Friday, March 9, 2012

Moving Day - March 9, 2012

March 9, 2012

It was a bittersweet day yesterday.  The place I have called home for the past eight and a half years is now but a memory.  I left wood for Nikki and it will be up to her from now on to keep the home fires burning!

We had called movers and set our moving date.  As usual, the weather in North Texas became an issue with reports of a cold front and severe rain starting -- on moving day, of course.  I had prayed that the good Lord would keep the storms at bay - at least until we finished loading the truck.  We were blessed, He did and just as we placed the vacuum cleaner on the truck, the wind and rain started.   According to the weather man, temperatures dropped twenty degrees in twenty minutes.  Brrr!

I have moved so many times in my life that the move in and of itself was a piece of cake.  Just like cleaning house, I started at the back and made my way to the front.  Boxes were packed and placed either in the garage or dining room.  The buyer bought some furniture and other pieces were taken to The Consignment Store.  We still ended up with about seventy small boxes, twenty medium boxes, and 6 large boxes being moved plus my favorite bookcase, comfy wing back chair, dining room set, refrigerator, tools, garden equipment and other various and sundry things.  Ridell's crew brought a twenty foot truck and we filled it to the back.  Now, mind you, we had moved another truck load ourselves a couple weeks ago.  Yikes!  Way too much stuff!!

When we got to the little casa, the moving crew was waiting for us. It had started raining quite hard -- in fact, when the rain drops hit our skin, it stung like crazy.  Our neighbor, Don, came over with a coat for one of the movers telling him that a t-shirt wasn't warm enough. We had planned to put some things into the storm cellar and the rest into storage. Well, the back yard was wet and soggy -- the storage cabinets, file cabinet, and tubs had to go into the garage. The rest of the truck was deposited in a storage unit close to where we live.

Michael told me this morning that he was shocked at how smoothly I was able to organize and time my cleaning of the house with the loading of the truck.  Several days before moving, I began emptying rooms and cleaning them so the day of moving, I just had to clean the dining room and kitchen and sweep the floor of the garage when the house was completely empty.  Somehow, I found strength I didn't know I had and just kept going thinking about my goal.  Now, when we got to the little casa, I crashed.  My emotions were a bit on the raw side and I shed some tears as I drifted off to sleep taking a good four+ hour nap.  Another chapter in my life was closed.

I opened my eyes this morning and listened to the sound of rain falling.  It is bitterly cold forcing us to stay indoors where it is warm and cozy.  Lupe and his right hand man arrived early for coffee so we could discuss some plans for the casita.  I showed him a picture of a shower I wanted him to build.  Of course, the cost was way more than I wanted to pay so I need to rethink it -- I have until Monday to decide.  I am excited about what the casita (my woman cave) will look like.  It's going to be a work of love.  Lupe loves the Lord as much as I do and he wants it to be just what I envision.  I am blessed to know this man.

Looking back over my life, I smile at the number of people that God has placed in my life to help me be a better person.  I'm not a person with hundreds of friends, I have a few that know me inside and out -- those that stand alongside me no matter what.  They love me whether I fall flat on my face or whether I am soaring.  I don't have to pretend, I can just be me.

Raindrops are pounding against the window panes.  It's a day like this that I wish that the little casa had a fireplace.  I'm sure going to enjoy the one going into the casita.  My body is weary from the strain of the past few weeks and I seek the refuge of my bed where I can rest and regroup.  I had planned on going over to the Antique Mall to see about opening a booth but I am thinking that it will need to wait until tomorrow.

Each day forward will be fraught with new ideas, undertakings, and friends.  I keep my eyes focused on my todays which will build my tomorrows.  Always remember, my Readers, that you are on my heart and mind wherever I am and whatever I am doing.

Until we meet again, take gentle care!!

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. ughhh moving is such a monumental task... Making a house a home takes time and passion. I know you'll work your Dottie Magic and soon everything will be organized and ready for family and friends!
