Sunday, April 22, 2012

The day, the hour, the minute...

April 22, 2012

Hi there!  It's your friend, Miss Dottie, checking in.  What a glorious morning it is in Central Texas.  Sadie and I meandered outside to bask in the sunshine and I enjoyed a cup of coffee.  Sadie is still scratching and I think we'll need to make a trip to the vet tomorrow.  Poor baby is miserable -- her allergies are really giving her fits.

Michael and I tackled trimming the bushes on the front of the little casa yesterday.  They really needed a haircut!!  Looks much better I must admit.  We need to get some sod put down in the front.  Guess that will be our next project.  The Pecan Tree looks like it might give us a pecan crop this year.  We've had lots of rain and I gave it some food to help it along.  I've neglected my gardens the past couple weeks ... they are forgiving ... the flowers continue to pop up and bloom!

After we trimmed bushes, we decided that we would paint around the front door, and the two doors in the back.  I already had the paint which saved us a trip to the hardware store.  Took us several hours but the doors look great!!  Living in an old house keeps us on our toes ... always something needing attention!!  I am touching up paint inside and organizing closets and drawers.  I will be so excited when I can move clothes and stuff into the casita.  We will have just the right amount of space!!

Lupe has been such a sweetheart.  He wants to make sure that the casita is just the way I want it.  He called from Lowe's Thursday night to make sure he was getting the french doors I had specified.  Nope...  Good thing I had taken a photo of the doors and knew the item number ... they were at Home Depot.  He trekked over there and loaded the doors on to his truck.  He and his right hand man were here Friday, cutting the hole in the garage and putting in the doors.  Perfect!!  I get so excited each step of the way!!

My last blog was on the wounded woman.  I had several emails from readers who shared their stories.  I just love that.  One of my readers called the wounded woman a designated victim.  I thought about that a lot and, yes, I would say that is often the case.  Whether a man or a woman, an angry wounded person picks on the meekest.  Perpetrators hand pick the most trusting child.  Why?  Because of that person's gentleness and the probability that they will not retaliate.  When I lived in the Women's Shelter, my counselor brought that up ... I had been the designated victim for many in my family.  It's been tough because I am a gentle spirit and I trust easily.  I give unconditional love in many cases where I should have bold love.  God did not put me on this earth to be the whipping post or a victim.  He put me on this earth to glorify Him and be victorious!!

Matthew 24:26 says "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."  That's true about when Christ will return and it's also true about the time that God will call us home.  I think about that knowing that I have been given a purpose ... a job to do.  There are times when I am driven to sit at my computer with my fingers trying to keep up with the thoughts running through my mind.  There are times when I have visions of people and am called to pray for them.  It's become second nature to obey ... to go into uncharted territory where I am unfamiliar knowing that the door is open.

Many of my blogs have been about walking in the light.  Last Friday, I decided to attend a Bible Study at White Bluff Resort ... the study is on Living Like You Belong to God.  The facilitator is wonderful and I learned things that I never knew before.  Did I hear you say, "What?"  Well, I always thought that to be holy meant to be perfect.  Holy means to be set apart for a particular purpose.  The first recorded words of God are "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:3) and He has been separating light and darkness ever since.  I sat by Stacy and she asked me about my move.  I shared that I often times felt like a duck out of water.  She looked at me and said, "Personally, I think you have been called to be a light in your neighborhood."  (Now that was before the class started!)

I have this day, this hour, this minute to share my life that others would have hope in a risen Lord.  I belong to the fraternity of the priesthood of believers and that bond cannot be broken.  For those of you who belong to fraternities and sororities, you understand how deep the bond is between members.  Do I want others to see light, honor, and love in me?  Or, do I want them to see someone who is better than they are, aloof, and distant?  Absolutely not!!!

Light is to be the characteristic of Christians.  We are clearly to be separated from the darkness ... no gray, no shade, no shadows.  In other words, I am to shine in a dark world so that everyone will see truth and some will even seek the Father.  Is your holiness (remember to be set apart for a particular purpose) clearly visible to a dark world?

Ask God to show you areas of darkness in your own life.  If God shows you, then, confess it as sin knowing that He has promised to cleanse you from all unrighteousness.  Then, go boldly into the light living out the purpose that God has set you apart for.  Oh, it feels so good!!!!  Sometimes, I sit outside in the aqua adirondack chair with my face lifted up to the sun.  I can feel the heat ... the rejuvination flooding throughout my body.  No more lies, no more secrets ... just light, love, and the will to be obedient!

Have a wonderful day ... find a sunny spot, close your eyes, and feel the warmth!  Let your mind wander ... think about your particular purpose in life.  You're not here to just take up space you know!!  Besides, natural Vitamin D is good for you!!!!

Miss Dottie

PS:  Don't forget to water the flowers in your life!
Bloom where you are planted!!!

1 comment:

  1. Your blog reminds me of a wonderful Christmas Eve at church. We all lit our candles at the end of the service. At that point the pastor told the story of Christ and how Christians are the light of the world. He held his candle up in the air and said ...hmmmmm... not too light in here--how about every one hold their candles high in the air. The service held around 200 people and as we lifted our candles in the air light filled the room (and tears filled my eyes). It was soooo beautiful. I will never forget that moment!

    ..this little light of mine--I'm gonna let it shine!!


    p.s. the Casita is coming along beautifully!
