Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God bless America!

July 4, 2012

It's July 4th, a day of celebrating Independence Day ... a day of picnics, song, parades, and fireworks.  I love it!!  I was hoping to have my flag up on the casita or on the front of the little casa but my handyman hasn't gotten to it.  Bummers!  My little flags are waving in the breeze and I look upon them fondly knowing that I live in an awesome country.

My father served in World War II and the American Flag has such deep meaning for him.  He fought in the trenches, and hoped he would stay alive long enough to return to the beloved country he represented.  In battle after battle, the flag stood tall.  All a soldier had to do was look to the flag ... they knew exactly what they were fighting for.  FREEDOM from tyranny!!

Today we travel about, we don't have to go through check points or worry about our homes being blown up.  We are able to wave our flags and sing patriotic songs ... God Bless America, The Stars Spangled Banner, America the Beautiful, Stars and Stripes Forever, Proud to be an American, This Land is your Land...  We are able to gather as friends and family enjoying our nation from sea to sea, north to south.  Michael and I went over to the nursing home at 2pm and to partake in the 4th of July Bingo Celebration Party with Mom.  She was like a little kid filling up her Bingo card!!

Did freedom mean more to those who gave their lives fighting for it?  My father was a young man full of life and joy ... he gave his all as a soldier not knowing how it would affect him later in life.  He lived a life worthy of a veteran of war.  It grieved him deeply when his son fought in Viet Nam and our soldiers were looked down upon.  How cruel of us as citizens to blame our soldiers for doing what they were asked to do.  Yet, we have that freedom to protest don't we?! 

Today is about freedom.  I blog not worrying that I will go to jail for my faith and being open about my life's journey.  I am able to choose where I live.  If I am in bondage, it is of my own making.  Freedom means I take responsibility for my own actions.  Think on that last sentence if you will...  I can choose and that means a lot to me.  I picked up my father's dog tags this morning and held them tightly (I keep them in a little white box that was my great grandmothers next to my bed).  I prayed hoping that my father heard my petitions of appreciation.  I know he's waving his flag today in heaven!!

G'daughter Madison
I will be traveling to Minnesota in July to gather with some high school friends at a lake house in Elko.  I am blessed to have the freedom to do that.  My granddaughter will be flying to Texas in July to spend time with me.  She has the freedom to do that.  We are able to come together without fear and I am grateful!!  We have the freedom to work at the jobs we desire; we have the freedom to enjoy attending the church of our choice; we have the freedom to speak our minds; we have so much!!!

Happy 4th of July, Readers ... The price of freedom is high and not something to be taken for granted.   Guard your heart AND your freedom!  America began as the land of opportunity and immigrants came in droves.  My great grandparents on my father's side and my gr-gr-gr-gr grandparents on my mother's side came from Norway and England respectively.  Land of the free and the brave.  Free?  Freedom!  Brave?  To come to a land of the unknown took courage and bravery.  To fight in wars and give one's all takes bravery.  To stand up for what's right is bravery.

I am proud to be an American ... at least I know I'm free ... I stand up and salute the flag this day and every day knowing that I have a responsibility to my family and my country.  If we aren't diligent, the country as we know it, will cease to exist and blood will run across our countryside.  You say that will never happen?  Study European history and American history ... you'll get my drift.  The time to stand up and be counted is TODAY!!

Mom loves the
American Flag too!!
Parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, friends tell your young ones about those in your families that have served in the wars for freedom.  Tell them about 9-11 and how quickly life can change.  Teach them to be responsible and accountable as citizens.  Let them see the love in your eyes and hearts that you have for our beloved country.  Enjoy your day and wave a flag (even if it's in front of the television watching the fireworks!).

This 4th of July 2012 will soon come to a close.  Think I'm going to enjoy some Tex Mex and check to see when the fireworks in Washington start.  Until we come together for another chat, I am wishing you freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness all mixed up with a love of our Lord God!!

Miss Dottie



1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness--love your photos of Michael's mom! She looks elated to celebrate July 4th. How cute is she?! Bingo, you, Michael, and surrounded by friends is just what the doctor ordered for that special lady.

    Freedom has been a luxury that I have experienced my whole life. I am beyond grateful for the sacrifices of previous generations and for the men and women in the armed forces today. An event like 9/11 is a reminder to cherish each day of peace and freedom on our soil.

    Thanks for a great blog -
