intensify because I had to let go of my grip to keep the flesh together.  The doctor called for an xray, notified Animal Control and the police and then began to repair the wound.  Funny thing ... the nurse remembered me from last May when I broke my ankle.  She even remembered how I did it.  Amazing!  Must be my white hair or my sweet nature.  He he!

I learned a lot about animal bites on Wednesday.  Besides being quite painful, a dog bite has more of a tendency to get infected.  I was grateful when they numbed my hand and the pain dissipated.  They washed the wound with water then used a special soap.  They cleaned out the debris then started the cleaning procedure once again.  The doctor was great informing me of what he was doing and why.  He could not stitch the two inch wound tightly because he wanted it to be able to drain (which it has).  My hand looked like I had been bandaged for a prize fight and was ready to put a glove on!
If you are like me, you are probably thinking that your pet would NEVER bite the hand that feeds it.  Sadie is probably one of the most docile Scotties ever born.  She tolerates Toby's antics and has been ever so gentle with our grandchildren.  I tell her "gentle" when I give her treats and she is obedient.  Her groomers have always commented on her gentle demeanor and how they can probe, brush her teeth, and do anything without her getting perturbed.  Just like accidents happen to good people, accidents happen to good dogs as well.  As owners we need to be smart... 

Animal Control and the police came to the hospital to ask questions ... who, what, when, where.  I am sure it's nothing new to have an owner say that the dog is a gentle one and the bite was not it's fault.  They had to talk with Sadie's vet to make sure she was up to date on all shots -- which she is.  Michael signed the paperwork; now, Sadie is on the watch list.  As I type, she is laying at my feet snoring up a storm oblivious to what transpired.  She stays beside me trailing me wherever I go...

Although Toby is a small Yorkie-Poodle mix, he is an instigator and an alpha male.  We have made the decision not to purchase any more toys.  And we are not allowing some of his alpha behaviors letting him know that he is NOT the pack leader of the household!!  So far so good!

March 19, 2012

The March wind is blowing like crazy.  The big old tree in the backyard dropped a huge dead limb.  Yikes ... until we can get it pruned, I am not sitting (or working under the tree).

My bite wound has been doing well until this morning.  The skin is healing nicely but along with that, it is trapping blood (or something under the skin).  Michael made an appointment for me to see a doctor here this afternoon.  It definitely needs looking at.  In the meantime, the trauma from the jolt to my body acerbated the Fibromyalgia that plagues me.  What a day to day battle...

I did manage to purchase a Texas Mountain Laurel tree and plant it on Saint Patrick's Day.  It's a small one but it will grow.  My neighbor has one and it is blooming like crazy.  Oh my gosh, it smells soooo good.  I could take my chair and sit beside it all day just inhaling the fruitful grape aroma.

Last night, Michael and I went down into the storm shelter and did some arranging and unpacking of boxes.  It's a great storage area.  Now I need to find a dehumidifier ... they seem to be nonexistent around here.  We have not been able to get everything out of the garage so Lupe can start on the casita.  I am not a good person to have lots of chaos around me which contributes to my Fibromyalgia as well.  Am I a Type A person?  I often times think so!!

I hope that you, my Readers, are enjoying this wonderful windy March weather.  Great time to fly a kite, don't you think?  I remember those days as a kid ... making my kite and tying on lots of multi-colored tails made of cloth.  Today, we go to the store to purchase our toys ... in days of yesteryear, we made them.  Who can forget our Holly Hock Dolls, sling shots, shoe box doll beds, and other various and sundry toys we managed to create in our minds before rigging them up!!

Take gentle care and always remember that you are loved and prayed for ... yep(!) each and every day.

Miss Dottie

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Beginning of Miss Dottie's Casita

March 12, 2012

I've always wanted to create a room that was totally me from stem to stern.  When Michael and I decided to retire to his boyhood home, we began a renovation that took the little casa down to the studs.  It was lovingly restored over a year plus period of time resulting in a little house that sparkled.  It was frustrating at times especially getting the kitchen installed and who can forget the flood that resulted in having to redo what had already been done.  Michael and I shopped for each piece of the puzzle resulting in the little casa being a combination of our tastes.

The little casa is quite a gem and I know we will be comfortable here.  So, that being said, what's the problem??  Well, we have very limited storage space and Michael and I run into each other.  We had thought about purchasing a bigger home but just the thought of moving away from what we had so carefully restored gave us nightmares.  A few weeks ago, I walked out into the backyard and took a survey of what we had to work with.

