Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jingle Bells & a white haired lady in a VW Bug

December 5, 2012

A rousing good morning to you Readers!  I woke up this morning humming Jingle Bells.  I love music and find myself humming away most of my day.  I started doing that when I needed to erase the old tapes running rampant in my mind.  I would keep my mind occupied by quoting scriptures from the Bible to refute Satan's words and would sing uplifting songs.  The old adage of changing a habit in 30 days is true, 'cause I've managed to keep new habits (with the help of music!) going for eight years!!!

The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.~~Exodus 15:2

Did you know that Jingle Bells is one of the best-known and commonly sung winter songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822-1893)  and published under the title "One Horse Open Sleigh" in the autumn of 1857. Even though it is commonly thought of as a Christmas song,  it was actually originally written to be sung for Thanksgiving.  When Michael and I took our horse-drawn carriage ride in Clifton last Saturday, I was singing that song.  I am glad that my husband isn't embarrassed by my little quirks!!

O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.~~Psalms 95:1

I decided to spend some time in the cottage today.  I poured myself a cup of Ahmad of London Breakfast Tea (if you are a tea drinker, give this one a try!), grabbed my computer and headed out to the backyard.  One thing about going on vacation, I don't have to go far!!  Now all I need is a pond or swimming pool!!

What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also.~~1 Corinthians 14:15 ESV

Do you like flannel sheets?  I bought a pair for the bed in the cottage and put them on this morning.  I can hardly wait for a cold night so I can go out, light a fire in the fireplace, and hop into some cuddly sheets.  On cold nights in Minnesota, my mother used to put my flannel sheets in the oven to warm them before putting me to bed.  When my babies had tummy aches, I used to put flannel blankets in the dryer to warm them and put the blankets on their tummies.  It did the trick.  Warm fuzzy memories!!

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.~~Aldous Huxley

Sadie is struggling with thyroid and liver issues again.  She had a bout of diarrhea that lasted a couple weeks and her coat once a glistening black has dulled.  I hate it that she is growing old and having to deal with health issues.  I've been reading up on Scottish Terriers and the problems she is having is typical for the breed.  As I type, she is laying at my feet ... she is my Sadie Lady ... my constant companion.  I am grateful for our time together!

There is no truer truth obtainable by man than comes of music.~~Robert Browning

Yesterday, Beverly and I went over to Dress Barn.  On the way back home, we were chatting and not paying attention to the speed limit (in a school zone no less).  I looked ahead of me and saw a police officer motioning me to pull over.  He looked inside the car and smiled, "Sweetheart, did you not see the speed posting?"  "No sir, I did not, we were chatting away and I missed it."  He asked for my driver's license and insurance card and walked back to his car.  I looked at Beverly and she looked at me ... oh dear, those tickets for speeding in a school zone are $200 or more...  The officer returned to the car grinning ... "Maam, today's your lucky day, see that car behind you?  You were going 32 in a 20; he was going 35 in a 20 ... we'll get him instead.  By the way, do you know that you need to have a front license plate?  (I shook my head)  Better get one on.  And, another thing, do you wear contacts?  (I nodded yes - didn't want to get into my cataract operations)  Well, you little ladies have a great day and drive safe."

Phew ... little white haired lady behind the wheel of a red VW bug.  I guess the police officer didn't think I posed much of a threat to society.  I've noticed that the older I get, the less people expect of me.  There are benefits to being a senior!!  I'm not particularly frail looking but do enjoy having doors opened in front of me by total strangers and the patience afforded me wherever I go.  When Beverly and I went out yesterday, I put on my Uggs, leggings, and a long sweater ... the manager at Dress Barn said, "Miss Dottie, you are so cute today, I just want to squeeze you!"  PLEEZEE!  Who said I needed to be a dowdy white haired lady?!  He he

Always remember you are loved and prayed for ... YA YOU!!

Miss Dottie

PS  "The earth has grown old with its burden of care But at Christmas it always is young.  The heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair And its soul full of music breaks the air, When the song of angels is sung."~~Phillips Brooks (1835-93), American Episcopal bishop, wrote 'O Little Town of Bethlehem

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness!! I have those same Christmas flannel sheets. Saw them at Target and couldn't resist getting them for the guest room. Peter was here a few weeks ago and said he slept so well. I think little details make such a difference and enjoy spoiling our guests/friends/family.

    Way to go...getting out of a ticket isn't easy. It was your lucky day--guess you 'still got it'. lol

    You and Beverly are creating some great memories. Lucy and Ethel watch out!!

    Love ya~
