Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring at the Little Casa

"I am where I am today, not because I have always made wise decisions or correctly discovered the will of God at particular points along the way, but because God has faithfully led me and guided me along the path of His will for me."~~Jerry Bridges

March 23, 2012

Good Morning, Readers!  We are having an especially beautiful Spring.  I love the cool crisp mornings and the warm afternoons -- perfect weather for plotting, planning, and planting.  I made my daily trip to Walmart today and picked up some heavy duty gloves and some plants for the patio.  I enjoy my bit of Eden and I grow in knowledge as my plants grow!

The settling in at the little casa continues.  Michael and our neighbor, Don, have been pulling old tools and what nots out of Dad's shop.  A couple of times I stuck my nose in their business and found some things that I found intriguing ... an old hanging scale and a small vase labeled Vitamins caught my eye right off the bat.  Some of the old pieces will make interesting eye catchers in my gardens.  I am in to repurposing these days.

Michael and Dad built a work bench many years ago.  Michael hauled it outside and I plan to scrub it down and paint it.  It will make a wonderful potting table for me!  Sometimes Michael shakes his head and rolls his eyes when I get my creative juices flowing!  The back yard has begun to look rather cluttered with what came out of that little room.  Michael and Don would take an old tool out of the shop then spend twenty or more minutes discussing it's purpose and spinning yarns from yesteryear.  Must be a guy thing!

I decided to make a large flower bed in the center of the back yard.  You know me ... once I get started on a project, I can't rest until it is completed.  I sprayed the weeds, dug the dead stuff up, mixed in some good garden soil, outlined the bed with stones, and began placing plants where I thought they would do well.  I had purchased a Crabapple Tree at College Hill Nursery and a Texas Mountain Laurel at Home Depot to anchor the two ends.  I had had some plants that needed more sun so I dug those up and planted them in their new spots.  Beverly brought over some dark purple Iris and Spiderwort.  I couldn't help myself when I saw some beautiful Daisies at Bonnie's Nursery in Bellmead and also bought some beautiful perennials that I don't remember the name of.  Ninety nine percent of everything I plant is either a tree, shrub, herb or perennial that comes up every year.  It is always wonderful seeing each garden area come alive at different times of the year.  After placing the plants in their respective homes, I covered the area with mulch and stood back to admire my work.  I was sunburned, sore, and tired but it sure felt good to feel like I had accomplished something that day.

If you've read my blogs for any length of time, you know how much of an outdoors person I am and how much I love working in the dirt to create unique gardens of color.  I relate to the sowing and reaping principles and find the parables that Jesus used to make a point intriguing.  As ye reap, so shall ye sow ... I am the vine, you are the branches.  The healthy vine requires both nourishment and pruning.  Through the word of God we are nourished (Psalm 1:2-3) but through adversity we are pruned.

Have you ever heard of the Fellowship of Suffering?  Through adversity we have the privilege of entering into a special fellowship with other believers who are also in the throes of adversity.  Suffering unites our hearts together in Christ more than any other aspect of fellowship.  Once we have experienced the trials of adversity, I have found that has equipped me for ministry in those areas.  Knowing that there is light at the end of the tunnel and sharing that comfort has given me purpose time and time again.  The zig zags I've made in life ... the mistakes, the triumphs ...   all come together as I address those same issues with others.  I sing the song, Amazing Grace  "I once was lost but now am found..." and  it holds such deep meaning for me.  There is strength in the Lord and the fellowship of fellow students of life.

A wise friend once told me, "Do the next right thing each day and leave the rest to the Lord."  That is so true ... the small steps I take each day determine my tomorrows.  I keep those words of wisdom in my mind so even when my body is wracked with pain and I just want to hide.  At the end of the day, I'm glad that I made those small steps.  I preach to anyone who will listen, "Don't you quit ... don't you give up ... don't you stop trying!!" 

One of the best ways to remember what God has taught us through different experiences is to write down lessons while they are fresh.  If you've never done any journaling, begin now by recording short sentences that pertain to each day.  When I was in Florida a few months ago, I gave my daughter a journal along with a jar of topics.  All she had to do to begin journaling was to pick a slip of paper out of the jar.  She writes well and I hope that she is enjoying her new endeavor!!

As night falls, I am drawn indoors.  My tub fills as I finish my blog ... I've gathered some scented soap, fluffy towels and a couple of candles to quiet my soul.  Until tomorrow, I pray you will have sweet dreams ... always know you are loved and prayed for!!

Miss Dottie

PS  Oh, yes ... maybe along with journaling, I might suggest planting a small garden ... even a pot will do!!  You just never know ... you might just like it!

1 comment:

  1. I showed the journal and idea-jar that you gave me to Marcia when she was here visiting over Spring Break and Easter. She thought it was such a thoughtful gift and creative idea to get me started on journaling. I agreed-

    I sure hope you are taking tons of pics of the makeover in Hillsboro! I see a future magazine before and after article. (small town America revamped!)

    Love ya,