Dad S had a storm shelter built.  The twelve inch thick walls make it a perfect place for keeping things like Christmas decorations at an even temperature.  Without breaking the bank, we could seal and paint the ceiling, walls, and floor to give us a large storage area.  (We made a call to Lupe and within a few days, he and his right hand man were hard at work cleaning and painting.  It looks fabulous and will welcome our storage cabinets, file cabinet, and tubs of holiday decorations.)  Ka-ching!!  Storage!!

There is a metal storage building behind the garage that I cleaned out some months ago.  It is filled to the brim right now but once the Christmas tubs are moved to the storm shelter there will be room for Michael's tools and garden equipment.  Ka-ching!!  Storage!

I sat on the roof of the storm shelter surveying the garage.  Hmmmm, I wondered...  Could we?  Would we?  How much would it cost to renovate a long garage??  We made another call to our contractor, Lupe.  Lupe came out and we used old croquet mallets to outline a walk-in closet, bathroom ... a perfect casita.  We still have some tweaking to do but plans are underway to start construction mid-March.  Lupe and his crew do amazing work and his pricing is reasonable.  I hope we will be able to do what I envision.  If not, we will change horses.  Nothing is set in stone.  Right now, all I know for sure is that, he will put in a new door with nine panes of glass, two windows with window boxes below...

We've all heard about the Man Cave.  If you watch much HGTV you hear the term quite often.  It's a place where men can gather without worrying about spilling, being too loud ... a place of relaxation and fun just for guys.  Well, I thought about moi.  It's been a long time since I had a room dedicated to my needs, wants, and desires.  I'm very much a people person who enjoys some time of solitude and reflection.  Every decorating test I take point me in the direction of romance ... candles, books ... all things pretty.  I dunno, something stirred inside me ... why not build a Miss Dottie's Casita??!!  The more I thought about it, the more excited I got.  It was okay for me to be selfish this one time.  Selfish?  I'm not sure if that's the case ... maybe just the fulfillment of a dream. 

I stood at the entrance to the garage this morning looking at the mess before me.  I realized that once the tool shop is cleaned out and the boxes are put into the storm shelter, it is a blank slate waiting for renovation.  Lupe dropped by earlier to discuss the bathroom.  Oh I wish I had room for a vintage claw foot tub!  What would be more romantic than a long soak in a bubble filled tub surrounded by candlelight, flowers, and soft music!!  Hmmmmm  Maybe I need to do a little more research on the Internet.

It will be interesting to blog the progress of Miss Dottie's Casita, don't you think so?  If I can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, I will have accomplished something!!

In the meantime, yesterday I spray painted all the wrought iron lawn furniture.  You know what?  Everything looks brand new.  I also spray painted a little table and chairs red.  Windex makes something to clean patios and furniture that I could attach to a hose that really worked.  While I was in McKinney getting ready to move, some big birds got ahold of the bag of bird seed at the little casa and (literally) threw a party.  They had fun and stuffed themselves ... I got clean up duty!!  My cigar store indian got cemented in a galvanized pail and no longer has to lean against the wall.  Yea!  He's happy ... I'm happy!  Lupe told me that if the indian came up missing it was because, Wimowee made the trip over to Line Street.  I told him ... "Over my dead body!!  Wimowee and I have been together a l-o-n-g time!"

Uh, oh ... I have been amiss in my Daily Walk Bible reading.  I can tell it, too.  There were a few days when I sat on a teeter-totter sometimes feeling cranky and at other times downright weepy.  I can tell that my life has been a bit off balance.  Too much continuous work.  Since I have a tendency to work nonstop on a project perfecting it and then re-perfecting it, I can wear myself out.  Talk about focus ... I can REALLY FOCUS to the point of ignoring everything else.  I've heard that's a curse of bright creative people.  He he!

My project for today has been to write scripture on the walls of Miss Dottie's Casita.  I definitely DO NOT want any form of evilness to reside anywhere within the walls.  I have decided to be picky about what goes into the building of the casita and will bless each step.  It's a good thing that Lupe understands what makes me tick or he'd be rolling his eyes!

I invite you to follow along as the casita is built.  I am on a strict budget (might as well say it ... it is a downright low budget undertaking!) so it will be interesting to see how it all pulls together.  In the meantime, Toby and I are off to plant some Coral Bells in my flower garden.  I asked Michael a couple hours ago if there wasn't a holiday coming up that he would need to buy me a gift for.  He looked a little puzzled and said, "Saint Patrick's Day?"  I smiled coyly ... "How 'bout some grass and border stones!"  Now he did roll his eyes and laughed, "Only you, only you would want grass for a gift."

