Friday, March 2, 2012

Goodbye House!

Monday, February 27, 2012

This morning at 10:10 our home became the home of our buyer, Nikki S.  Closing went smoothly ... no surprises and I felt at peace.  It's a little different right now at 1:37pm.  I find myself getting teary eyed as I pack and clean out cupboards, closets, and touch up paint.  I've been pushing myself to stay on track and fighting like hell against the Fibromyalgia that rears it's ugly head when I am under mega stress.

I have been and always will be a homemaker at heart and it's been an honor and a privilege wherever I've lived to make a nest for me and for my family to enjoy.  As a creative soul, I have a passion for using the different and unique ... some of my favorite things came from unexpected finds along the roadway of life and have become like old friends following me from place to place.  I've had the priviledge of living here since October 23, 2003 ... a long spell for me!!  I was hoping this would be my last place to reside but life has a way of taking me here and there.  I keep thinking, "Bloom where you are planted, Miss Dottie!"  Ah yes ... I will be in a new place meeting and greeting new friends.

It won't be long and I will vacuum myself out to the front door, place the key in the lock, and get in my car to head south.  I know the lady who purchased our home will take good care of it ... the realtor told us this morning that Nikki said to tell us thank you for selling our beautiful home to her.  She too loves the gardens, the red bathroom, the wood floors, the back porch...  The garden will surprise her soon with perennials popping up, trees budding, and the roses budding out in vibrant colors.

My son, Tommy, and his friend, Fred, came over last Saturday to load all the outdoor furniture and tubs in the garage plus other various and sundry furniture items.  We were so appreciative of their help.  Tommy put his arm around my shoulder and we walked through the garden one last time.  All of a sudden, he stopped ... "Hey, you can't forget the Texas stepping stone we got you for a house warming gift!"  Heck no!  He dug it up and placed it in the truck.  My grandsons had fun racing around the house and helping us load the truck to take to the little casa.  This house has been Grandma's house since they were babies and they remembered good times here.  Yes, boys, Grandma will still have Easter Egg Hunts at the little casa!!

Oh, if walls could talk!!  It's funny how many memories float to the surface when you've lived somewhere for a season of time.  Time spent with friends and family ... parties ... It seems like yesterday I had the shower for Angie and Tommy before Nicholas was born.  The party began early afternoon and went on long into the evening.  I can still hear the little ones running and giggling  (they filled the fountain with sand) ... us oldsters playing games and later lighting the torches in the gardens so we could enjoy the fall air!  It's been the only time that we've had Michael's children, granddaughter, Mom plus my kids, their spouses and children all together.  Family - for better or worse ... yes, we are family!!
Maybe that's why I am teary-eyed.  A house is just a structure but when you add people and the ups and downs of life to the mix, it becomes a place of refuge ... a place where each is accepted warts, bumps, and all.  It's a place where little ones grow wings and learn to fly solo.  It's a place where adults can close out the clamor of life and relax knowing it's gonna be okay.  I've always had the door to my home and my heart open wherever I lived so I doubt that will change when we are at the little casa.  I need to focus on what lies ahead and welcome each day knowing that respect, honesty, and love will ride with me.

We are a transient society.  There are times I envy people who have lived in one place their entire lives.  Each time I've moved I feel like I've left a part of me.  I don't think that's bad though because, that being said, I've also been blessed to take the friendships and experiences I've gained with me as well.  I've grown with each move and stop and have become my own person.

Today on Facebook, one of the posters said she was afraid of life.  I stopped and prayed for her.  I used to be one of those people -- I walked in the shadows of so many believing that I didn't deserve __________.  One day I woke up and realized that I was disappointing my maker.  It was then that I knew that I needed to break out of my shell, take some risks, and celebrate the life God gave me.  It's been quite a ride and I am holding my head up high.  There is a great book out there called NO MORE CRUMBS written by Rod Parsley.  God doesn't mean for us to be beaten down -- He calls us to be victors not victims!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

It's been quite a week of packing and getting ready to load another truck.  I pulled some muscles in my back on Wednesday and have been fighting a raging sinus infection.  Challenges ... challenges!  I am learning new ways of getting things done.  I put my box on the stack of boxes then fill it up and tape.  Next box goes on top and I never have to lift a box!!  Where there's a will, there's a way.

The good news is that I have had time to disengage from the house.  Packing stuff has also made me realize how much I want to pare down and live simply.  I heard recently that we only wear a small percentage of the clothes we own ... Putting my own clothes in boxes, I took stock of what I had.  Did I really think I was going to wear all those suits and evening wear??  Na....  Garage Sale!!

Tomorrow Tommy and the boys will be back to help.  We fetched their football out of the tree and it's ready for them.  The Consignment Store will be here about noon to load up a bunch of furniture and the house will start looking bare (except for boxes, of course).  Ridell, the moving guy, will be here next Thursday to load up.  Hopefully, we can have everything out of the house and into the garage so I can clean and we can follow the truck south.  I know I will be super busy on the other end but at least I know that I can take my time.  The casita (my Woman Cave) won't be done til mid to late April.  I am looking forward to being creative and trying some new things.

I have been thinking about you, my readers, and wondering how life is faring for each of you.  Maybe you are going through some of the things I am going through.  At any rate, please know that you are loved and prayed for!

"Life is change.  Growth is optional.  Choose wisely."
~~Karen Kaiser Clark 

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