I've always wanted to create a room that was totally me from stem to stern. When Michael and I decided to retire to his boyhood home, we began a renovation that took the little casa down to the studs. It was lovingly restored over a year plus period of time resulting in a little house that sparkled. It was frustrating at times especially getting the kitchen installed and who can forget the flood that resulted in having to redo what had already been done. Michael and I shopped for each piece of the puzzle resulting in the little casa being a combination of our tastes.
The little casa is quite a gem and I know we will be comfortable here. So, that being said, what's the problem?? Well, we have very limited storage space and Michael and I run into each other. We had thought about purchasing a bigger home but just the thought of moving away from what we had so carefully restored gave us nightmares. A few weeks ago, I walked out into the backyard and took a survey of what we had to work with.
There is a metal storage building behind the garage that I cleaned out some months ago. It is filled to the brim right now but once the Christmas tubs are moved to the storm shelter there will be room for Michael's tools and garden equipment. Ka-ching!! Storage!
I sat on the roof of the storm shelter surveying the garage. Hmmmm, I wondered... Could we? Would we? How much would it cost to renovate a long garage?? We made another call to our contractor, Lupe. Lupe came out and we used old croquet mallets to outline a walk-in closet, bathroom ... a perfect casita. We still have some tweaking to do but plans are underway to start construction mid-March. Lupe and his crew do amazing work and his pricing is reasonable. I hope we will be able to do what I envision. If not, we will change horses. Nothing is set in stone. Right now, all I know for sure is that, he will put in a new door with nine panes of glass, two windows with window boxes below...
We've all heard about the Man Cave. If you watch much HGTV you hear the term quite often. It's a place where men can gather without worrying about spilling, being too loud ... a place of relaxation and fun just for guys. Well, I thought about moi. It's been a long time since I had a room dedicated to my needs, wants, and desires. I'm very much a people person who enjoys some time of solitude and reflection. Every decorating test I take point me in the direction of romance ... candles, books ... all things pretty. I dunno, something stirred inside me ... why not build a Miss Dottie's Casita??!! The more I thought about it, the more excited I got. It was okay for me to be selfish this one time. Selfish? I'm not sure if that's the case ... maybe just the fulfillment of a dream.
It will be interesting to blog the progress of Miss Dottie's Casita, don't you think so? If I can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, I will have accomplished something!!
Uh, oh ... I have been amiss in my Daily Walk Bible reading. I can tell it, too. There were a few days when I sat on a teeter-totter sometimes feeling cranky and at other times downright weepy. I can tell that my life has been a bit off balance. Too much continuous work. Since I have a tendency to work nonstop on a project perfecting it and then re-perfecting it, I can wear myself out. Talk about focus ... I can REALLY FOCUS to the point of ignoring everything else. I've heard that's a curse of bright creative people. He he!
My project for today has been to write scripture on the walls of Miss Dottie's Casita. I definitely DO NOT want any form of evilness to reside anywhere within the walls. I have decided to be picky about what goes into the building of the casita and will bless each step. It's a good thing that Lupe understands what makes me tick or he'd be rolling his eyes!
Until tomorrow, let your troubles take a back seat to the possibilities found when things get tough and unimaginable. Be safe ... you are loved and prayed for!
Miss Dottie
Happy Days will be quickly approaching!