Until tomorrow, let your troubles take a back seat to the possibilities found when things get tough and unimaginable.  Be safe ... you are loved and prayed for!

Miss Dottie


Acts of Kindness

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  I hope that you are enjoying this fine March day.  Every time I wake up and realize that I am alive and kickin', I know that it's going to be a great day no matter what happens.  My day will be a blank slate upon which I can make my mark whether it be a small one or a big smash.

Like most folks, most of my days aren't extreme ups and downs ... I don't do well with a steady diet of  of either living in the pit of life or soaring in the skies.  Somehow, I've managed to learn that what I do today affects my tomorrows.  If I do what I can do to stay balanced, my days of stress overload are fewer.  The blessing of having Fibromyalgia is that I needed to do things differently in my life ... it's been tough at best BUT the results have all been good.

Do you practice random acts of kindness?  My neighbor, Beverly, is good at that.  We barely got here Thursday, and she sent her husband, Don, over with a plate of lemonade cookies.  As I mentioned a few days ago in my blog, Don brought over a jacket for one of the moving crew.  They anticipate and see needs that others have and love helping out.

I am and always have been a giving person.  I love putting a smile on faces. You know it doesn't take much to offer someone a glass of water when it's hot or a shoulder to cry on when someone is sad.  A couple days ago a Facebook friend, Maxi, posted a comment on the classes she was taking in the Stephens Ministry.  It took me back to the 1980's when I went through the year long Stephen's Ministry classes.  "We supply the caring, God supplies the cure."  I heard that over and over.  How can we minister to others if we jump in the hole with them?  We can't.  Helping is not taking over someone else's life, it's seeing them through it.  Often times, I think that God took me through so many valleys so that I could empathize with others going through the same thing.  Each time I am able to minister in a situation, I thank God for the hard times.
About a week ago, I watched the movie Pay It Forward.  I didn't realize that I would need a box of Kleenex at the end!  I love the whole concept of pay it forward.  Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we all practiced this idea?  It seems like we often times do the opposite ... someone does us wrong and we up the ante to get them back ... we get our claws out and want to make them suffer as well as anyone else that comes into our path.  Life becomes a battle zone rather than a haven of peace.  There are the passive aggressive folks and the enraged folks who yell and scream.  What do you get?  Stomach problems, depression, aggression, headaches, relationship issues...  I've had my share of those and when I am attacked by any one of those, I stop and ask myself what I'm not dealing with.  To sweep something (or someone) under the rug only means having to deal with a bigger issue later.

Some years ago, I had a very dear friend who was very helpful to me when I was doing through a very painful divorce and time in my life.  I loved her as a sister and could depend on her to rally around me.  Something very strange happened that still puzzles me.  We met one evening for dessert and she said, "Dottie, you aren't living your life, the way I think you should and I must end our friendship."  Her pushing me away just because I didn't follow her rules, astounded me.  I was doing nothing morally or ethically wrong and her chastisement was puzzling to me.  God gives us free will and allows us to take the consequences of our choices ... shouldn't we do the same?  Is love based on you do it my way or else?  I think not.
Acts of Kindness with strings attached aren't really acts of kindness, they are meant to manipulate and control.  Now, it is good manners to say thank you but so many times, good manners go by the wayside.  Miss Manners has all but disappeared from our present society.  To me, a gift without a thank you means "I am entitled" but that's just my opinion.  Do I stop giving if I never get a thank you?  No, I don't...  What I do do is live my own life being appreciative.

My daughter and her family gave me a wonderful camera for my sixty-fifth birthday.  My old camera had seen better days and I was limping along with it.  When I opened the box, the tears flowed and I couldn't believe my eyes.  It was a great camera but more than that, it enabled me to take better photos for my blog.  It gave me an opportunity to share with others and that meant so much to me.  It makes me think of that adage, "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Life is truly about growing and learning.  It's about falling down over and over and getting up to try again.  We are only failures when we stop trying to raise up above our circumstances.  The world is full of people who gave up ... threw in the towel ... and, gave in to their vices.  They develop chips on their shoulders and think the world is against them ... they use drugs, alcohol, sex or anything else to cover their pain.  Any act of random kindness is seen as a hand out and misery reigns in their lives.  The effort they put into being a victim would take them to the top of their game if they would allow it.  Misery is a choice!

