Thursday, July 5, 2012

A thief that comes in the night...

Providence Village, TX

July 5, 2012

Gooooood Morninggggg, Readers!  Weren't the 4th of July fireworks spectacular this year?  We watched them at Providence Village last weekend and took in the Macy's fireworks on TV last night.  All I can say is WOW!!  At a time when our country is so crazy, it was heartwarming to see men, women, and children of all ages waving flags and singing.  I went to bed humming a medley of patriotic songs!!

I'm not sure who let Fibromyalgia in last night but I woke up this morning and wondered what in the world was going on.  I put one foot on the floor then the other and almost went to my knees.  Every bone and muscle in my body was screaming.  I thought that I must have been beaten in my sleep and actually looked for bruises.  None...  Just nasty old Fibromyalgia coming as a thief in the night to steal my day.  Anyone who has Fibromyalgia or knows of someone who does, can attest that it can be a nasty ugly thing.  I look okay on the outside but feel like a fog has entered my brain and a virus has taken over my body.  Craziest thing...  I get so upset when this happens because I have things I want to do today ... things I NEED to do today!!!!  I will get as my done as possible.

My mother had rheumatoid arthritis and she would have some nasty days ... I remember her telling me that she used to write something funny in the dust on her end table when her wrists didn't allow her to wield a duster.  I didn't understand that then ... I sure do now.  I am grateful for all the strides that have been made in dealing with osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia because, for the most part, I function quite well.

I read about Paul in the Bible and the "thorn in his side" that was with him always.  (2 Corinthians 12:7-10) God chose not to heal him and that was okay with Paul.  I think that the degenerative disk disease, osteoarthritis, and Fibromyalgia are my thorns in my side.  I've prayed for healing but as of today, I still have my "thorns."  I am now praying to be content whatever comes my way and to have accelerated energy in my good days.  I am finding that I need more rest these days ... I NEVER used to take a nap unless I was sick or recovering from surgery.  Now?  I either have to take a siesta in order to stay up later or go to bed earlier.  Is that called rolling with the flow?

As a Senior Citizen, I am finding that each day has it's blessings and challenges.  Every time I go to visit Mom in the nursing home, I wonder if I will live like that one day.  Last summer, my friends Elaine and Pam were talking about their bucket lists.  Doing becomes more important each year for we know not what the next will bring.  I don't know about you but I need an infusion of positiveness and encouragement each day.  I don't do well with negative, hateful people who are disrespectful causing me distress.  Oh, it's fine to say that we shouldn't let negativism affect our lives but, I'm here to say it does affect me and it's been on my bucket list to limit time with sour apples!!

Hmmm...I just had several flashbacks so I need to get off that subject and put in a new tape.  I prefer to look forward not back ... to the light, not the darkness ... to joy, not gloom.  I look forward to the completion of the casita where there is peace and a sense of safety.  I am thinking of advertising in the newspaper to see if I can gather some women up for an in home Bible study.

My reading through the Bible continues.  I am in Proverbs 18-21 today and learning about wise decisions in life.  "The yoke of the Lord Jesus will never fit on a stiff neck."~~ (Daily Walk Bible) ... "What a shame - yes, how stupid to decide before knowing the facts."~~Proverbs 18:13 ... "We can justify our every deed but God looks at our motives."~~Proverbs 21:2 ... "Don't repay evil for evil.  Wait for the Lord to handle the matter."~~Proverbs 20:22.  Lots of good stuff ... I'll be meditating on what I read throughout the day.

Seems odd having a holiday in the middle of the week.  Tomorrow is Friday!!  Yea!!  I hope that you have an absolutely fabulous day.  Don't get your knickers in a knot and fret about all what's wrong with today and those around you.  Put a smile on your face and greet the day with the gusto of a locomotive!!  As for me, I am off to take a little siesta then do what I can to clean up my messy casa!

Miss Dottie

1 comment:

  1. Health is definitely something to be cherished, yet usually we don't realize this until we are challenged with a health condition. I sure hope your fibro stays away most days. I am impressed with the way you manage the condition!
