Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Eye of the Storm

April 4, 2012

Police chase on Franklin Street!!  What a way to wake up. At first when I heard the sirens, I thought it was an ambulance heading for the hospital.  It didn't take me long to jump out of bed and look out the window when I realized there were two sirens going and a car moving at a high rate of speed.  The car made a u-turn at the end of the street then came back in front of the house.  I'm sure we will hear about what happened when the Reporter comes out tomorrow!  News travels fast in a small town!!

"And when he got into the boat, his disciples followed him.  And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being swamped by the waves; but he was asleep.  And they went and woke him, saying, 'Save us, Lord; we are perishing.'  And he said to them, 'Why are you afraid, O you of little faith?'  Then he rose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.  And the men marveled, saying, 'What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?'"
~~Matthew 8:23-27 ESV              

Yesterday afternoon, tornadoes whipped through the Dallas/Fort Worth area and it's suburbs tossing semi trailers about in the air as if they were small toys.  I was glued to the TV praying that God would protect not only our family but all of the people affected by this disaster.  We were on the edge of the storm.  I was working in the back yard and all of a sudden, it became dark as night and the rain began to fall in sheets.  It was a strange rain ... no wind ... the rain came straight down.  I walked out to the back porch and could barely see.  I aimed my camera at the darkness in the back yard and hoped that the flash would capture the eeriness of the afternoon.

The media was out before, during, and after the storms warning and reporting.  There hadn't been much lead time so when the newsmen (and city sirens) called for a "take cover" people did just that.  It is a miracle that there was no loss of life.  One of the stories was that of a grandmother who was caring for her grandson and two other toddlers.  She took them all to the bathroom, hunkered down in the bathtub and prayed.  The storm nearly took her grandson and she held on!!  I stood in front of the TV this morning in awe. The reporter showed the house where she was.  It was GONE except for the wall behind the tub and the tub itself.  She did what she was supposed to do (get into the tub), prayed, and left the rest to the Lord.  Picture this ... sink gone, tiles gone, toilet gone, tornado whipping around her and yet, she and the babies were okay.  WHAT A MIRACLE!!!!  I tried to find a photo of her home on the Internet. If I can find it, I will definitely pass it on.  The photo itself would really tell a story!  There have been no reported deaths from the storm ... ANOTHER MIRACLE!!!

During the storms in our lives we are often times numb and called upon to protect ourselves and those we care about.  "When times are tough, the tough get going."  I think it's more than that.  From the time I was born, I learned to protect myself.  As a small child, I retreated into my fantasy world when times got too much to handle.  When times were good, I absorbed knowledge finding solace in the Lord.  As I grew to adulthood my knowledge expanded and I began reading the Bible on a regular basis, taking classes, and rewriting my own survival manual.  I had to put away the tools I used as a child and began to grow up.  Each time a storm came, instinctively I learned to stay in the eye.

As a Mama Bear, I would gather my children close and protect them during storms teaching them survival.  As they have grown up, they too retreat to the eye protecting their own.  To leave the eye meant trying to survive in the turmoil and debris.  To stay in the eye, didn't mean we weren't scared.  It just meant that we did what we were supposed to do.  Somehow, it has just worked.  I am probably one of the best people you would want around you in a crisis or emergency.  I act, not react, and do what needs to be done.  Oh gosh, I may fall apart afterward, but in the storm, I  have a peace and a purpose.  Where does that come from?  A lot of living and a lot of knowing that God has protected me as His own!!  Faith ... faith can move a mountain!

There are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing out there ... people who say one thing but do another.  There will be unscrupulous contractors knocking on doors promising people quick fixes today.  In fact, the news reported that contractors were out last night.  We need to be wise as serpents and gentle as lambs in times of trial.  We need to ask questions and really listen ... people of the lie, trip themselves up.  They are vague and twist truth with a smile ... honest people don't mind questions, don't get defensive, and want clarity.

The EYE OF THE STORM ... a place, a refuge to which we can flee.  The place where God himself resides in perfect stillness, calmness, security, and peace.  You are safe in the Father's arms.  Are you going through storms today?  Hassles?  Hurts?  Heavy stuff?  Loss of home or family?  Today in the Dallas area, the Red Cross is out, mayors are declaring towns disaster areas, federal aid will come, and volunteers are on the scene for cleanup.   However, during that storm there was man and there was God.  The grandmother and others who were caught in the midst of flying debris weren't calling the bank to see if their accounts had enough money.  They were dialing Jesus 911 -- the one who holds ALL and is mighty.  When all you have is lost, God says, "Am I not enough?"  How about taking some time today to think about what's really important in your life.  If you lost everything like so many in Arlington, Forney, and Lancaster and you and your family were safe, would you feel blessed?  The Lord God is there to hold us and see us through the storms.

Flee to the EYE OF THE STORM today and know his peace!!

I am headed out to survey my gardens this morning.  From my perch at the dining room table everything looks green and lush.  As for you, my Readers, always remember that you are loved and prayed for...YA YOU!!

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23)
Your perfect love is casting out fear (1John 4:18)
And even when I'm caught in the middle of the storms of this life (Mark 4:35-41)
I won't turn back (John 6:66-69)
I know You are near (Psalm 145:18)

Have a safe and joyous day!!
Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we don't realize how much God has protected us until we look back. The times in our lives when we took one path vs. another…. I am so very grateful to God for his blessings and protection.

    I am really enjoying a week with family. Spring Break as offered an opportunity to spend a week with Tim's brother's family in Montana. We are skiing, watching old family movies, playing games, exploring the area, running, doing Yoga, feeding the resident horses, visiting museums, and the BEST part is.....we are spending time together and creating memories! Next on the vacation list--Dallas!!

    Thanks for a wonderful blog - Love ya
