Thursday, March 29, 2012

When the red red robin...

March 29, 2012

Good Morning!  I hope this morning finds you well and ready to take on your day.  I went to bed early last night and woke up about 5:30am.  When I opened my eyes, my dogren decided it was time to go outside and to have breakfast.  While I took them outside, I folded a load of clothes and put some chicken on to boil.  By that time, I was wide awake and figured I might as well stay up and get busy...

The stitches came out of my hand last Monday.  The wound is still pretty red and I will have a scar but other than that, I have no nerve damage.  If it weren't for the bite, I wouldn't have met Dr. B at the clinic here in town.  He's going to be a great family doctor for us.  He also referred me to a gynecologist here  -- Dr. E.  I met him yesterday and liked him as well.  I go in for an ultrasound this afternoon and will go back to see him right before Easter.  I am not expecting anything too out of line.  I was concerned about leaving my doctors in the Dallas area but have found that I was concerned for no reason.  Isn't that usually the case??

It was so fun to walk the gardens this morning ... the roses are filled with buds and all the plants and trees have new growth.  I planted a lime tree yesterday.  It probably won't make it through next Winter but I love fresh limes and it will give me a bumper crop this Summer ... I just know it will!!  I planted some things and started some gardens last Summer but have really put in some extra effort in getting the yard in order this Spring.  Like most folks, I am carrying some extra weight from sitting around all Winter and the digging, lifting, and planting is great exercise.  I can already tell that my arms are getting stronger and that I have a lot of stamina.

Don't you just love the Internet?  Our local Walmart ran out of the stones I needed to outline my gardens so I turned to my trusty computer.  Lowe's has stones and delivers for no charge.  Since I need about 200, that is a welcome bonus!!  The only place I really have left to plant is my Scottie garden.  Sadie loves all shades of pink so it probably will be planted in those colors.  I've put down 35 bags of mulch so far and will probably need 100 more to finish up the beds. will be time to call it "done" til next Fall when I will put in some more mums.

This Saturday, we are going with our neighbors, Beverly and Don to check out the Texas Bluebonnets as well as some antique stores.  It should be a fun day...  I'll be sure to take lots of photos and share my journey with you.  Michael and I drove to Cleburne a few days ago and the roadsides were filled with Bluebonnets and other Texas wildflowers.

God has blessed us with such a beautiful landscape.  When I am feeling blue, all I have to do is take a walk and all seems right with the world.  The song, God Bless America, comes to mind and I think about my travels not only in many parts of the United Sates but to the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, and England.  We are all fellow travelers here on Earth and each of us has a story to tell.  Now The Battle Hymn of the Republic floats through my mind ... "mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord..."  My eyes have seen the ravages of war between nations and men ... our only hope, the comfort of a Lord who has always been and will always be...

Through adversity we are made strong and find our true cores.  Some people become hateful, other's become more kind...  I was watching one of those CSI type shows this past week and a little boy was told that his father did other people's dirty work.  He confronted his father -- oh, the sorrow, in that father's face.  Truth ... often times truth hurts and convicts ... that's when we need to remain teachable isn't it??

Our country is going through the Republican debates for a candidate for the Presidency of the United States.  It's been an ugly fought battle leaving Americans rather disillusioned with the whole thing.  I have a couple of Facebook friends who have done a lot of research on the present political arena and I have done more than ever before in my own life.  The thing I hate the most is picking between two evils.  Surely, we must have a man of integrity and wisdom who can lead our country out of the mess we have created.  I say us because we have elected the people who represent us and it has been those same people who have used their power to benefit themselves and those that they fondly represent (not the common citizen for sure!!).

The birds are so loud this morning.  I've never paid much attention to birds before finding them rather pesky.  I must be getting soft in my old age as I look forward to seeing Mr. Red Cardinal and Mrs. Robin Redbreast taking a bath in the fountain and munching on seeds at the feeder.  Sadie and Toby have decided that the birds that come into the yard are okay ... however, they sure wish those squirrels would take their nuts and go somewhere else!  Yesterday, I laughed, Ms. Squirrel was taunting them running up and down the big tree.  She would get oh so close then zoom up the tree again leaving my dogren frustrated.  Sadie parks herself at the base of the tree waiting and waiting ... she sure has a lot of patience!!

It is time for me to debone the chicken that has been simmering for the past couple hours and make some soup.  I just love the natural flavors of chicken and fresh veggies.  Think I will make some bread to go with the soup while I am at it.  I just LOVE cooking in my new kitchen!!

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.
~~ Old Irish Blessing

We'll talk soon, I promise ... Miss Dottie

All in a days work!!!!


1 comment:

  1. You are doing amazing work with your gardens! I am enjoying your talents here in Florida. The landscaping we did 3 years ago is flourishing! I know your neighbors must be ooohing and awwwing over the change. They might catch your bug-