Let's not play the blame game shall we?  Let's take some time today to truly look inside our own lives and experience ourselves as others see us.  If what they are seeing is true, then let's own up to it and do some growing.  If not, thank them for their right to speak their mind and move on.  We don't have to agree to be respectful of someone else's opinion.  It's a whole lot more fun, to experience life to the fullest ... to celebrate who we were and how we've grown.

I will be blogging from the little casa from this day forward (or from the casita when it is finished).  It's been raining every day since we've moved so working outside has been limited.  I did get the back patio set up and look forward to many mornings of having my coffee outside listening to the birds sing and watching the squirrels race from tree to tree.  One thing is for certain, it's sure a lot easier to upsize rather than downsize!!  Actually, once we get things in order and the casita done, we will be perfectly okay!!

Love and blessings to all of you this day!!

Miss Dottie

Friday, March 9, 2012

Moving Day - March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012

It was a bittersweet day yesterday.  The place I have called home for the past eight and a half years is now but a memory.  I left wood for Nikki and it will be up to her from now on to keep the home fires burning!

We had called movers and set our moving date.  As usual, the weather in North Texas became an issue with reports of a cold front and severe rain starting -- on moving day, of course.  I had prayed that the good Lord would keep the storms at bay - at least until we finished loading the truck.  We were blessed, He did and just as we placed the vacuum cleaner on the truck, the wind and rain started.   According to the weather man, temperatures dropped twenty degrees in twenty minutes.  Brrr!

I have moved so many times in my life that the move in and of itself was a piece of cake.  Just like cleaning house, I started at the back and made my way to the front.  Boxes were packed and placed either in the garage or dining room.  The buyer bought some furniture and other pieces were taken to The Consignment Store.  We still ended up with about seventy small boxes, twenty medium boxes, and 6 large boxes being moved plus my favorite bookcase, comfy wing back chair, dining room set, refrigerator, tools, garden equipment and other various and sundry things.  Ridell's crew brought a twenty foot truck and we filled it to the back.  Now, mind you, we had moved another truck load ourselves a couple weeks ago.  Yikes!  Way too much stuff!!

When we got to the little casa, the moving crew was waiting for us. It had started raining quite hard -- in fact, when the rain drops hit our skin, it stung like crazy.  Our neighbor, Don, came over with a coat for one of the movers telling him that a t-shirt wasn't warm enough. We had planned to put some things into the storm cellar and the rest into storage. Well, the back yard was wet and soggy -- the storage cabinets, file cabinet, and tubs had to go into the garage. The rest of the truck was deposited in a storage unit close to where we live.

Michael told me this morning that he was shocked at how smoothly I was able to organize and time my cleaning of the house with the loading of the truck.  Several days before moving, I began emptying rooms and cleaning them so the day of moving, I just had to clean the dining room and kitchen and sweep the floor of the garage when the house was completely empty.  Somehow, I found strength I didn't know I had and just kept going thinking about my goal.  Now, when we got to the little casa, I crashed.  My emotions were a bit on the raw side and I shed some tears as I drifted off to sleep taking a good four+ hour nap.  Another chapter in my life was closed.

I opened my eyes this morning and listened to the sound of rain falling.  It is bitterly cold forcing us to stay indoors where it is warm and cozy.  Lupe and his right hand man arrived early for coffee so we could discuss some plans for the casita.  I showed him a picture of a shower I wanted him to build.  Of course, the cost was way more than I wanted to pay so I need to rethink it -- I have until Monday to decide.  I am excited about what the casita (my woman cave) will look like.  It's going to be a work of love.  Lupe loves the Lord as much as I do and he wants it to be just what I envision.  I am blessed to know this man.

Looking back over my life, I smile at the number of people that God has placed in my life to help me be a better person.  I'm not a person with hundreds of friends, I have a few that know me inside and out -- those that stand alongside me no matter what.  They love me whether I fall flat on my face or whether I am soaring.  I don't have to pretend, I can just be me.

Raindrops are pounding against the window panes.  It's a day like this that I wish that the little casa had a fireplace.  I'm sure going to enjoy the one going into the casita.  My body is weary from the strain of the past few weeks and I seek the refuge of my bed where I can rest and regroup.  I had planned on going over to the Antique Mall to see about opening a booth but I am thinking that it will need to wait until tomorrow.

Each day forward will be fraught with new ideas, undertakings, and friends.  I keep my eyes focused on my todays which will build my tomorrows.  Always remember, my Readers, that you are on my heart and mind wherever I am and whatever I am doing.

Until we meet again, take gentle care!!

Miss Dottie